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Thread: Dragon6

  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Jan 2007

    Red face Dragon6

    You all probably heard of a kid who plays a tooon named Dragon6 if you play on Thelanis. I felt a bit bad for him. So I put this thread up to help this poor kid out who has trouble finding a good group, or a good guild. I rarely see him in parties anymore and sometimes see random people come up to him and type /laugh to him. So please help Dragon6. Guilds, or groups. I Think he would really appricate it.

  2. #2
    Community Member FoxOne's Avatar
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    Default You can't be serious?

    if you played with him you would know the reason things are as they are.2 servers later i still recommend him to reroll and never use a mic.EDIT:No offense but many tried and you can probably still today dig up elvejon's post from a year ago to the same effect.
    Last edited by FoxOne; 05-03-2008 at 05:57 PM.

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    Angry If you where Dragon6

    Quote Originally Posted by FoxOne View Post
    if you played with him you would know the reason things are as they are.2 servers later i still recommend him to reroll and never use a mic.EDIT:No offense but many tried and you can probably still today dig up elvejon's post from a year ago to the same effect.
    I just want for Dragon6 a guild or a group of people who will be nice to him sure he has a mic, and a anoying voice you can just ask him not to use it. You don't have to decline everytime he wants to join your group. Also ever heard of /squelch! He is a great player who just happens to hav a annoying voice is that why we should tarnish his rep. What if you had a annoying voice or was stuck in his position how would you feel? Did you ever think of that? How would you feel waiting hours on end for a group. Then waiting hours for more people to join. Sure we have our diffrences but do we really have to decline everysingle time he trys to join a group? Rember this how would you feel if you where in his shoes. I bet you feel very bad about how other are treating him. I say just be a bit nicer to Dragon6 and give him a chance before you throw him out of groups!

  4. #4
    Community Member FoxOne's Avatar
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    Default how i'd feel?

    Quote Originally Posted by mistygo View Post
    I just want for Dragon6 a guild or a group of people who will be nice to him sure he has a mic, and a anoying voice you can just ask him not to use it. You don't have to decline everytime he wants to join your group. Also ever heard of /squelch! He is a great player who just happens to hav a annoying voice is that why we should tarnish his rep. What if you had a annoying voice or was stuck in his position how would you feel? Did you ever think of that? How would you feel waiting hours on end for a group. Then waiting hours for more people to join. Sure we have our diffrences but do we really have to decline everysingle time he trys to join a group? Rember this how would you feel if you where in his shoes. I bet you feel very bad about how other are treating him. I say just be a bit nicer to Dragon6 and give him a chance before you throw him out of groups!
    I'd feel 15 bucks to change a name is a steal for that guy.Otherwise he can still offer his teleporting services and crafting and whatever.what you don't realize is all of tharashk couldn't stand him,then another chance was given to him with the merge but he keeps repeating the same mistakes...So you ask me if i was him how i'd feel,i'd pay for a rename and listen to the advice of the playes like myself that told him all he should do to be able to get groups.That does include not using the mic Yelling from the top of his lungs "HJEAL" when his caster is played like a tank and he is miles ahead.Playing with him is living a nightmare over and over and that's that.

  5. #5
    Community Member Quanefel's Avatar
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    I hear what you are saying and can agree to how you feel. Last year there was a 5-6 year old who played and got harassed, made fun of and grieved to no end simply because he was a child. It made me sick to witness it. Sure, their play-style might not be on par with the rest of us but there is no reason to treat a child like that. Here or in the real world. Its like people think any bad behavior is accepted in a game because they can remain anonymous and act as they please. Its behavior like this that make me wonder about some people because as some players have said "Its just a game!", so I guess anything goes?

    I'd personally quest with children and would never turn one down to group with me. They can make you laugh and remind us of the fun we might have forgotten we once had for the game. From a child's perspective, they are probably the only ones in game...truly having "fun". ^_^
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