But I will ask it anyway. Can you please do another character transfer to Risia prior to Mod 7?
But I will ask it anyway. Can you please do another character transfer to Risia prior to Mod 7?
Ravensguard zerx,zerxi,zerxis,zmonk,kieras,varga,oregz
Pretty plz?
It would be MUCH easier and more effective for them to give us a significant XP Boost on Risia.
The Repeating Cycle of
Risia Sits Dormant
Characters are Transfered
People log onto their characters, run around for an hour to check out new stuff, but dont actually do any testing
Players go back to their regular server.
Player waits for next mod/Cap increase and requests their characters be transfered again.
Its COunterProductive. TUrbne has told us many times the Character transfer process is time and resource consuming. and they get ZERO benefit from it.
The Only way to make Risia worth the effort is to give is a reason to play there. GIve us a Reason to HELP THEM find bugs and problems BEFORE they shove broken code into the Live servers.
Risia Should be Permanent +50%xp and +1 Loot. THere should NEVER be another character Transfer because Sending Capped Characters over to Risia doesnt encourage peopel to actually Play any quests and find Issues.
This actually should be standard procedure, as my character is level 9 on risia and I WILL NOT level that character on risia, therfore you lose one person who WOULD test for bugs (Im sure there are many others in this same boat).
Simply put. Because many many people have come back to this game in the last three to five months. These people have level 10-12 characters on Risia, many of which they don't even play anymore. I have 2 capped characters that I started after the last transfer and I would play those on Risia. And for you to say there should NEVER be another transfer basically says that anyone new to the game since pre Mod 5 will never be able to test on Risia without starting at level 1. That is pretty unfair.
Last edited by Oreg; 04-30-2008 at 12:37 PM.
Ravensguard zerx,zerxi,zerxis,zmonk,kieras,varga,oregz
Well, the Point of a Test Server is to Test stuff..... Nobody had Shround Items Crafted when Mod 6 went live and we sure managed to beat the raid and craft all kinds of neat stuff....
TUrbine has made it Abundantly clear with this last patch that ANYTHING (ANd Everything) can break with a Minor change.... If you have zero incentive to play most of the content, what exactly are you contributing to the developement of the game?
SO you get yoru Characters transfered with all their Uber Gear.. Great.. You RUn around and check out the few new quests.... Log out and DOnt return until the next mod.... WHat has that accomplished?
Its a TEST Server...... If Leveling and Gaining gear was made significantly Easier they would get significantly more benefit from the TEST server.
Make OLD/Existing COntent 10x XP and New Content +50%XP Seed the Auction House with Uber Gear for Reasonable Buyouts. Boost the Loot Tables......
Give people a REASON to test stuff and Offer Feedback thather than making it a Sneak Peak Server that generates no benefits for TUrbine or the game in general.
Don't assume that I am an idiot Impaqt. I am not. I know it is a test server and currently I do not want to test on characters I have deemed obsolete. I want to test new enhancements and changes with characters that will be utilizing them. I want to test with level 14 -16 characters, and not be relegated to testing level 1-4 characters, just like you can because I have earned the right to do so as much as you have.
I never mentioned that I wanted it to be a sneak peak server. Man, you are infuriating with your pomposity.
Last edited by Oreg; 04-30-2008 at 12:44 PM.
Ravensguard zerx,zerxi,zerxis,zmonk,kieras,varga,oregz
Earned the Right? What Right? No one has any "Right" to have Capped Characters on a Server they dont play on..... Character Transfers to Risia are a bonus..... A Bonus the devs have tried a few times with no benefits to themselves.
Its time for a New Idea for Risia if the devs want to get actual benefitial feedback from the server.
Seems like what they should do is include a tool on the risia server that lets you create a character of x level with y items set by level to do testing with. Either that or include an auto level tool that lets you take your level 8 character to level 10 to test quests a, b, and c. Then you move to level 16 to test out the quests d, e, and f.
I understand your point...I'm goin with O on this one. If there was an easy (?!) way to transfer current toons over to risia before a mod update, I would definately vote for that. I would play on it more and even fill out a questionairre on the experience so that turbine could actually train the type of responses they get.
Tell me...... Before Mod 5.... WHen we got the last Character Transfer to Risia..... How much time did you put into Testing things for Turbine?
Cause I'll be Honest.... I put about 10 Hours in.... I played through the raid prereqs one time each. There was never more than 50 or so people on. I filed a couple Bug reports, then went back to thelanis.
Was that Helpful to turbine? I doubt it.