I think the (report bug) would be better served for reporting and fixing bugs..... http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php...=1#post1699897or take a peek at this as I don't want to multi post the same point
Durrack, Durracka,Verminnard
I only know a bug is a bug when it bugs/annoys me. Like when the ladders were fixed so I now get stuck. They worked fine before. Now I get stopped on many ladders. If I can jump above that point I'm fine. Also most once stopped if I stop moving forward then press to continue up I start moving again past the part that stopped me. Once again I didn't have this problem before the ladders were fixed.
I just hope the definition of an exploit isn't as bad as it was in EverQuest. There it seemed to be if you did anything other then using a spell or weapon to give yourself an advantage you were exploiting. You moved behind a tree to keep a monster from hitting you with an arrow? Thats an exploit. Sorry no tactics allowed.
I reject your reality and substitute my own reality.
Be careful what you wish for, what you say is best; for sometimes what you seek is found, not at the end of the quest.
I AM, -- the truthseeker
I would like to know what we are responsible for in terms of raids. One player can change the outcome of a raid for the other 11. I don't think it is my responsibility to report this person nor do I want to, yet do I now have to give up on the quest regardless of time spent and resources used?
Maybe we can just temporarily remove "certain spells" from the game until you guys can fix the problem.
Today I had someone tell me if you don't know what to do don't do anything at all when I tried to prevent a bug from happening. Needless to say I got a quick beatdown with no healing, luckily I had a guildie there to toss me a rez. In the end... the bug happened, should I have left? I don't really think its fair to expect us to do that.
Such an open range for target practice. First off, you cannot have an exploit unless the programers didn't code properly. It is a game, there are sooooo many exploits that mobs use such as casting, moving and shooting arrows while held or paralized; Chain casting with limitless spell points; bugging and going into hyperregen/untargetable; etc.
When a quest becomes uncompletable or stupid hard it is not fun such as the untargetable Cubes in Blighted or the mobs get impossible skils like skel archers that can shoot accross the desert it shows favoratism for mobs and a disregard for players. The devs seem to think nothing about fixing these things. But they talk about instant banning if a player uses a tactic to win. I agree that we need a POSTED list of what is exploits and where. It may seem logical if you do something the mob would become confused or disabled in a "real" situation which is tactics. If you grease or icestorm a mob and they stop attacking is should be because you used that attack not because the programers have bad code. The mobs use the same tactics. How many times in the ice dragon room or the air ele in Pop do people get knocked down and cannot get back up but if you do that to a mob it is an exploit?
I agree people should not use exploits but we need a definition.
Is it an exploit when I duck behind a crystal in the desert because some skelly half way accross the desert is filling me with arrows?
Is it an exploit when I grease a mob and he falls down and cannot get up?
Is it an exploit when I sleetstorm or acid fog a mob and he moves?
Is it an exploit when a mob kills something and cannot decide what to fight?
Is it an exploit when I hide behind a tank so I don't get pounded on?
Is it an exploit to make mobs dance or to fog them?
For example, in the Shroud the other day the LFM stated no exploits and one cleric reminded us at least a dozen times that if we did anything to bug it he would quit. Fine, we fought our way though and in part 2 there was the great debate about killing mobs but nobody could agree if they were exploits or not since each mobs can be killed differently and they don't return. The cleric kept complaining the entire time and also said using solvers on part 3 was an exploit. When we got to part 5 we were NOT using pets, killed everyting normally and had three tanks fighting the boss. The boss killed the tank he was concentrating on and bugged by himself with none of us trying to bug him. Is that an exploit? we didn't try to bug him? There was a big discussion and the cleric quit group along with a caster. The debate was to go on and finish or quit after all the expense to arrive there. I will not state whether we went on but what if we had resumed attacking him and a Dev banned us all? Is that fair? We tried not to cheat but the coding bugged on us as it has hundreds of times before, usually making a quest unfinishable.
You are ready to ban players for anything that you don't think is playing how you want, even though you give no guidelines and mobs are allowed greater exploits. Any one that had really played D&D would know that the fun part of the game is outwitting the DM and playing outside of what they expected. Otherwise why bother? A GM could just take a party and run it himself making them go where he wants, take stardardized actions and rolling the dice? That is what will happen to DDO if the Devs don't fix the bugs and start penalizing players. If someone that is a loyal player is banned for an known or unknown exploit, they will definately go somewhere else, I know I will if ever banned. There are plenty of other options these days.
I have played D&D since 1975 but if given an otherwise unsolveable quest and I got banned for using my resources to overcome it, I would be really ticked off at DDO.
Last edited by Kulothar; 05-12-2008 at 03:56 PM.
Any Port in a storm... But why one with so many vermin?
And your current definition of an exploit is almost identical to the Supreme Courts definition of Pornography (look it up if you dont know) and they are still fighting over that for over a hundred years now. One mans exploit is anothers tactic and all can be fixed in the AI if it is that important.
Any Port in a storm... But why one with so many vermin?
IMO, it is an exploit to:
1. Use third party software to hack the game.
2. Purchase Plat or items with real money.
And that's about it.
From an immersive RP standpoint, we become the characters. During that time, we live in Stormreach. We eat, drink, sleep, play, fight, quest in Stormreach. The world is what it is. It isn't our fault if the world is imperfect. If the creators of the world (Devs) don't like the world, they change it. We, as the inhabitants, adjust to the new conditions.
But let me tell you, if I am fighting for my life against a gang of trolls, I am going to do whatever is necessary to survive the battle. If that means throwing my returning hammer from behind a rock, that's what I'm going to do. If the trolls are too stupid to run around the rock and get me, that's their problem, not mine.
I deal with inconsistencies in the world all the time, like slimes that are smart enough to try to flank you, despite having an Intelligence of about .01, or incredibly accurate archers who can hit the bullseye every time from 1000 yards away, or enemy spellcasters with unlimited spell points. So, if something accidently goes my way, I say a prayer thanking my Gods (BTW, this game REALLY needs a God pantheon) for my good fortune.
If this results in my banning, so be it.
1 trying to capstone, 1 running epics, and a dozen mules.
None of these are exploits until Turbine explicitly says they are. Right now only the 4th one (mob kills something...) is potentially an exploit due to KK's previous statement about it.
Sounds like your cleric was going a bit overboard. Solvers, why not? It was ok for him to say no exploits, but it was absurd for him to quit group if the mob bugged on it's own without anyone doing any of the "known" triggers.
It really sounds like the shroud just needs to be closed down until it is fixed. There is no reason for Turbine to be pitting players against each other over this.
Code:Sil - Human Paladin 14 Lava Divers Tad - Drow Wizard 14 Semolina - Elf Rog 13/Ftr 1 on Rava - Drow Sorceror 7 Riddikulus - Human Cleric 14 Khyber Clamor - Warforged Barb 7 Durum - Dwarf Ftr 10/Pal 3/Rng 1 Ridd - Dwarf Ftr 6/Rog 2/Pal 2
I just received my reply to my PM to KK, and actually I was quite surprised. The list of various situations I sent in were all evaluated and I think the reply I received on each was fair to the point of being on the generous side of things. Which keeps the tactical elements in the game.
I'm not sure I can repost things here, I'll leave that up to the KK. But lets just say that this should help clarify things for everyone once the list is made public.
You wish has been granted!
<|| “Lasciate ogni speranza, voi ch’entrate.” ||>
AEsahaettr | AlfredSartan | Botharel | PeterMurphy | Weesham etc.
Originally Posted by Kommunity Kobold
Without cost means that you or your team do not have to expend money, resources, equipment or supplies to achieve the goal. Without risk means that any chance of taking damage, being affected by spells/powers and/or dying or becoming incapacitated is non-existent or removed.
How do you see that in there at all? The "hero" method I am thinking of requires. Spell comps, damage repaired on equipment, and the foremost, MY TIME!have to expend money, resources, equipment or supplies to achieve the goal
And I have seen this method FAIL.Without risk means that any chance of taking damage, being affected by spells/powers and/or dying or becoming incapacitated is non-existent or removed
So, unless there is some OTHER "hero" method in which you speak, then it is a VALID TACTIC requiring MULTIPLE INDIVIDUALS TO WORK AS TEAM using the abilities granted by thier Race/Class/build which in my meager 2 decades of Dungeons and Dragons, makes it EXACTLY what this game is about.
KK see any problems with this?
oh, and I have a deeply Religous Anti- PM belief.
Last edited by Tin Dragon; 06-10-2008 at 02:05 PM.
It makes better players of all of us.
Darpa: Xoriat
Read The Exploits List vers 1.0 posted right above this sticky in this forum. It states a few definitive answers to your questions. No need to argue about The Hero Method anymore.
Liamfrancais- Human Pally 16 (Mythical), Balto-Drow Sorc 16 (Mythical), Baltaz-Drow Rgr 16 (Forgotten Legion), Adarforged-WF Barb 16 (Mythical), Bringit-Dwarf FTR/barb 12/4 (Just Me), Zudomon-Elf wiz 15 (Twisted Fate), Rudadonna-H clr 16 (Mythical)