It's that time again everyone...
-------------------------- Let's Get Started! --------------------------
If you missed last week's questions, you're welcome to answer them now in addition to this week's:
Question 1
What is something you look forward to when you log into DDO?
That a good number of guildies or friends are on line too
Question 2
Players often describe themselves as "powergamer" or "casual". If you feel either of these terms applies to you, describe why you believe that to be the case? If neither, what do you think of when you hear the terms "powergamer" and "casual"?
Powergamer- play more than 3 hours daily, level fast through set quest series, twinked gear, multirun quests for specific named loot, "no optionals"
Casual - dont play daily. Go slow, often take breaks for RL issues. Don't read tips, dont visit forums, play for social aspects not to get loot or xp. Dont know how to use hot bars, not really interested in learning the game
Question 3
What is your least favorite class (or class combination for you multi-classers), and why?
Dont have one yet. Tend to enjoy trying to make them work. I am not a natural cleric by game personality but I still enjoy the class
Least favorite is a pure tank (fighter or barb) until i recently discovered the pleasure of boosting their intel and taking advantage of a High UMD
This week's question(s) are:
Question 1
How much, if any, effort do you invest in your character's appearance?
Question 2
A mysterious box appears before you. The writing on the side of it reads "Soap". When you stand near it, you feel the urge to climb on top of it and speak. What do you say? (Remember the forum/thread guidelines)
It's a game. be polite and considerate as much as possible.
Question 3
Recently we asked what your favorite (and least favorite) character class was. This week we ask... what is your favorite character race, and why?