To all my friends and others on the Thelanis Server.
It has come time for me to run my 20th raid and have a chance at the 'uber' loot I might find on May 11th. To celebrate the first 20th raid I've completed, I thought it might be nice to have a celebration. I didn't get to this point on my own and so I wanted to thank those who have helped.
Fun, Games, Festivities will be occurring from 5pm central to 8pm central (the 20th hour).
If you wish to be involved and participate please send a RSVP to Alexio in game, and let me know if you're simply attending or if you would like to be involved with the preparation of the event (Photographers please let me know). Donations for the food, drinks, and prizes are also welcome if you want to show your support but are unable to attend.
To those who know me, or knew me as the original Alexio on Xoriat are most welcomed. Friends, guild mates (old and new) are most welcomed. Even if you want to just hang out and have fun, you are most welcomed. Costumes and Roleplaying are strongly encouraged. Please leave your shields and weapons at the door.
~May the spirits illuminate your path, to guide you, protect you, and lead you to your greatest of glories~
All information of the event is posted here;