Shogyo Mujo (Nothing lasts forever and everything must change).@>---Fuhgly, Suzee, Blohnde, Shakkei, Redhawt, Sanctified, Punkrawk, Gaelsong, Deviliscious, Liethal----<@
KhyberR e v e n a n t s RenownedThelanis
Thought I was just off with intimitank, sorry about it right now Intimivasion! Varr is now level 8/2.
To the good.......sitting on 8/6/4 30/60/90 point heals with the dragon marks that help keep me up and with there fast fire rate help me help the cleric in tough combat situations heal the big tanks. I have aquired a very nice spell selection (70% or so) of the attainable spells thru random looting and my leveling spells are making sure I am getting the critical ones.....firewall/solid fog/dimention door/blur and the like. Evasion has been very nice with enemy caster fireballing and the like esp when coupled with a +3 reflex boost thru two lines of halfling reflex inhancement. Unlike previous casters I am using masters touch and still swinging a +1 holy scimitar or throwing the +3 returning dagger durring combat. I have done one vons run 1-6 and searched and disabled 12 of the 16 traps (real rouge got the other ones) so feel good about my rogue skills, Ol got a nice burst when I took my second level of rogue (currently Concentraion, Search, Disable, And Umd are maxed.......Ol is moderate, and most everything else like social skills, jump and the like are frozen at their inital 4 skill points plus mod.)
To the some point I can feel Im going to cave. I have about 40k plat now and still have bought nothign but spell components and inscription matierials. Im sitting at a very soft 83 hp with a 14 con (my base con item as of yet and only a lesser false life (+5 hp) ring.)) I continue to fight my earge to lead the group physicaly which this toon is just not ready for hp/ac(ac will always suck.but no stoneskin/falselife/displacment spell slots yet, nor the mana to waste on them) wise. Not having diplomacy capped is driving me woudl be a perfect socail skill for this guy. I knew the spell points would suffer with this build thru these levels and am at 525 with a tangleroot gemstone. Being a big believer in buffing, I am normaly hitting the crew with extended blur and hero and one resist typicaly then out comes the scimmy or throwing dagger. There is a little mana left occationaly for some webs or firewalls, but running very skinny here. I used the two shrines 3 times each in von 5! Lol, that was fun to get to blast away, 1000 sp every 15 min.
Im finding this a very complex build for playstyle and would deff not recommend this to a newer player but recommend it highly to anyone that is bored or looking for a challenge. This toon can do almost anything but toe to toe melee and is very exciting to run, but I think you have to really know the game.
Last edited by Varr; 05-12-2008 at 03:11 PM.
Varr's all over. Cannith Varr getting the love currently.
Now that Im level 10 it is time to do a couple of things. Every 3 days I will rotate a vons 1-6 run, hard is next up for vons. I have done most of the quests I had on the schedule except the very xp rich therals run that I have had a very hard time getting groups for, so that will be fixed coming up. It is also time to venture into the non preraid Gianthold quests n/h. At level 11 and 12 those quests on e and the preraid quests n/h. Im very excited about level 13 bringing me mass suggesion and greater hero, but that is some work off. Looks like I have 7 days into the first 10 levels, but expect it to be another 7 to get thru 10 11 and 12.
Im not fishing here, just an observation. To date I have been invited to three guilds.....non of which are posted on the Thelanis server listing so I have declined. At some point I would think I will run into a group that is registered and guild up. Im not in any rush to do this, and once I do it will be with a mature guild that has decent but not overwhelming membership and runs tight.....together and raids regularly. Since I have been on server for only 7 days Im probably not ready to even make a decision like this, but Im going to be looking to the social side of the game as soon as Im done power leveling this little halfling in another week or so I would think.
20 dragon, 20 giant, and blah 20 elven relics to start on. See ya in the Hold!
Varr's all over. Cannith Varr getting the love currently.
**** I wish I could level as fast as you. Pugs scare me. I have a little level 3 whom I've created about 3 weeks ago. I soloed a couple of quests but it would be far faster to get xp in groups so I tried to PUG. I've had 3 experiences so far and it makes me want to put this character on the shelf until some guildies make monks.
Officer of The Band of the Shifting Sands
Bluntzen Herk Kalashtar Jamira Kaminagi Linwei Minimurg Murgatroyd Sesshomaru
He who controls the present, controls the past. He who controls the past, controls the future. --George Orwell
Not to brag, but I have killed off to many capped toons to not be good at xp farming by now. My favorite part of the game is levels 1-6 so have a pretty decent pattern (that I had to adjust with this super squishy build.) Ive been trying to put together a bit of a blue print for leveling here too, which is why I have been going into the detail of quests I have been running hoping to help a bit. I focus on getting 150 coin lord favor by level 4 or 5 in my plan as well, 150 house d favor by level 8, 75 house k favor by level 9, and 150 Gianthold favor by level 13. I have had to post Lfm's and head most groups to stay on track/plan. With this being said, I am very lucky in both my loot tables, my /roll 1d100's, and my pug experiances. I luck into solid groups 95% of the time and have yet to have a bad group on Thelanis. With all that being said, since I had the weekend, I played till my left hand cramped on Sat/Sunday. That helps alot in fast leveling! gl!
Last edited by Varr; 05-12-2008 at 03:43 PM.
Varr's all over. Cannith Varr getting the love currently.
Intimivasion will beheading into Threnal to get elite done in the next couple days... and will be hitting trial/maze crucible cabal/feast madstone thereafter.
With regards to buffing... I think you should limit it to blur, if sp are low... people can go buy heroism pots, but you can't buy blur pots. If they don't want to spend the money on basic necessities, why should you alter your play style to accommodate their selfishness. They will never learn to be prepared until people stop holding their hands.
There are some wonderful lists on how they can be better prepared, unfortunately I saw it in someone's siggy and never bookmarked it, but it was good!
KhyberR e v e n a n t s RenownedThelanis
Ill be looking for that thernal run for sure.....and jsut so you know a bit about me.........I like holding hands, and long walks in the park........petting my dog and pizza. Lol! I know what ya mean about the buffing, but since my firewall is a bit cool still, I like the party buffing and find that 3 extended solid fogs in just the right spots between each shrine compleatly changes the look and ease of a quest.
Last edited by Varr; 05-13-2008 at 03:53 PM.
Varr's all over. Cannith Varr getting the love currently.
Hey, Varr. Welcome. Glad you're having fun. I've been trying to swap an intel tome for a dex for weeks now. No takers. And just found another one. Toss me a PM if you would like to use one on your halfling. He's just like a build I drew up just a week ago, except mine would be 32 points, and I don't have any more character slots anyways. So I'm living vicariously through you!
Ty club'in for the offer! And ty Cenn for sending me a couple of very delicous, very sweet items that I had to return. For the sadist in me, I am continuing to run this toon clean and untweeked (overly untweeked.) Im only using what I find or get for end rewards. So no items from people in party unless they find it in a chest and I can trade them for something of equal value and in my estimation equal use to them in game (like I might imagine it being realisticly, no getting a superior potency 4 scepter and trading to the fighter a vendor trash item, got to be like a +3 holy long sword to equate a fair use trade.) Returning things mailed to me by the overly generous players Ive bumped into and no auction house or vendor purchases. Being overly strickt on this issue, to add to the challenge of play more than anything. I expect gianthold to really equipt this character with a nice variety of items though. Till level 8, I had my end loot class specific and at 8 changed to random to broaden my weapon armor and stat item opertunities. As of my current guidlines, I would have to find a str tome or somthing semi special like +4 mith full plate in the same quest I saw a fighter pull a +1 int tome to make that type of trade.
Last edited by Varr; 05-13-2008 at 09:34 PM.
Varr's all over. Cannith Varr getting the love currently.
Welcome to THelanis!!! We are the kinder, gentler server... Well, except for Legion!!!!!
No really, those guys are great, too!
Again, welcome aboard!
+The Goddess of Tempest's Spine+Merc's Only, THELANIS: List is here: LEGIONNAIRE /Salute to Rameses, He has RETURNED!
Fair enough, Varr. But if you'd like to treat it like your piece of chocolate cake, let me know.![]()
14 days into it now...........Varr is about half way thru level 11 now. I've gotten thru thrernals once on normal (end loot is a bit softer than I remember) and spent 3 or so hours collecting my 20 taps and getting my minos helm. Have run pop and madstone on normal (before my plan but there were two groups of 5 that I could not pass up) and a some of the other gianthold quests thru hard. Sitting on 61 favor and looking forward to getting to 75. At 75 I can get a portable hole and utilize the 150 coin lord favor I have had since level 5 (props to the devs for putting this in as a static reward by the way, I have yet to come accross one in normal adventuring with this toon that desparatly needs the extra pack due to components and inscription materials.) Sitting on 10 relics of the 60 I need, have yet to get more than one from a single quest, so hoping not to have to run 50 more gianthold runs to get there.....they better start droping in 2's and 3's occationaly. Titan flagging, Von 5/6 on hard, and (less than) 50 giant hold runs including one crucible run are on the clock. Should get me half way thru level 13. Do to caster love, Im continuing to find little problem with this toon as far as his biggest flaw, level appropriate mana levels, due to being the support/second caster in most every group. At level 8/2 was able to search and disable all the maze of maddness traps on hard........still only eaten one trap so far. I have had to roll a 18 to open the side passage in feast or famine on hard though, so open locks continues to be a stretch untill I can find a +10 or 11 vs the +5 ol item and get greater hero to replace my hero spell. 62k plat is my currently total and am using ah now for selling but not buying of items.
Last edited by Varr; 05-18-2008 at 02:27 PM.
Varr's all over. Cannith Varr getting the love currently.
Well been some big changes for little Varr. In an optional chest on the way to Trail by Fire I picked up a Portable hole finally.............while sitting on 67 gianthold favor.........gerr! So I ran off and got my 5th back pack finaly one quest before getting my static reward portable hole, instead took the shard. Joined a group and ran Madstone Elite which leveled me and got me my 14th and 15th relic....45 to go! Level 10/2 brought me Empower and Enlarge (which I cant live without for the mass suggestion I so dearly love next level.) I am up to 66 k plat.....unfortunalty I now have a level 4 slot for stone skin. So 29k plat later I now have 37 k plat and 1000 stone skin ingrediants (ouch!) Up to 138 hit points now with a ring of improved false life and minos helm on (still no con item but I have gotten a +6 str belt..blah!) This has been enough hp to run safely now so no longer really feel squishy and will improve once I get that con item found. Almost 700 sp now which lets me blur and hero, keep the party hasted for most the quest at 2 min a pop, and cast a couple solid fogs or 69 sp super hot extended firewalls. My concentration and umd are maxed for level and I have reached my personal cap on search and disable which is 14. Will be bringing my ol (now at 10.5) then spot/diplomacy up to 14 going forward as I keep my concentration and umd capped. To my amazment I have found in total 1 cure light wand and two repair serious wands. My umd is not getting much work yet but would guess I will come accross some tasty item I will need it for to equipt. To my annoyance, I joined a group for von 4 (I was dragon ready at this point) just to help and on normal blew up my second trap box! I rolled a 3 +35 dd on one of the boxes behind the shrine on von 4 normal and it crit failed on me!
Varr's all over. Cannith Varr getting the love currently.
While running Madstone Elite, I was asked about guilding by a registered group, The Dark Exile. After answering and asking a few questions about game play, teamwork and the like...........I was sponsered into The Dark Exile. I was able to run again a few min later with two other guildies a Prison of the Planes run on elite and after running two runs with 5 different guildies was very pleased with group. Looking forward to expanding the socail side of little Varrs experiance on Thelanis and suckering.....I mean working with my new guildies on runs that I and they could mutualy benifit from. Hehe! On my current to do list.......Ghola fan and Shreaking mines, the crucible, cursed crypt twice to upgrade my silver flame trinket to second and third tier, von 5/6 on hard then 1-4 on Elite. This should take little varr to level 13 and Greater Hero and Mass Suggestion. Onwards and Upwards!
Varr's all over. Cannith Varr getting the love currently.
glad to hear things are working out for you nicelyIf you need shadow crypt I know I keep that one open (though on hard) on my bard Gaelsong. That will at least give you one upgrade.
Shogyo Mujo (Nothing lasts forever and everything must change).@>---Fuhgly, Suzee, Blohnde, Shakkei, Redhawt, Sanctified, Punkrawk, Gaelsong, Deviliscious, Liethal----<@
Clay is offering to run Crucible with me and now roses for one upgrade on the silver flame! So very nice. Im down for both! Sure you know roses, but others may can actually do your first second and third tier upgrade on your silver flame or emerald claw trinket by running the cursed crypt 3 times instead of doing the bloody, shadow, and cursed crypts 5th quest. The advantage to doing that three times is that I think it is actully a bit easier than the shadow crypt (or maybe jsut less annoying) and more importantly you get a chance to pull the +5 mith full plate or better yet the scourge choaker. Maybe we can get that one set to open on one of your toons together roses like you have shadow set! Win win!
Varr's all over. Cannith Varr getting the love currently.
Yeppers I know but I dont have any toons who can open the cursed crypt...I too am a transplant from another server and so can only open certain things. Tonite Ill be on Sarlona but perhaps can find you tomorrow nite? I usually run with Clay, but I have to get my current cleric Suzee about 25k xp to get to lvl 11 and today has been a bad day for pugging ~sigh~
Kudos to you for the no twinking thing, I know how hard it can be...all my toons on Sarlona are in a guild that runs like that and it makes things quite a challenge, but an enjoyable one..and closest to the pnp feel. We have some unusual builds and we really have our skills and items suited to the party as a whole not us as individuals. We dont twink, all items are only what we find in chests....we do buy from vendors though. Not that you want to rush right out to another server to do it again, but if you are ever interested it is called the dedicated teams guild on sarlona, though there is a branch on thelanis that started recently.
Edit...oh I like the shadow crypt actually..2 casters and a cleric and youre good to go :P
Shogyo Mujo (Nothing lasts forever and everything must change).@>---Fuhgly, Suzee, Blohnde, Shakkei, Redhawt, Sanctified, Punkrawk, Gaelsong, Deviliscious, Liethal----<@
i have shadow crypt open on elite on my 1 to two of my toons i have been tryiong to get the cursed crypt on another toon but leave it to some higher ups to shut down the last quest i need to open it on elite
xoriat player
Caliestro Calierron Dovavin Caliergod Ishane Escaflowne Rander
Wow, lookie my little Varr has quite the following! I really love what you've done with this entry it's a nice journal of your adventures, and a log of all the friends you've made along the way!
Well done my dear friend.