Did a quest through a dungeon in gianthold tonight. The party was looking for a sorc and a sorc only, not wizard. I thought it odd, but requested a join. The fighter asked before I joined if I had firewall, I said sure. We did the quest level 11 eliete I am level 9, the rest of the party was 9-11.
This group was the most well run, and well planned out group I have ever seen in four years of playing. Three tanks, a cleric and me. All the tanks did was shield block and aggro. The leader would run off bring back the aggro, three tanks shield blocked perfectly, and I was instructed to firewall behind everyone. The cleric just stood there and healed maybe once or twice. It was amazing, no one died, no one ran off, the stray wandering monster was killed by the tanks, but most of the mobs just burned away in my firewalls.
At the end of the quest one of the tanks complained that it was "not fun" because he hardly swung his sword. The kill count was me at 60 and everyone else under 10. I told the tank, your alive you did your job and I did mine, so why complain? That was probably the easiest eliete quest you will ever do.
In some instances is there a trade off between having fun and doing your job and playing the game well?