There are a few things i would like to see in the future of DDO and in the upcoming mods. Being a player for quite a long time i was just thinking of some ideas that would be fun and enjoyable for the players in DDO.
1. Open Instance. (This one is being from the marketplace where that world event was at.) Take that and add a ever ending Open instance wild place with no slayer and rare xp. Put in some Name monsters that are never in the same spot always randomized and that other players can come along to. Also players can attack other players that are 3 lvls between. Almost a free for all terrian there.
2. New classes (just got to wait for the monk to come out)
3. New crafting,echancments,races (again waiting nicely for it to come out soon)
4. Here comes some flaming. Moving the alters out of the shroud raid. The reason why is for most people to get that final third teir without ever wiping in a pug group and don't have time to do the shroud again. Making three new quest out in the vale in which each quest houses the shroud alters and the quest would be the same lvl and difficulty as the shroud. having 12 people and take 45 mins and more to complete it. and these quest can be repeated over and over. (no timer like the Tempest Spine raid.) Ingredients can still drop from the shroud and the new quests but if not moving the alters in the shroud input them in the quests. So people can craft their item with time and also won't have to worry about a party wipe in part 3 and or part 5. Also have the alters do the same thing as the shroud so they don't have to charge a en cell in the shroud and can't in the quest.
5. We have a export and import friends list why not a inventory page. what this would do is make a word document that will say character has this in inv bag 1- 6 and what is in the gem, ingredient and collectable bags and also in the storage bank.
6 more fixes in glitches can never catch them all.
7. Some weird idea is a portal where players could come to different servers and play with other players.
8. Randomize the quest a bit. Just keep the layout of the map of the quest but randomize the traps, monsters and such to give it more of a challege and not having to memorize it and then master it.
Would like any feedback to see if the ideas are eh or good and just to start a little talk