C'mon Q, can't you just throw us a teensy bone and give us an idea of when we might see Mod 7, at least on Risia?
Pretty please?
Keepers of the Arcane Khyber Server (formerly Aundair)
Gengulphus lvl 16.2 paladin -- Phanurius lvl 9 cleric -- Vincens lvl 5 wizard
Dahnte Alighieri lvl 3 bard -- Albertus Magnus lvl 3 paladin -- Dysmas Sunset lvl 3 rogue
Tancro Stone lvl 6 fighter -- Huubert of Liege lvl 4 ranger
Between the WDA last week, and now this week, I'm a:
Ok, I wasn't completely satisified with the detail that a summoned monster like the Bezekira had a "Base attack bonus of 0" so I went on to test this for myself. I summoned a few Bezekira of my own and used Contagion for stat damage as well as Harm/Heal/Symbol of Persuasion/Wounding to find Hit Dice (most monsters tend to have 1 to-hit per 1 HD). Here is what I came out with:Originally Posted by Angelus_dead
STR: 23 (+6 to-hit)
Size: Large (-1 to-hit)
Hit Dice: 10 (should be +10 to-hit)
I then proceeded to let the devil cats hit me while blocking with two weapons for a cumulative AC of 22 (this factors in the 2 AC for blocking). I got the following:
55 hits
70 misses
125 total attempts to attack
56% chance to miss (11/20 attacks missed)
Based on a 22 AC and 11 missed attacks (per 20) that puts the Bezekira around a total to-hit of 11 (for an extra to-hit of 6).
I don't agree that the Bezekira has a BAB of 0. However, I do agree that the to-hit is low, especially when you compare it to the Efreeti.
I rarely use the summoned monsters other than Summon Monster I from scrolls as decoys, so this was interesting to see the huge disparity between the summoned monsters. I did the same testing methodology on a few efreeti as I did bezekira. This is what I got.Originally Posted by Angelus_dead
STR: 23 (+6 To-Hit)
Size: Large (-1 To-Hit)
Hit Dice: 6 (should be +6 To-Hit)
91 hits
9 misses
100 total attempts to attack
9% chance to miss (2/20 attacks missed)
Based on a 22 AC and 2 missed attacks (per 20) that puts the Efreeti around a total to-hit of 20 (for an extra to-hit of 15).
I can understand that there is a reason to bolster the to-hit of summoned critters like the efreeti so that they have a partial chance of being capable at the levels they can be summoned. Due to this, I agree that the Bezekira should be adjusted to match.
Server - Thelanis
All I can say is...where's the support for the level cap increase we got last Mod? Rather than fleshing out what you released last Mod, you need to release the almighty Monk, I get it...but come on...seriously...so will Mod 8 be the one that actually releases enough new NON-MONK related stuff to support the level cap increase?
i thought monster shared the t-hit of clerics not fighters..
It depends on the kind of monster. The creatures under discussion here, Efreetis and Bezerikas, are Outsiders, meaning they have fighter attack bonuses. Other types, such as constructs, use cleric bonuses.
I saw this article at mmorpg.com and the first paragraph just blew me away
We get no info and LOTRO has monthly conference calls with major web sites. I guess I always knew that we were the red headed step child that Turbine used to beta for LOTRO, but given that their next major update is months away, and we have one coming out in 2 weeks, it just seems odd that we wouldn't have anything on any website by now. Maybe they have some surprising news to tell us and t hey are just waiting for the go ahead, who knows. But right now it is just disheartening to so weekly updates on major sites for LOTRO and absolutely nothing for mod 7.Once each month, someone from MMORPG.com sits down with the Lord of the Rings Online developers at Turbine to participate in a conference call. This month it was my turn to take part in our regular monthly talk with Turbine, where they normally share a few new details about an upcoming expansion, a new promotion, an event, or a new feature that they’re particularly excited about.
Here is a link to the article
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