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Thread: Anything New???

  1. #1
    Community Member Futslung's Avatar
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    Default Anything New???

    Is there anything new happening in DDO or should i just go back to watching the grass grow?

  2. #2

  3. #3
    Community Member Milolyen's Avatar
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    Go back to watching the grass grow. We don't want your gimpy Chars around .


  4. #4
    Community Member Spisey's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Futslung View Post
    Is there anything new happening in DDO or should i just go back to watching the grass grow?
    We are tired of making fun of each other's moms. You need you to come back for some fresh material.

  5. #5
    Relic of the Last War
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    Relics is currently active in Eve & The House of Stormrune is active in LOTRO. We're avoiding the lag of Eberron. Nothing to see there (unless you wait while you hold your breathe, then you can start to see shiny speckles of light -- great free show overlooking the Harbor from the bridge, while leaning forward.... wear featherfall items if you have them).

  6. #6
    Community Member Jondallar's Avatar
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    A new gestapo report thy neighbor ystem has benn implimented so if you dont like someone and you interpret their play as in appropiate you might be able to get them banned... no luck so far with Yaga though

  7. #7
    Community Member Anastasios's Avatar
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    You know, Heil KK just doesn't have that good of a ring to it, hmmmm...Heil Sexy Trel, oh yeah, that's it, bow down b4 yo masta, PM"S TO THE KK on all of Argonesson!!! BTW, anyone see my Marilith Chain???

  8. #8
    Community Member Yaga_Nub's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jondallar View Post
    A new gestapo report thy neighbor ystem has benn implimented so if you dont like someone and you interpret their play as in appropiate you might be able to get them banned... no luck so far with Yaga though
    Dude I'm like the Herpes. You can't get rid of me.
    Characters - Brion, Damerchant, Deathbot, Goode-, Minusten, Sepiriz, Spiritstrike, Stee, Steilh, Vorpaal, Wyllye, Yaga, Yagalicious, Yga. RIP - Catpizzle and Qazpe
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  9. #9
    Community Member Jondallar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yaga Nub View Post
    Dude I'm like the Herpes. You can't get rid of me.
    Ah Yaga... the gift that keeps on giving

  10. #10
    Relic of the Last War
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    Exclamation Giving?

    Quote Originally Posted by Jondallar View Post
    Ah Yaga... the gift that keeps on giving
    I have yet to receive my Yagasnacks.

  11. #11
    Community Member Quanefel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jondallar View Post
    A new gestapo report thy neighbor ystem has benn implimented so if you dont like someone and you interpret their play as in appropiate you might be able to get them banned... no luck so far with Yaga though
    Of course. Because as we all well know, the report feature was just added a day ago. And anyone who claims to have used the report feature within the game within the last two years are all delusional, there was no report feature until yesterday. And as we all know, us even using the report feature for anything makes that person a turncoat against all other players. No matter what the ticket says in it. Since, the GM are all gestapo-like and would never "investigate" something reported to them. They simply slam the ban hammer down just based on the word of the person making the report. In fact, it might even be that no one has to even fill out a report either. Just listing a name is all the evidence the evil GM's need to unfairly ban all of those innocent players out there. Oh, and reporting a spam tell is now a no-no. Some poor innocent plat spammer might be taken in for...questioning. They are guiltless as we all know. How dare Turbine put any type of ticket/report feature in the game so suddenly like they did without any real warning to players. I mean, in over two years NOW they add a report feature and demand we turn in anyone for any reasons. No questions asked, no hearing another side to an issue? How dare they for even suggesting that cheating be wrong either. We all know there is no such word as cheating. Turbine made that word up. How dare Turbine force any of us to any rule at all, aren't WE the real owners of the game? I think I put out at least $2 million dollars to design, produce and market the game. Where do they get off on telling us what to do within the game. Shame on Turbine.
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  12. #12
    Community Member Spisey's Avatar
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    Holy sh!t! Did you see that **** train derail? Can'!

  13. #13
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    Mod 7 should be out soon with a bit more content and MONKS!!!!!!

    Beware the Sleepeater

  14. #14
    Community Member Jondallar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Quanefel View Post
    Of course. Because as we all well know, the report feature was just added a day ago. And anyone who claims to have used the report feature within the game within the last two years are all delusional, there was no report feature until yesterday. And as we all know, us even using the report feature for anything makes that person a turncoat against all other players. No matter what the ticket says in it. Since, the GM are all gestapo-like and would never "investigate" something reported to them. They simply slam the ban hammer down just based on the word of the person making the report. In fact, it might even be that no one has to even fill out a report either. Just listing a name is all the evidence the evil GM's need to unfairly ban all of those innocent players out there. Oh, and reporting a spam tell is now a no-no. Some poor innocent plat spammer might be taken in for...questioning. They are guiltless as we all know. How dare Turbine put any type of ticket/report feature in the game so suddenly like they did without any real warning to players. I mean, in over two years NOW they add a report feature and demand we turn in anyone for any reasons. No questions asked, no hearing another side to an issue? How dare they for even suggesting that cheating be wrong either. We all know there is no such word as cheating. Turbine made that word up. How dare Turbine force any of us to any rule at all, aren't WE the real owners of the game? I think I put out at least $2 million dollars to design, produce and market the game. Where do they get off on telling us what to do within the game. Shame on Turbine.

    LMAO ... my post on this thread re: Gestapo is a joke. But since you brought it up the difference from the report option being in place for 2 years, and what has happened in the last to days is the loosey goosey way that the Kommunist Kommunity Kolbold asked for (though in fairness halfassed retracted) players to report their peers. The option existed before, but the way it was newly presented could easily be understood as making it manditory that if one thought any type of exploit was taking place in a party they must drop group and report the heinous act against the state. I have witnessed friends being wisked away with no warning and had their names changed (with out any apparent violation of the naming policy, or discussion with the "offending" person. Turbine does in fact have all the power like a police state (not calling them one) they can do what they like and boot anyone at will if they see fit... its in the EULA... and if this happens to appear similar though on a much much similar and less evil level like the gestapo its not my fault.

    They have the power and Turbine wants PvP and since the tavern brawls are a bust this is the next best implimentation they could think of

  15. #15
    Relic of the Last War
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jondallar View Post
    *cut* Kommunity Kolbold asked for (though in fairness halfassed retracted) players to report their peers. The option existed before, but the way it was newly presented could easily be understood as making it manditory that if one thought any type of exploit was taking place in a party they must drop group and report the heinous act against the state. *cut*

    This statement is only true if you managed to overlook and misread what was posted. It was clear to a lot of people upon the initial statement (which remained quite understandable and hasn't been altered) that reporting the sploiters is optional (if you are feeling over-zealous). There was never a retraction -- there was a clarification because a lot of people apparently don't know how to read every single word posted. Hell, even I do that from time to time -- but there was so much angst and heat involved in that particular thread that a lot of people forgot how to read and only scanned.

    I'm not even sure how this got into the Argonnessen Forums. I was more interested in reading comedy in this thread. Anyway, we know this stuff is already in debate in like three or four general discussion threads. No reason to start it again, is there?

  16. #16
    Community Member Krazed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kistilan View Post
    I'm not even sure how this got into the Argonnessen Forums. I was more interested in reading comedy in this thread. Anyway, we know this stuff is already in debate in like three or four general discussion threads. No reason to start it again, is there?

    What else is there to do? Shroud run #117? And the AoC boards are starting to remind me of WoW's, so nothing worth reading there.
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  17. #17
    Relic of the Last War
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    Quote Originally Posted by Krazed View Post
    What else is there to do? Shroud run #117? And the AoC boards are starting to remind me of WoW's, so nothing worth reading there.
    Good point. I'm not taking part in the AoC discussions either for that reason, but may I suggest the OTHER white meat? Behold, Stargate Worlds Online Forums (and Beta Application).

    This is the next game that is breaking the mold of the traditional standards, unlike the AoC and WAR models, which are more similar to the standard fanfare of surf and turf currently available.

    Or, you could just play Super Smash Bros Brawl.... walks away in tears of laughter.... Sadly, I like this game, but that review... oh sheesh... laughs all the way out the door to study his FARs...
    Last edited by Kistilan; 05-04-2008 at 04:50 PM. Reason: Super Smash Bros Brawl

  18. #18
    Community Member txnroger's Avatar
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    Sadly, I have become so bored with the game lately that I have actually started to play WOW. I should investigate the Stargate game and see what that's about.

  19. #19
    Community Member Krazed's Avatar
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    I saw Stargate Worlds. Might be interesting, but I don't have very high hopes.

    I'm really interested in The Secret World
    Resident Grammar Nazi of Unbreakable, an Argonnessen guild.
    The McDohl Clan - Fragarach/Deran/Ebana/Kurz
    Self-Designated Leader of AHAB, the Adventurers' Humanitarian Association for Bugbears.
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  20. #20
    Relic of the Last War
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    Post Two Princes -- Spin Doctors

    2 Replies:

    Krazed: Yeah, SGWO has some perks going so far. New Systems and classes never-before seen and the community relations managers are making it quite cozy kinda like DDO (or even cozier) during its Alpha and Beta. The graphics look top-knotch so far and the new system is unique from any other MMO I've run into. I especially like the race-class system and the benefits to being human (open-class system). Also, certain race abilities are absolutely oustanding like the symbaint-relationship aliens completely changing their appearance by acquiring a new host (and effectively killing the old host). I wouldn't get hopeful, but I definitely encourage checking it out if you're not sure you like AoC or WAR. It would be the next release after those 2 games.

    Also, I looked for info on The Secret World. I saw the forums. I also recall the announcement about the MMORPG by the makers of Dreamfall (good storytelling there), so I'm excited. However, I couldn't find any screenshots or system-schematics on in-game mechanics at Do I need to look elsewhere like Warcry or MMOSITE? If it hasn't released anything then it should be a good 1.5 years+ away from beta, no? And that's assuming there are no hiccups with funding or development.

    txnroger: Stormrune's got some guys currently working on entering SGWO beta, including a few in the San Antonio area. If you want to throw yourself into the lot of "stormrune" applicants, you're welcome to it if Money isn't doing anything active in that realm. Basically we've Texans and Canadians applying for the beta. Skobak's main job (which he's lacking since he has been moving our Eve Online Corp all over the Poinen System) is to get our "publicity" page up so SGWO considers Stormrune an active group involved in SGWO Development and Support.

    That's all I got. I've AoC on order to check it out with Scarsgaard and crew. I won't likely stay there, but it'll be a great experience. Unsure if I'm going to do anything with WAR. Likely not going to do anything, although Castar wants us to check get into it.

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