I wouldn't say I'm new to the game because I have my Halfling Wizzy, I know I know hard class for first class, to lvl 15 and almost 16. Now I am in the process of getting my favor up, well because who doesnt want a 32 point build monk. I have a couple other builds in mind of my own, but I want to have someones help and opinions on this build.
I want my chihuahua build, lol. I want to have a halfling Dragon marked fighter. I would like a twf dps, if possible, and I am not opposed to multi classing. I like the idea of the chihuahua fighter, who can help the healer in extreme cases, and maybe not waste so much cash on pots. I dont know this is not really a huge concern of mine, but I just like the idea, and wanted to see if anyone out there, would be kind enough to help me out. you know a fighter with all those feats, i think i can spare a few for the dragon marks, and I dont know be a make shift Paladin in a sense., but you know without the problems of complaining of smites. Ok I have officially reached the point where i dont know what I am talking about any more, Like I said I have only made a Wizzy.
Oh an by the way, that Wizards Essential Handbook on here, the author's name escapes me at the moment, was my guide for a good amount of time, and now because of that I do carry around my summon monster 7 scrolls, only for emergencies. Thank you all for being helpful, and getting me through the work day on slow days.
By the by my only second post, help and opinions are welcome, except for the fact I dont wanna change it from halfling.