Especially considering the help Q has been for me in various matters. I appreciate the work all the developers do for this product. It may not seem that way at times, and I may be frustrated or upset, or even angry, but as some of you might see, I'm still here. I still try to have faith in the franchise even with several sore spots.
One such sore spot is the over-inflating of monsters to be resistant beyond what is available to use. I'll give you an example. One of the tips in game says that some monsters have spell resistance. In my experience of playing a wizard for 16 levels, I haven't fought one that doesn't have spell resistance. And often times, a lot of it. My wizard has a 34 in intelligence, without a +3 intelligence tome, or without the green steel items. However, lots of mobs still save lots. I may have to hit em 4 or 5 times to hit. I may have to use enervate to hit things at equal level seemingly immune. We will never have that SR. HP too. Monsters end up having 2 or 3 times the number of HPs that we as players do, even at equal level. So unless you're maximizing and empowering, you probably won't kill things with damage spells on the first hit.
Bosses are no exception to this rule. All of them are way over inflated for their CR and level range. And this brings me to my point.
Given that loot sucks. Given that risk does not equal reward (IE. I can do a level 14 quest on elite and get level 6 junk). Given that enemies are often given unfair advantages for jumping up terrain we cannot, or use abilities that we cannot, or even just are flat out immune to something for no reason given...
I have no reason what so ever to give enemies a further edge, including you Kobold, by telling you if or when I'm exploiting. We get nothing out of it except harder quests and missions and enemies for even more pathetic loot. You want to find the exploits, hire more GMs and testers to find em. Helping you at this point may end up costing me. And for a level 16 character who is always broke now, no matter what I run, things have cost me plenty. When the risk equals the reward, I may be more forthcoming. When mobs are equal in more ways to the players, I may be more forthcoming. As of now, forget it.
I wish you luck in your pursuits, as I imagine some here might think the same as me.