Just a list of Stuff I want and stuff I have for trade
Scourge Choker
Wounding Puncturing Rapier (Hiherst Priority)
+2 Tomes (Con, Wis, Dex, Int, Str)
Cloak of Ice
Firestorm Greaves
Large Ingredients (Scale, Arrowhead and Stone only)
+1 Transmuting Great Sword of Greaver Evil Outsider Bane
+2 Transmuting Kopesh of Greater Evil Outsider Bane (will have to be offerd alot to trade this)
+1 Ghost Touch Scimitar of Smiting
+2 Shock Greatsword of Greater Elf Bane (Dwarf)
+1 Frost Bastard Sword of Greater Giant Bane (Human, UMD 16)
+1 Acid Scimitar of Greater Dragon Bane
+2 Greataxe of Greater Dwarf Bane (dwarf??, UMD 18)
+1 Greataxe of Greater Gnoll Bane
+5 Mitheral Full Plate of Something (think lesser guard)
Garzuul’s Bane
Full Shield Piece Set
Full Tome Pages Set
Tome Page #3 and 8 (x2)
Set of Scales (color of your Choice)
+6 Stat Items
Wizardy V, VI and VII Helm
Disease Immunity Heavy Fort Belt
Mentau's Goggles
+2 Tomes
Cape of the Roc
+1 Tomes
Blue Dragon Helm
White Dragon Helm
Reavers Ring
+5 Con Shield from Scales (new Verson)
Disease Immunity Ring of Spell Resistance 19