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  1. #1
    Community Member Demonfire's Avatar
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    Apr 2007

    Default Adding a new section to the social panel

    Of course i know that the forums are there for BUT being able to advertise for recrutement or last minute offer for trade without having to wait for hours/days would be a major boost for the community!

    Lets face it... the forums are used pretty much by the same peoples with Mrs. Joe Public adding a few thread here and there. A large portion of the community dont have enough spare time to both spend hours on unending threads AND playing at the same time. And for myself i pay 15$ a month to PLAAAAAAAAAYYYYY not to read/post/chat and thats the case with a vast majority of players!

    Why i`m asking for that?
    Because the other day on Ghallanda i was looking for recruts for my guild and a nice and warm DM just came in and told me to stop advertising for non grouping content otherwise i would be banned! Banning peoples who try to keep this game alive and rolling is prolly the best way to stop peoples to leave DDO for other MMO i guess! But that`s a diffent story.

    So adding a new section for advertisement in the social panel would "thin up" the grouping section to its orginal purpose but also would give a chance to players to reach out other player LIVE! Lets say i need that large bone to complete my tier 3 item NOW not next week or either pay 2,000,000 stupid gold for it so i got Lshrapnel or Lstone to trade for"! that would be settle in minutes live! You could also looking for guild/guildmember or any other kind of advertisement.

    As for adding the new section to the social panel, don`t try to convince me that it`s hard to do... im a real life programmer/DBA so i know for myself that adding a template that already exist (grouping), and making some minor changes and renaming it ADVERTISEMENT is really no big deal!



  2. #2
    Community Member Mercules's Avatar
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    First, I believe they want you to use the AH instead of trading... therefore I doubt you will get a trade area. Second, yep, you got slapped for having a non-LFM up in the LFM area. I would never join a guild that "advertised" for members. Send me a tell after/during grouping with me and if I enjoyed playing with you I might decide to join but if you advertise without playing with them, you are asking for a guild sized PuG.
    "Good judgment comes from experience, and experience comes from bad judgment."
    -Barry LePatner

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by Demonfire View Post
    Of course i know that the forums are there for BUT being able to advertise for recrutement or last minute offer for trade without having to wait for hours/days would be a major boost for the community!

    Lets face it... the forums are used pretty much by the same peoples with Mrs. Joe Public adding a few thread here and there. A large portion of the community dont have enough spare time to both spend hours on unending threads AND playing at the same time. And for myself i pay 15$ a month to PLAAAAAAAAAYYYYY not to read/post/chat and thats the case with a vast majority of players!

    Why i`m asking for that?
    Because the other day on Ghallanda i was looking for recruts for my guild and a nice and warm DM just came in and told me to stop advertising for non grouping content otherwise i would be banned! Banning peoples who try to keep this game alive and rolling is prolly the best way to stop peoples to leave DDO for other MMO i guess! But that`s a diffent story.

    So adding a new section for advertisement in the social panel would "thin up" the grouping section to its orginal purpose but also would give a chance to players to reach out other player LIVE! Lets say i need that large bone to complete my tier 3 item NOW not next week or either pay 2,000,000 stupid gold for it so i got Lshrapnel or Lstone to trade for"! that would be settle in minutes live! You could also looking for guild/guildmember or any other kind of advertisement.

    As for adding the new section to the social panel, don`t try to convince me that it`s hard to do... im a real life programmer/DBA so i know for myself that adding a template that already exist (grouping), and making some minor changes and renaming it ADVERTISEMENT is really no big deal!

    congratulations on being a programmer. Since you are one, you will know that if a feature is specced right the programming should be the item that takes the least amount of time. Adding any new feature to any piece of enterprise level software is not trivial. First it requires a producer to put it on the list of features that are priority, then it needs to be scheduled for speccing, programming, and QA. Then the spec has to be written(even if you are copying something you already have). The spec has to be evaluated and a programming estimate given, then the schedule is updated with the new timeline. Then coding is done, followed by unit testing. Once developer has released to QA, it goes on the QA schedule as part of a general release or a patch. Once QA is complete it is added to final build. The developer could have about 4 hours of that whole process which could take at least 4 days in total or more depending on Turbine's SDLC process. That being said nothing takes a few minutes to program ever when working with large software projects. If you think it does then you have never worked on large enterprise level software.
    Fallen former minion of the Gelatinous Cube
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  4. #4
    Community Member Mercules's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ArkoHighStar View Post
    congratulations on being a programmer. Since you are one, you will know that if a feature is specced right the programming should be the item that takes the least amount of time. Adding any new feature to any piece of enterprise level software is not trivial. First it requires a producer to put it on the list of features that are priority, then it needs to be scheduled for speccing, programming, and QA. Then the spec has to be written(even if you are copying something you already have). The spec has to be evaluated and a programming estimate given, then the schedule is updated with the new timeline. Then coding is done, followed by unit testing. Once developer has released to QA, it goes on the QA schedule as part of a general release or a patch. Once QA is complete it is added to final build. The developer could have about 4 hours of that whole process which could take at least 4 days in total or more depending on Turbine's SDLC process. That being said nothing takes a few minutes to program ever when working with large software projects. If you think it does then you have never worked on large enterprise level software.
    Not to mention getting it past the people who decide what a product looks like or even what it does. For example, we just put in a test track to have an additional link for our 'Help->About the...' window. We want an easy one on the Home Screen dashboard to help our less savvy customers gather the info we need in some cases. Everyone agreed it was a good idea from the top people to the bottom, the programer said it would take about 5 minutes, and the slot exists in the layout for the link. It was then immediately said that we should write up the proposal including numerous examples of use cases and why we need to have a duplicate control. So, in a week or two the programmer will be given the go ahead to do his 5 minutes work.
    "Good judgment comes from experience, and experience comes from bad judgment."
    -Barry LePatner

  5. #5
    Community Member Avelin's Avatar
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    Thumbs up

    I like the idea of a trade and or guild recruitment tab in the social box.

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by Mercules View Post
    Not to mention getting it past the people who decide what a product looks like or even what it does. For example, we just put in a test track to have an additional link for our 'Help->About the...' window. We want an easy one on the Home Screen dashboard to help our less savvy customers gather the info we need in some cases. Everyone agreed it was a good idea from the top people to the bottom, the programer said it would take about 5 minutes, and the slot exists in the layout for the link. It was then immediately said that we should write up the proposal including numerous examples of use cases and why we need to have a duplicate control. So, in a week or two the programmer will be given the go ahead to do his 5 minutes work.
    Agreed, the idea is a good one, but understand nothing takes 5 minutes with large scale software. Also we have no idea how much increased network traffic this will cause and I am sure this should be stressed tested. A trade channel is basically a spam channel, so while general chat has sporadic chat coming through this could have almost non stop info, whic has t0 flow to the server and to every client logged into the server
    Fallen former minion of the Gelatinous Cube
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    Arko Highstar
    Arckos Highstar

  7. #7
    Community Member Demonfire's Avatar
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    Default of course!

    Of course AH is awsome to find what you need.. but what if you could simply trade for in the minutes instead of spending millions?

    As for gathering and guilding... lets say you`re a spanish or french canadian like me, what about trying to get in touch with and regrouping those like you in hope to create something nice? Even better, they are people outhere that dont speak/understand/read english good enough to realy enjoy the game and would be delighted to join others like them instead of being stamped "low average player" simply because they dont understand what's goin on and what the others are saying!
    And dont forget that not every guild need state of the art top level players.... some guild are simply base on the idea of gathering with others on regular basis.

    In dont have any number at my disposal but im not afraid to say that at least 50% of all the players will never or reraly come to the forum so finding a way to get in touch with each others live in-game would greatly better the playing experience of all these peoples instead of simply having DMs throwing banning menaces all over the place.

    Of course nothing can be done in the hour and its not what im asking, what im asking is TURBINE to at least consider the idea! Once there ½ of the jobe is done.. the rest is tryin to figure impact on server lag/band consuming and stuff like farmer spamming. The simple adding of a new section is the least of their probleme as far as coding is concerned


  8. #8
    The Hatchery sirgog's Avatar
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    I don't have a zerging problem.

    I'm zerging. That's YOUR problem.

  9. #9
    Community Member Falco_Easts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Demonfire View Post
    Of course AH is awsome to find what you need.. but what if you could simply trade for in the minutes instead of spending millions?
    Doing away the the millions in PP from AH fees that DDO uses as a plat sink and adding even mor money to the economy.
    A friend will bail you out of jail.
    A mate will be sitting in there beside you saying "**** that was awsome!!!"

    Unguilded of Orien

  10. #10
    Community Member Mercules's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Falco_Easts View Post
    Doing away the the millions in PP from AH fees that DDO uses as a plat sink and adding even mor money to the economy.
    Which is why I believe they will not implement a "trade panel" in the social window or a trade channel.
    "Good judgment comes from experience, and experience comes from bad judgment."
    -Barry LePatner

  11. #11


    I agree that a trade window would be a great thing. I don't know that I totally buy the argument that they wouldn't do it because it would take business away from the AH, and therefore get rid of one of the largest plat sinks in the game. The AH would still be an excellent source for trading. Unlike a trade window post, it doesn't require constant attention by the trader. Also, a person can list many items in the AH, where a trade post would be limited to just a few lines, most likely.

    An option would be to "rent time" on the trade panel, as well. If the money sink was the primary concern.

    But... I would agree that such an endeavor would take up valuable development and QA time. And before such an event were to take place, my vote would be to refine the current AH system. There is so much more the AH should and could be capable of.
    Leader of Lost Legions

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