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  1. #1
    Community Member shores11's Avatar
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    Default Mod 7 - New Dungeons

    I have read in detail several things that will be added and/or modified in module 7. What I have not read yet is will there be new dungeons added and approximately how many.

    To go into even more detail will all of the new dungeons be a feeder to a new raid or will there also be several new stand alone dungeons and series seperate from any raids?

    I certainly like and appreciate the stand alone dungeons and stand alone series as much as the raids. Please add more of these!
    Fizban - Avatar of Khyber
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  2. #2
    Community Member shores11's Avatar
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    Is there no information out there on upcoming dungeons to Mod 7?
    Fizban - Avatar of Khyber
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  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by shores11 View Post
    Is there no information out there on upcoming dungeons to Mod 7?
    There IS 2 Raids however..... Logic dictates one should be a Stand aone Raid A-La tempest Spine since that Raid was the Overwhelming victor in the "Whats your Favorite Raid" Poll a while back.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Severlin View Post
    We don't envision starting players with Starter Gear and zero knowledge playing on Hard or Elite.

  4. #4


    confirmed in the dev chat last month on DDOCAst is the following

    3 barrel cove converted to adventure zone with 6 quests returning plus 3 new quests, this will be a CR4 area with a safe zone a la gianthold. the outdoor area will be the whole isalnde tah 3 barrel cove is part of.

    High level underground adventure zone with 2 raids in them that continues the shavarath invasion theme, what kind of raids is not known.

    Discussed very early on was a revamp to lowbie harbor area, no talk recently on whether this is going to happen or the thought became the revamp for 3 barrel.

    That is all that is confirmed
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  5. #5
    Community Member shores11's Avatar
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    Thats good to know if it is what is planned.

    However I really liked a lot of dungeons not related to raids and would hope that these also will grow.
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    There aer several more but just kind of an idea of the stand alones I was referring to.
    Fizban - Avatar of Khyber
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  6. #6
    Community Member shores11's Avatar
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    Well thats a start but it seems kind of light.

    Who thinks they need to spend more time on non-raid style dungeon or questing?
    Fizban - Avatar of Khyber
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  7. #7
    Community Member ahpook's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shores11 View Post
    Well thats a start but it seems kind of light.

    Who thinks they need to spend more time on non-raid style dungeon or questing?
    I do. I know a lot of people like the raid content, but it doesn't work for me. I play in a small guild (7 people) of friends and we quest almost exclusively within our guild (often short manning quests). Most of us have run very few raids because of the 12 man format.

    I haven't begrudged anyone their raids but the last few mods have been very raid centric with quests designed to get you to the raid. When I signed up for DDO there was something like 80 quests and 1 raid, so raids were not a key feature. The mods since then have had far more raid content than that average (10 - 15 % raid content) with the best loot only available by playing in this format. Now for this mod to have 2 raids it seems like they are overdoing it.
    Last edited by ahpook; 05-05-2008 at 01:40 PM.

  8. #8
    Community Member Varr's Avatar
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    Default Counterpoint

    For many bigger guilds though, raids are the best way to get a half of your on line buddies together and communicating all at once. As of now there are only Dragon, Dq, Abbot, Tempest Spine, Titan, Reaver, and Shroud raids totaling 7 (6 doable) of the 150ish? quests letting bigger groups play together for epic runs. Sure more content is great on all levels, but I would suggest that the bigger groups raid content is behind in options, not the other way around. Aditionaly the feeder quests like Pop, Crucible, and Madestone have been very well generated to offer the individual 6 man groups quailty goals without forcing the raid. Tempest Spine is unique in that there are no feader quests nor any super loot but it is beloved by many for the big group team feel, not necessarly the 6 or so modest chests available. I think the game might be better served in mass with 30 more tempest spine type raid runs added to round out an option list like this.........140ish or so solo-6 man quests.........30ish 8-12 man raids like Tempest Spine...........and 6-10 12 man super raids with tasty rewards and feader quest requirements like Titan.
    Last edited by Varr; 05-05-2008 at 03:29 PM.
    Varr's all over. Cannith Varr getting the love currently.

  9. #9


    Yes, more content is always a plus but look at the past. We get new content, we get broken quests, and not just the new ones. It happens every time. There's STILL issues with earlier quests that aren't fixed (we know what they are). And if you feel this way now about this mod, how are you going to feel if/when they add epic classes?

    You want new content? Roll a new toon of a class you've not played yet. The quests take on different aspects as a caster versus a cleric or as a rogue compared to a barbarian. There's some quests I've only done a few times and I've been here since Beta. I don't power level/power game for the uber end game items. I enjoy the game. Granted I only play about 20hrs a week give or take a few hours.

    But ask yourself this. If you have max # of toons and they're all capped within 2 weeks of a new level cap, and you've run all the content 100s of times, are you enjoying the game or are you power-grinding the game? If you're power-grinding the game then why play cause you're not truly enjoying it.
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  10. #10


    I agree that it would be great seeing some non-raid quest chains. What the higher levels are really missing are more quest chains like WW/Shan-to-Kor, Greymoon/CO6, Delera's Tomb, etc. where you have a nice series, but without having some uber raid boss at the end. Those always always seem the most fun at lower levels, because it's about the quest as a whole, and not just killing some guy at the end for the raid loot du jour. It would be a nice alternative to balance out what always seems like the obligatory raid sequence -- the one that everyone repeats ad nauseum because it's THE thing to do.

    More individual quests wouldn't hurt either at higher levels, but they don't seem as badly needed as the aforementioned "regular" chains.

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    jbrownos - 24 year old human male - Level 36 commoner with 3 divine ranks

  11. #11


    Something you should realize with this next mod is that MOST of the effort is going into Monks, not new quests. Just the title of the new Mod, The Way of the Monk (or something like that) should say it all.
    The Misfit Toys
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  12. #12
    Founder Hambo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nerate Mireth View Post
    Something you should realize with this next mod is that MOST of the effort is going into Monks, not new quests. Just the title of the new Mod, The Way of the Monk (or something like that) should say it all.
    As was stated earlier, some of the first media interviews mentioned a reworking of "noob harbor", providing a better training area for new players, and new lowbie content, so that all the new monks and others classes rolled with the idea that lowbie activity will be high will have new things to do.

    I havent seen anything on these topics since those first interviews, however, and the WDAs seem to be intended more for playability enhancement news than content.
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  13. #13
    Community Member Tenkari_Rozahas's Avatar
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    If I remember correctly, they are also adding in some new low level content, not just high level.
    Quote Originally Posted by jwbarry View Post
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  14. #14
    Community Member shores11's Avatar
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    Thanks for the replys on this post.

    If the majority of the focus on Mod 7 was mainly to incorporate the Monk then I feel it may be one of the weaker Mod's since DDO's inception. I am not against adding new classes or races it can only improve the game and add more variety. However the main enjoyment of the game is content, content, content.

    By saying content is the main ingredient needed I do not mean more uber loot either or more chances to gain the uber loot that currently exists. What I mean is dungeons or quests (however you want to slice it) need to added in droves with each Module update.

    I only hope that Module 8 then will have many, many new questing options whether it is dungeons or some other form of accomplishing a quest. I enjoy running the quests in non-zerging style and whatever loot I get from it is great. If I can use it I use it if not I sell it or give it away. By adding new quests I don't only mean raids but mean stand alone single quests and non-raid style quests series like a Delera's or something.

    Please hear my request and I hope that others can also agree some as well.
    Fizban - Avatar of Khyber
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