This whole "marking" of exploiters should be dropped entirely. Ban them, don't mark them.
Or if you do mark them, how about color-coding it so that we know HOW they exploited?
Pink triangles on their sleeves - stealth "humped" someone who was afk
Yellow stars on their sleeves - put something on the AH for 50,000 times its value.
Black diamonds on their sleeves - stood in the back during a reaver raid.
Wait, it's been done before. Never mind.
I don't care if I get infraction points for this post - Turbine can simply post a list of specifics that they consider exploits and I'll follow them. Until then, let me play the game. You mark me in any way for playing the game as it's coded, I'll cancel my account so fast, the pennies will still be spinning a year after they're spent on another MMO.
Dead Blades Guild
Xoriat lives on in our hearts...
Economic Power. Time Spent. Resources Spent. You're missing the picture.
Player A exploited and spent presumably less time and less money. He has gained more. A LOT MORE.
Player B followed the rules and spent more time and more money to achieve the same goal. Has he been wronged?
Yes, economically Player A has somehow kept more money than he should have by cheating the system. This can be done in the real world by stealing a car from ANY human. Human B was wronged because he was economically damaged by Human A's actions.
Human A is now a DDO player that exploits.
Human B is now a DDO player that didn't exploit.
Did Human A hinder Human B? Economically, yes he did. Human A has more economic power than Human B, that did the exact same thing and should have received very similar payment. Human A has however managed to lessen his expenses (by exploiting) and has upset the economic balance of time and money (fake DDO money, but still money).
GUILD: {Officer of Oblivion} SERVER: {Resident of Ghallanda} CHARACTERS: {Sonyaa Red: Barbarian} {Oynx the Magnificent: Barbarian} {Sonyaaa Blue: Sorcerer} {Krowd Kontrol: Sorcerer} {Ravick : Wizard} {Fourgotten Soldier: Fighter/Paladin} {Mischief: Rogue} {Parra Medic: Cleric}
In before the lock!
I welcome the official discussion of what is and is not exploiting. I do feel that the existing policy was a bit flawed...was a lot like sweeping dust under the rug hoping to ignore the problem. I understand some of the intent was to reduce disemination & distribution of the concepts - sadly, there's little or no way to control that communication through external options or any way for Turbine to control third party communication choices.
I can't help but feel that even this newest effort is flawed, incomplete and largely inneffective without damaging the game community itself. I'd argue it's the game design itself that leads to the issue.
Ghallanda ReRolled Naxy-Transil-Kottol-Nax-Riorsil-Riorik-Kaol
Honestly, this was a great point but there is a small problem with it. You admited previously that the majority of the player base exploit. So aren't the majority actually coexisting in the same economic enviroment? And if so, of course the minority is getting screwed...that's why they are the minority.
GUILD: {Officer of Oblivion} SERVER: {Resident of Ghallanda} CHARACTERS: {Sonyaa Red: Barbarian} {Oynx the Magnificent: Barbarian} {Sonyaaa Blue: Sorcerer} {Krowd Kontrol: Sorcerer} {Ravick : Wizard} {Fourgotten Soldier: Fighter/Paladin} {Mischief: Rogue} {Parra Medic: Cleric}, #1 source for DDO information.
Nice! You dont need a sheepdog when the sheep tell on each other!
I spent the first 4 months of this game just trying to catch up to the party and "standing there" and "blocking that" is a fine way to learn a quest without setting traps off with your face. I guess now, I would have had to worry about those guys doing things FAR beyond my knowledge at the time (and even to this day) and getting banned for being in a "bad" group.
I have fellow players lining up to rat me out and Turbine offering to suspend/ban me? I like isnt as productive as fixing a problem, but it sure does make for a happier and more user friendly game!
If you read "you should use Adamantium against the end giant" on the forum...that is ok. Not knowing it and getting wiped over and over is ok. But standing in a line (as you might in real battle), protecting the squishies and blocking/managing aggro.....that is an exploit? Sounds like tactics to good as can be allowed for considering AI at this point in the 21st century. Im sorry....did you want me to go toe to toe with a Giant at level 3? Even as a noob, I saw that as poor strategy. When I jump in the water and he doesnt follow...that is cool and in the spirit of real battle? Seems like an exploit to Giant!
The best part is that most people complaining about exploits twink characters, transfer gold regularly, eat tomes by the half dozen, and know these quests like the backs of their hands. The fact that YOU can take down the Beholder in Perdition with 3 friends doesnt mean that I will know how (especially without hints/gear from guildies and a trip to the forums...which ISNT an exploit?) to do it with a full party and 3 tries.
If I am unlucky and hit a 10 second lag spike...Im dead (no refunds)....if the monster lags out for 10 seconds, I am supposed to sheathe my sword, finish out, file a bug report, say my prayers and eat my vitamins. I am fortunate that I get 8-16 hours a week to play this game...lately due to lag, that time has been more on the forums....Im not dropping after a 2 hour run because a PUGer knows a stupid trick. Ban me....I was looking for a MMO when I found this one, and Im sure the other companies wont have a problem accepting my money.
Play True Neutral - Live Chaotic Good
GUILD: {Officer of Oblivion} SERVER: {Resident of Ghallanda} CHARACTERS: {Sonyaa Red: Barbarian} {Oynx the Magnificent: Barbarian} {Sonyaaa Blue: Sorcerer} {Krowd Kontrol: Sorcerer} {Ravick : Wizard} {Fourgotten Soldier: Fighter/Paladin} {Mischief: Rogue} {Parra Medic: Cleric}
I don't disagree with most of what you've said; however, this is only a problem for those who haven't read it. It isn't the 3% of players' problem if 97% don't read it. It's the 97% of players who didn't read it who have the problem--and it is their problem. If people don't read the contracts they sign (the EULA is a digitally signed contract) and they get hosed because the violated the terms of the contract, don't expect me to rally to their defense.
Too bad. So sad. Sucks to be them. Should have taken five minutes to read what they are signing.
If someone can't be bothered to read the EULA, then I'm not going to beat them about the head and neck until they do, but if they get banned for violating it, buh-bye.
I do think that putting the burden of reporting exploiters on the game population is unfair, especially if we can't openly state in LFMs that we won't use exploits. It puts players into a confrontational situation where regardless of the outcome (someone drops, gets booted, whatever), someone is embarrassed or labeled a "cheater." It isn't the players' responsibility to call people out or police the game.
I also think it is unreasonable to expect 11 people to go through a raid, then drop group at the end because some nitwit used an exploit. They all spent an hour+ (depending on the raid) of their time and shouldn't be punished for someone else's stupidity.
I'd much prefer it if the exploits were fixed, but if fixing them results in the unplayable lag, I'd rather them stay, know what isn't allowed and have Turbine enforce it. Then, whomever still exploits does so at their own risk.
~Anaelsbet~; ~Elsbet~; ~Lilabet~; ~Islabet~; ~Phaeddre~~Ascent~
Rent-A-Cop, comprehension? You know better than to do such things. Lets try to keep it civil and reasonable, please.
What does it matter if 3% or even .00000001% of players have not read the EULA? It does not mean its not there or can be ignored since those players did not read them. Like in real life, Ignorance of the Law is NEVER an excuse to break them. That is why all of us are given chance after chance to follow the rules. The Dev's have been fairly reasonable with trying to get those rules out there. It also comes to us to help players know the rules as we play with them BEFORE someone turns them if for something stupid. Like trade LFM's. We as a gaming community should work together and help each other keep from getting banned for silly little things. And besides, some of the rules are common sense. We do not need to have everything posted in big bold lettering telling us NOT to do something. I like to think we are all smart enough to know right from wrong, even the basic beliefs of it.
I didn't suggest "I" report everyone for everything. You saying that about me is false, flat out false. I have wrote that if woman or children are harassed or verbally assaulted in game as maybe the only example of me turning in a real player. I think even you can agree that behavior has no place in game or real life. It does not make me a horrible person or be labeled a "narc" as though I am scum for wanting innocent people looked out for. People are bullies here and real life. Difference is, in game I personally can not do anything about this going on but report it to a GM. In real life, its whole other story. People feel they can be as horrible as they care to be in this game and real life AND think no one should do anything about it. We both know those type of people exist, thats why we have jails for those people. They do NOT belong with society at this point. Same with the game, some people really are horrible in game. There is no question about that. Please do not suggest I or anyone else should look the other way. So please, do not confuse me disliking cheaters with simple horrible people out there. Cheaters will get what is coming to them and do not need me or anyone else "telling" on them. They chose their own path. The other people, the horrible cruel people deserve no such quarter from me. Nor do they deserve any pity from me.
Comparing what actions we take against mobs vs the way we act in real life is not the issue I am talking about. I am talking about the way we treat/act towards the other players because the fact is....they are all human beings. People can make all the excuses they want about morals or ethics but it still remains another human being that they are interacting with. It comes down to people wanting to use any excuse in the world to act however they want towards others. There will come a time and place in life we all have to answer for our treatment of others. Be it now or 30 years from now but we are not free to treat others however we want without any punishment. We have to live with the choices we make, I for one will not have to tell you what choices to make. I will suggest and nothing further but I hope people will start using their heads and maybe...just maybe make the right choices in life. Cheating is a choice. Either make the right choice or pay for it. Its all up to us as individuals to do. If people want to go through life believing they can cheat at this or that, so be it. I can only really feel sorry for those people, they will never know what being fair is or what a joy it is to win at anything being fair or following the rules really can be. Again, its their choice but they will have to pay for it one day. Blaming others for them being caught is not right either. They made the choice so they must live with that choice.
Proud Leader of the Shadowhand.
A is A. -John Galt
Chaotic Evil:-Baptismoffire-Tantholos-AltarboyBaptism- Sabott -Caneye-DunkachinoThingamabob- Dejay-Cubscout“Ah, this is obviously some strange usage of the word"safe" that I was previously unaware of"; -Douglas Adams
Is it just my warped sense of humor, or does anyone else out there hear Chef from South Park saying,
"Gather round children, let's talk about sploits!" every time they hit the refresh button?