So I was running with some friends last night in the Shroud. Had an absolutely outstanding time. I got to pull my Leeroy Jenkins move in the second part of the shroud, and didn't even die (surprisingly little lag in Part 2). So we get done with part 4, enter part 5, get the 4 nameds down and I get a big Orange DING in my tell box. Who could it be I wondered.
Well I see (Admin) Cowdenicus? Now my first thought having served in the military was "DENY DENY DENY." But I seen it was a Dev (who shall go nameless unless I get permission to use the name) I have dealt with in the past (and not about some of my more inflamatory posts thank you very much) and I said hey. Well the Dev asked me if I was busy, (and oh boy was I since we had a cleric LD) and I said I sure was but that they could feel free to watch me layeth the smacketh down on the pit fiend if they would like. (I didn't quite say it like that though)
Well the Developer stuck around (in ghost mode I am sure) watching us beat the pit fiend. This developer even asked me questions on certain tactics used and all of that. Boring stuff to all of you, but I just thought it was UBER that the developers were talking to me about this raid, in game, while beating the Pit Fiend.
Well for my valiant efforts, and my service to the community I was given a new item with about the most uber graphic ever. Some have probably seen it, but not on my character so here it is.
So now I have my scepter, and my crown (even though it is on my shield) so by default, I must be the new King of Stormreach on Ghallanda at the very least.
As such I expect all "taxes" to be sent to me.
Seriously though, I want to take a second out to thank Turbine for this shield, I absolutely Love this shield. (These are the types of things which absolutely make it a joy to be in an MMO as opposed to any other type of game.), I would like to thank Jerry Snook for allowing me to help out with the podcast, and play janitor, I would also like to thank my fellow contributors, cohosts, cast members, guild mates (on more than 1 server), and fellow forum posters for helping me give feedback to the community and to the developers.
So from the most humblecleric on Ghallanda,
Thank you.
(I got the uber loots, and you cant have none, ha ha ha ha ha.)