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  1. #1
    Community Member Malfurias's Avatar
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    Jul 2006

    Default Looking to play again

    I'm looking into playing DDO again to give it another shot, since it has been quite a while for me and they've changed/improved much on it since, from what it looks like. I was probably most interested in creating a Warforged Barbarian. What would be the suggested alignment for such? Should I invest in getting something like Mithral Body as a starting feat or no body armor at all (due to possible dex bonuses). I am pretty much looking for something that will dish out really nice dps, and it seems like barbs are the way to go, and I'm mostly interested in Warforged because much of them has changed since I last played.

    I also noticed that the servers merged together I guess to increase player populations among them, and my former server is now gone. Would anyone be able to suggest a good one for a new home? Thanks in advance!

  2. #2
    Community Member cardmj1's Avatar
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    Feb 2007


    I can't tell you much about body type of the w/f except those who have adamantine bodies take a little less damage from the cleric's point of view. I only have one suggestion...

    Please take healer's friend enhancements. PLEASE! I am begging you!!!!!! For the love of the Gods, pleeeeeaaasssee.

  3. #3
    Community Member Malfurias's Avatar
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    Jul 2006


    One Warforged I was starting to level for fun before all the changes was a Ranger, and I always made sure to have wands/pots on me to help with healing at the very least :P.

  4. #4
    Community Member
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    Sep 2006


    A suggestion for server: Argonnessen

  5. #5
    Community Member Vua's Avatar
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    Apr 2006


    You're going to want to take 1 level of healers friend, it's a waste of action points after that IMO. The stats will depend on you going 2 handed fighting or 2 weapon fighting. You will want to go 17 or 18 str on either.

    I also wouldn't start with a body feat. Some people say to take one and then switch it out at later levels because the AC helps early on. While I agree it does, you won't learn how you need to play your character that way. At those early levels just let a tank grab aggro first and you'll be ok. Plan on healing yourself alot early on. The clerics just don't have enough mana to heal you. You will get some hate from people because you are WF at all levels, but at later levels you're easier to heal and they won't complain too much.

  6. #6
    Community Member
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    Feb 2006


    You can always still find your other characters from server merge.

    For a WF Barb I would not do any kind of body type, feats are at a premium for the barb.

    Feats are pretty simple, it breaks down to 2HF vs 2WF

    1-2H / 2WF
    3-Power Attack
    6-Improved 2WF / 2HF
    9-Improved Crit Slash or Pierce
    12-Greater 2HF / 2WF
    15-your choice - I personally like Stunning Blow. Other options are Toughness, or another Improved Crit.

    Your stats will depend on your style of build as others have said. My personal preference of choice for weapons is Great Axes for 2HF and Heavy Picks/Rapiers for 2WF. Current end game favors pierce builds slightly, but you can not go wrong with either choice. Each new mod can change who is most effective..

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