I'd like to be ready when Monks become available. I'll be reading my Player's Handbook; where (especially on these forums) can I read more about how Monks will be implemented?
I'd like to be ready when Monks become available. I'll be reading my Player's Handbook; where (especially on these forums) can I read more about how Monks will be implemented?
Got complaints about the in-game hirelings?
That's nothing compared to what they say about YOU
The Sister Contract: A DDO Hirelings tale on YouTube
hmm...well, i am still somewhat new to this game, only three months online, but i would like to know more. I would assume that someone else will comment this with more info, but i wanna know when i will start having front flippin karate choppin halflings in my party. Of course that is a sterotype. Of course someone is gonna be a regular ol funny guy and make a dwarf. Or a warforged. Point is, i don't know much about the monk, even when it is coming out, and i would like to know more.
Best spot for info so far is last weeks WDA.
Should be out late May.
A friend will bail you out of jail.
A mate will be sitting in there beside you saying "**** that was awsome!!!"
Unguilded of Orien
Here is a thread with details from the character sheets of an example DDO monk from over a month ago. Of course, Turbine has had time to change monks since then- and they needed to, because the example shown needed a lot of work.
Since that demonstration, the only announced monk change has been the addition of Spell Resistance as per the D&D rules.
I refuse to ever roll a warforged for that very reason. I don't remember any robots in my pen and paper games!
I also have an inner aversion to the titan, a huge robot and a laser cannon! Good grief. Hey Turbine: these are not improvements to the game.
Where would you put Inevitables, a sentient construct that was in the first 3.5 monster manual (such as the Marut)?Originally Posted by Nigel137
Server - Thelanis
Monks are highly stat dependant. DDO will either make their AC useful and you will need a dex monk or they will make ac useless and give them some sick stupid ability to make up for it requiring a str build. Which becomes true likely won't been know until months after relase and the bugs are worked out and the super alterations put in place. Which will leave the half that guess wrong rerolling.
Duuuuuude, yeah. Every change is a good one. Where are my space ships and nuclear warheads? I can't wait til those come out!
I hope this weeks WDA actually has something good about monks.
Main: Illuminati (Halfling Iron Monk), Stonewolf (Dwarf Pally), Vyking (TWF Barb), Illuminatrix (Batchick), Illumino (Drow Ranger), Fuji (Human Monk)
Proud Member of the Twilight Avengers
From some of the mod 7 interviews I have read a few of them have hinted at monks being able to go down an elemental path ie. fire,wind, earth,water. So from that bit of info it appears that monk builds will vary greatly depending on the enhancement system more then anything else. Really no one will have a good idea about DDO monks unless we get a monk sneak peek article or when Risia is updated with Mod 7.
Tassandra - ♪♫ The Bard ♪♫ ♀ Seth - ♠♣The Rogue♥♦ ♂ Tassander - The Cleric ♀ Calysto - The Wizard ♀
Giott - The Barbarian ♂ Robotass - The Warforged ♀ Elves - The Ranger ♂ Tashas - The Sorceress ♀
From what we've seen, they're not really part of the build.
Monks get stances they can activate one at a time, and the example stances so far are based on four elements. Selecting a stance allows you to trade off your ability scores against each other, plus get other effects:
Air: +dex -con, Earth +con -dex
Fire: +str -wis, Water: +wis -str
We do not know how the monk gets more stances. Maybe it's like a "build" thing, where you have to decide between spending your APs on FireIII and EarthII, or maybe all monks will get all the stances once their level is high enough, and you only have to make a choice about what's going to be more useful for the current quest.
Tassandra - ♪♫ The Bard ♪♫ ♀ Seth - ♠♣The Rogue♥♦ ♂ Tassander - The Cleric ♀ Calysto - The Wizard ♀
Giott - The Barbarian ♂ Robotass - The Warforged ♀ Elves - The Ranger ♂ Tashas - The Sorceress ♀
Stances (toggles, exclusive with each other):
Lesser Wind- +2 dex, -2 con, +10% melee/thrown speed, -10% melee hate
Lesser Mountain- +2 con, -2 dex, DR 2/-, -20% run speed, +1 Ki on hit, +2 Ki on crit
Lesser Sun- +2 str, -2 wis, +1 Ki on hit, +2 Ki on crit
Lesser Sea- +2 wis, -2 str, +2 saves, +X AC
Class feats
AC Bonus
Diamond Body
Diamond Soul
Fast Movement: when centered (unarmored, unencumbered, and wielding monk weapons) you run faster for every 3 monk levels you possess
Flurry of Blows (passive) note, in PnP it is a toggle, but not here
Improved Evasion
Improved Trip (selected as bonus feat?)
Ki Strike- Damage: your unarmed strikes gain a +1 damage bonus (3x times)
Ki Strike- Lawful: your unarmed melee attacks are lawful for the purpose of damage reduction
Ki Strike- Magic: your unarmed melee attacks are magic for the purpose of damage reduction
Meditation (active): your elightenment allows you to regenerate Ki at a faster rate
Purity Of Body: You have gained control over your body's immune system and are unaffected by all diseases.
Slow Fall
Still Mind: your training and meditation improves your resistance to mind-effecting attacks.
Stunning Blow (bonus?) (no mention of wisdom bonus)
Stunning Fist: active. cooldown 10 sec. Ki cost 13. Fortitude DC 32. A quick unarmed striked to vulnerable areas that causes your target to be staggered for a brief period of time.
Unarmed Strike: when centered (unarmored, unencumbered, and wielding monk weapons) your hands and feet are lethal weapons
Wholeness of Body: Your body and mind are your own, and you cannot be animated as undead.
(Quivering Palm was conspicuously absent, even though it's expected at monk15)
Numbers Scores
The demo monk had str 30 dex 32 con 11 int 14 wis 24 cha 13. (That means a total str+wis mod of +17, so base stun DC 15)
Minus enhancement bonuses from items, the stats were 24 26 11 8 18 10.
178 hp, 0 sp, 125 ki. (Separate sp and ki values) (apparently hp 20 base + 8 ran1 + 120 mnk15 + 30 false life = 178)
Saves 12, 23, 17. (Minus ability mods and luck trinket is 11, 11, 9, as expected for mkn15/ran1)
AC 49 (10 + 6 armor + 4 deflection + 11 dex + 7 wis + 3 class features + 3 dodge + 3 natural = 47 expected)
BAB 14 (higher than the 12 expected for monk15/ranger1)
SR 0 (devs later said this will change)
What is TRULY known about monks?
They are long overdue, about 2 years. As are druids, gnomes, half-orcs, half-elves, changelings, kalashtar, and shifters.
All should have been included from the get-go. This is Eberron, isn't it?