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To begin, FFS, a Kobold? Come now, surely you know kobolds stink huh...Seriously though, if it has come to this level of 'people' complaining (or whining which I prefer to use but won't because that may offend some people-whoops) then maybe these people need to be more specific in when they form their parties. Who really cares if there are people who would rather do the Shroud 1-5 legit (or what they believe to be legit-take your halos and splash them with vinegar and water) or if they don't. So I think there should be a ruleset formed on forming a party....
1.Put up LFM-make comments as to quest and how you play
2.Once party is formed explain tactics, if tactics are unacceptable to any player then let them know they can form their own party and take whomever else they'd like from your party. Also be sure to let them know that if they plan on REPORTING to Big Brother than they should give their best regards from you and let them know you told them ahead of time your style of play.
3.Make sure everyone replies coz Big Brother might be in your party, if you get no replies at all from a person BOOT THEM FROM PARTY.
4.Once in quest make sure everyone smells ok, Kobolds have a unique stench that seems to linger on to those whom they may have hung out with-if you smell anything weird abort immediately-alt f4, log, break computer, do whatever you have to do, coz they will catch ya.
See how narrow this can get, noone wants to deal with it-so it really comes down to the choice of those complainers...NARC all you want about people exploiting quests (oh please please don't report me for sending in one guy to pull aggro on a mob, ahh put your sheilds away, you're blocking the door NOOOOOO) just remember that I didn't write the code-so I can do things my way and you can do things your way...Deal with it, let Turbine make their fixes, but awww I can't wait for the fix it takes too long-then how about you go apply there and see if you can fix it for us.
Get off your horses, especially when it comes to questing, the major issue here is items that are supposedly appearing on the AH, now this is unacceptable. Turn in your neighbor for that, but tattling coz I use a method to beat a quest that you don't like? Give me a break. When Turbine gets around to fixing it, it will be a different story, but for those whom have done it both ways and realize hey A is defintely harder than B, why bother with A, more kudos to ya, coz in the long run you understand what resources go into the quest and what you get out of it-I would rather save my resources for when it is fixed. Is it my fault the AI is not working properly?
You pay your money, I pay mine-I could careless if you think I'm EXPLOITING a quest because of broken AI, maybe you should be more concerned about other issues...