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  1. #61
    Community Member
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    Question 1
    What is something you look forward to when you log into DDO?

    -I look forward to checking my auctions.

    Question 2
    Players often describe themselves as "powergamer" or "casual". If you feel either of these terms applies to you, describe why you believe that to be the case? If neither, what do you think of when you hear the terms "powergamer" and "casual"?

    -Addict is a more appropriate description of my gaming tendencies

    Question 3
    What is your least favorite class (or class combination for you multi-classers), and why?

    -The end game on classes is not balanced. Take a sorcerer with 2 levels in paladin. Charisma based in entirety. So what you get as an end game build is a character who has saves in the high 30's, can spam finger of death, can use any item (via UMD) and can even drop a might heal on himself via lay on hands. Plus has uber sorcerer spell points

    When you run with a character like this it seems like a big zerg fest with them dropping creatures before the melee or ranged characters can even get a lick in and they are off running to the next. You dont realize the true capabilities of a character like this until you pvp against one.

    I mean its fine. It just guides the potential routes one can take if you want power.

    So whats my favorite build? ya its that one. the fingerspamming, ultrasaving, high hitpoint, selfhealing, use any item drop any mob in game and drop any player in pvp one. Hmmm, maybe I should make it warforged.

    This week's question(s) are:

    Question 1
    How much, if any, effort do you invest in your character's appearance?

    -ALOT, if there was any potential route to do so. As it is, the armor looks terrible for the most part, all mismatched and random. The character appearance modifier is very limited (My elf has the only ears available. If they stick out any more I am going to start calling him boeing 747)

    Question 2
    A mysterious box appears before you. The writing on the side of it reads "Soap". When you stand near it, you feel the urge to climb on top of it and speak. What do you say? (Remember the forum/thread guidelines)

    -1)wands should do their effect on the attack button. Having my mage kick a monster in the butt when his wand is armed is ridiculous and non-nonsensical.
    2) items armed should remain in backpack as well, that way the trauma of constantly having your backpack reorganized on the fly could be halted. That is the worst feature of the game.
    3)there should be valence buttons (clickies like combat expertise or power attack)for arrows. 4 types. Slayer, Greater Slayer, Bane, Greater Bane. When you shoot at a creature it, the game shoudl scan your back pack, and if you have an arrow of the appropriate type AND the valence button it should arm that and shoot it. then if the next creature is not off a type that uses them it should reload the arrows that were armed prior. Supplement this with a "fast swtich" arrow feat so that there is no lag between arrow switching. That would make the ranger class very very happy.
    4)expand the packs and especially the bank. It is semi-feebleminded to have to create characters to ship mail too so you can keep all the items that you REQUIRE for the game. The way it is designed you need numerous loadouts, etc and so many weapon types. this is fine but as it stands you need extra space, extra weapon slot preps, etc...

    Question 3
    Recently we asked what your favorite (and least favorite) character class was. This week we ask... what is your favorite character race, and why?

    -Meh... depends upon your class. Class combo is a far more important determiner of character vaiablity.

  2. #62
    Community Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post
    Question 1
    How much, if any, effort do you invest in your character's appearance?
    None at all. Although i do like it when i notice the armor i just put on looks good.
    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post
    Question 2
    A mysterious box appears before you. The writing on the side of it reads "Soap". When you stand near it, you feel the urge to climb on top of it and speak. What do you say? (Remember the forum/thread guidelines)
    Rogues are more then just trapsmiths. We don't need no stinkin' healer. The enhancement system sucks.
    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post
    Question 3
    Recently we asked what your favorite (and least favorite) character class was. This week we ask... what is your favorite character race, and why?
    Gnomes. But since we don't have them Halflings. I like the size bonus. I like the saves. I like the dragonmarks. I like that they're rare. Or at least much rarer then dwarves, drow, and humans.
    • NEW – Tip #52 no longer mistakenly says that the Jump skill reduces falling damage. The appropriate skill is, in fact, tumble.

  3. #63
    Community Member MrWizard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post
    This week's question(s) are:

    Question 1
    How much, if any, effort do you invest in your character's appearance?

    Absolutely none. The system is not designed for modifications post generation. Clothing is as you find it. Guilds and individuals cannot upload any insignias and stuff. So there is no reason to even bother for me. IT would be nice to be able to make a black knight or a holy paladin, but coloring is completely by luck and it is impossible to purposely define a color scheme to a toon.

    Question 2
    A mysterious box appears before you. The writing on the side of it reads "Soap". When you stand near it, you feel the urge to climb on top of it and speak. What do you say? (Remember the forum/thread guidelines)

    All your base are belong to us

    Question 3
    Recently we asked what your favorite (and least favorite) character class was. This week we ask... what is your favorite character race, and why?

    Human- extra skill points, extra feat...these are precious due to how the game is developed. Human's rule!
    Cannon fodder build The Stalwart Defender, Raid Tank
    Worst Shroud PUG EVER!!!!!! Epic Fail (started 1/13/10, necro'd 3/9/10, 4/20/10, raised dead 3/ 9/11, necro'd 4/9/11, 5/28/11, fame petition necro 8/5/11, necro'd 9/30/11, KIA 10/3/11, True reincarnated famed (by cleric Cordovan) 10/4/11,

  4. #64
    Founder & Hero cdbd3rd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post

    Question 1
    What is something you look forward to when you log into DDO?

    Cash in my mailbox from sold auctions.

    Question 2
    Players often describe themselves as "powergamer" or "casual". If you feel either of these terms applies to you, describe why you believe that to be the case? If neither, what do you think of when you hear the terms "powergamer" and "casual"?

    Casual, for me. I play a little bit here and there, and don't strive to be 'capped' as quickly as possible.
    "Powergamers", IMO, are the guys that cap up then farm for loot hours upon hours nearly every day.
    There are varying shades of gray between these two extremes, and that's a good thing - though it makes targetting new content more of a challenge.

    Question 3
    What is your least favorite class (or class combination for you multi-classers), and why?

    Bards. I think of bards as more role-intensive, than action-oriented. As they fit into DDO, they just aren't an attraction for me.

    This week's question(s) are:

    Question 1
    How much, if any, effort do you invest in your character's appearance?

    Couple minutes now. Used to take longer as I was still exploring the various options. (We could use a few more, btw.) I make use of the "random" button til I see a face I like, then tweak it a bit.

    Question 2
    On a soapbox.... What do you say?

    *clears throat uncomfortably, then begins.*
    "Friends. Countrymen! Lend me your ears!"
    *Dodges many thrown rubber ears.*

    (or in other words, don't really have a seperate issue to preach about today.)

    Question 3
    ... what is your favorite character race, and why?

    Least: Elves. No real reason - just a leftover distaste for them from PnP.

    Most: Toss up between Humans and Halflings. (Although I HATE the running sequences of both races!) Again, this is mostly a holdover from PnP, and my preferences there. (SINCE WE DON'T HAVE HALF-ORCS YET...)

    CEO - Cupcake's Muskateers, Thelanis

  5. #65
    Community Member cjroofer's Avatar
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    Default ?,s to ponder

    (# 1) Ive not the time nor interest in life for vanity. in game. i totally save & buy gear for future planned builds to look the part with as much function & flare as poss (#2) My 2cents on a slippery plank. wish i could do away with showing the diff splashes of my multiclass builds. Just show the class i wish to particapate in. Let peeps judge on play not on looks to be. easy example 1. if my battle clr (err dwarf fighter) isnt pulling off front line duty i will be the 1rst to chop off thy own head.(#3) dwarf is buy far my fav to play.
    Last edited by cjroofer; 04-29-2008 at 09:23 PM.

  6. #66
    Community Member Deriaz's Avatar
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    Question 1
    How much, if any, effort do you invest in your character's appearance?

    At character creation, I can take upwards of an hour. In game, I've gone to the point of throwing out a +3 Mithral Tower Shield cause it was ugly.

    Question 2
    A mysterious box appears before you. The writing on the side of it reads "Soap". When you stand near it, you feel the urge to climb on top of it and speak. What do you say? (Remember the forum/thread guidelines)

    "This is an test. This is only a test." *Makes a static sound, bows, and walks off.*

    Question 3
    Recently we asked what your favorite (and least favorite) character class was. This week we ask... what is your favorite character race, and why?

    Oh, come on. This one's so easy.

    Warforged. Any. All. Titan? Probably the best. Chargers? Yes please. Normal? Of course. Scouts? Love 'em.

    Enough said.

    Thelanis - Warforged Shield of the <Fellowship of the Golden Night>

  7. #67
    Community Member SteeleTrueheart's Avatar
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    If you missed last week's questions, you're welcome to answer them now in addition to this week's:

    Question 1
    What is something you look forward to when you log into DDO?

    My guildies helping me run around and kill things.

    Question 2
    Players often describe themselves as "powergamer" or "casual". If you feel either of these terms applies to you, describe why you believe that to be the case? If neither, what do you think of when you hear the terms "powergamer" and "casual"?

    Powercasual. I love to twink and powergame, but I only play on a few days per week.

    Question 3
    What is your least favorite class (or class combination for you multi-classers), and why?

    Casters of all types. Timing hotkey clicks is just too non immersive.

    This week's question(s) are:

    Question 1
    How much, if any, effort do you invest in your character's appearance?

    I am very specific during character creation to creating the appearance I want (Where is hieght and width adjustments btw?)

    Function over fashion when it comes to items though. Of course I will use the better looking (to me) item if it has the same stats.
    (Let me colour my armour please)

    Question 2
    A mysterious box appears before you. The writing on the side of it reads "Soap". When you stand near it, you feel the urge to climb on top of it and speak. What do you say? (Remember the forum/thread guidelines)

    Please go to the main paladin thread and actually listen to the suggestions (the last few pages will do)

    Question 3
    Recently we asked what your favorite (and least favorite) character class was. This week we ask... what is your favorite character race, and why?

    Humans, always love the extra feat and skill point and they look more aesthetically (pleasingly) proportioned (to me) compared to the other races.
    Khyber - Officer in The Stormreach Thieves Guild
    Steeles (TR 1 Paladin 20 / 8 Epic - TWF) - Steeley (Monkadin - Pal 18/Monk 2/ 8 Epic - Unarmed) - Steeltruhart (TR1 Paladin 17 - S&B Bastardsword) - Steelforged (Pal 20 / 8 Epic - SWF) - Steeltruhurt (TR1 - Pal 8 / Ftr 2 - THF) Steelsouls (Clr 17 / Pal 3 /8 Epic)

  8. #68


    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post
    Question 1
    How much, if any, effort do you invest in your character's appearance?

    Question 2
    A mysterious box appears before you. The writing on the side of it reads "Soap". When you stand near it, you feel the urge to climb on top of it and speak. What do you say? (Remember the forum/thread guidelines)

    Question 3
    Recently we asked what your favorite (and least favorite) character class was. This week we ask... what is your favorite character race, and why?
    1 - A moderate amount. I like my characters to have a decent look to them, and am willing to sacrifice extra money and time to get "better looking" armor/robes. If a robe or docent is bad enough, no matter how good it is, I won't put it on. In-game vanity FTW. I also like having the scars/hair/facial-features, but wish I could do more with them. Definitely wish gloves/boots/bracers/cloak had an affect on character appearance. And I wish we could use crafting to modify that to a small amount.

    2 - Upon my soap box I declare the need for faster content release. I am sorry to our devs, I love what we have, I just hate this lull between mods when the new content is getting played out, guildies aren't logging much, pick up groups are more and more scarse, accounts start getting put on hold, and the doooooom posts start up on the boards. I know it is a cycle, I just wish we had more, faster. Greedy dwarf that I am.

    3 - Yea dwarf. Check the sig. Originally I played dwarf because I like the personality/roleplay idioms of dwarf, even though I am not a roleplayer in DDO. Now I add to that reasoning the fact that dwarven stats and enhancements fit my style of play. I also like playing WF, but not as much.
    Leader of Lost Legions

  9. #69
    Community Member Affront's Avatar
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    Default Answers for #18

    Answer 1: I put as much effort as I can. It would be nicer to be able to personalize our characters by lengthening the nose, making bigger ears, or whatever rather than selecting from the same path combinations. It would also be nice if the colors in the creation tool looked the same in the game.

    Answer 2: For most quests there is no such thing as the perfect party. All ranger parties are fun. All cleric parties are fun. Just clerics and wizards is a dangerous combination - who has the faster fingers? Four rogues, a sorceror, and a paladin; nice!

    Answer 3: I like drow and warforged the most. Warforged for their resistances and drow for their min-max-y-ness. I also like the hulking size of the warforged.

    Thanks for asking.

  10. #70
    DDOCast & Hero Theris's Avatar
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    Question 1: What is something you look forward to when you log into DDO?

    Saying hello to my friends.

    Question 2 : Players often describe themselves as "powergamer" or "casual". If you feel either of these terms applies to you, describe why you believe that to be the case? If neither, what do you think of when you hear the terms "powergamer" and "casual"?

    I am a metagamer. I usually play the game outside of the game. Usually its the game of statistics, builds, strategy, and reverse engineering.

    Question 3 What is your least favorite class (or class combination for you multi-classers), and why?

    Pure class Barbarian because its a one trick pony. No variety from one encounter to the next. You can build a defense barbarian, but its offensive abilities make that option moot. Its also somewhat difficult to multi-class with barbarian since its an all or nothing kind of class -- you splash 1 or 2 levels or you go to 14 to realize any benefits. Just zero incentives to take any levels more then 2 and less then 14 when multi-classing.
    Thelanis: Anne|Annala|Torzion|Anastazie|Sprockettz|Theris

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  11. #71
    Community Member DasLurch's Avatar
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    Question 1
    How much, if any, effort do you invest in your character's appearance?

    Very little. When making them, I do put some time into what I envision them looking like, but that is usually as far as it goes. There are very few options for changing that outside of a re-roll. I would really like to find a way for a character or 2 of mine to find a barber in town. Strangely, I still haven't found one. I would love to see some body scaling (ala City of Heroes/Villains)if it were possible at some point as well. That still is the best character custimazation I've ever played with. I don't like the idea of changing armor that has been mentioned. I would like to see more types though. Maybe something could be done with the race restricted armors in this area. It would be a race only skin. If it is for halflings it would look one way. If it's for elves another. Just an idea.

    Question 2
    A mysterious box appears before you. The writing on the side of it reads "Soap". When you stand near it, you feel the urge to climb on top of it and speak. What do you say? (Remember the forum/thread guidelines)

    "Where is my new content? Why do the people who I beg for more fun try to hide their timelines from us? Why oh why will they not give us a tenative release date ever? And where is my mind? I seem to have lost it somewhere..." Honestly, I have a few questions, but some of them can not be asked in this forum, and others are just things that will start flame wars. I like this question, and hope you at least get some funny responses, but think it will yield you very little as far as quality info goes because of the guidlines in the forums. Soapboxes have no such guidelines in my expeirience

    Question 3
    Recently we asked what your favorite (and least favorite) character class was. This week we ask... what is your favorite character race, and why?

    I'd have to go with Halflings, because I've been playing around with their dragon marks of late, and I've always liked the idea of playing one. Not sure why. As far as leat favorite goes, I'd say elves. Not because they are a bad class so much as they have so few actual bonuses to their race. I would like to see some other bonuses added to this race like the dwarves have in their racial enhancements. Well you did ask ya know.
    Keris-20Rogue Rahm-19Fighter Bodi-18Bard Uke Lele-20Bard Willoughby-17Rogue Ivey-20Sorc Efric-20Ranger Glaude-20FvS Hania-20Cleric Crezida-16Sorc Gespar-20Wizard Yorgo-11Barb Yurric-16Monk

  12. #72
    Founder Gornin's Avatar
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    1) Some at character creation, very little afterwards since there is nothing you can do about it. I would like to see the ability to change hair and armor and shield skins and colors.

    2)My biggest concern is the power inflation and the gap between the casual and power gamer.

    3) I tend to play humans and elves, including drow, with the occasional dwarf. In PnP, I used to enjoy half elves and monstrous races also. I have never played halflings or gnomes. I have no problem with them, just don't appeal to me.
    Snowleopard, Locomotiv Breath, Aqualung, Thickas a Brick, WitchsPromis, Part of the Machine, Coseyed Mary
    No whining, unless you're serving really good cheese. Otherwise, put a cork in it.

  13. #73
    Community Member Ministry's Avatar
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    Default My Answers

    My Answers:

    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post
    It's that time again everyone...

    This week's question(s) are:

    Question 1
    How much, if any, effort do you invest in your character's appearance?

    Not a tremendous amount. The worst (by far) part of DDO is the original character customization / look. I played COH / COV for 2 years and loved what you could do with your look in the beginning and along the game. I found an elf avatar that looks like me in RL, so that is what I mostly use. The character looks / appearances in this game are so poor in comparison to other games.

    Question 2
    A mysterious box appears before you. The writing on the side of it reads "Soap". When you stand near it, you feel the urge to climb on top of it and speak. What do you say? (Remember the forum/thread guidelines)

    Hmm... where to start..."Hear Ye Hear Ye... The potion vendors are all over Stormreach, in so many of the shops where you can buy HEALING POTIONS!!!!!!!!"

    Question 3
    Recently we asked what your favorite (and least favorite) character class was. This week we ask... what is your favorite character race, and why?

    ... edit ... I answered fav class (Sorc) instead of Race... Fav Race is DROW - 32 points, Spell Resistance, Dex, Int and Cha so high to start and easy to get to the highest starting stats of all.
    And to Warmane below... at least I can spell the word "the"...

    Last edited by Ministry; 05-01-2008 at 06:49 PM.

  14. #74
    Community Member Warmane's Avatar
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    Red face

    Question 1
    What is something you look forward to when you log into DDO?

    Seeing my friends and guildies (some are both!)

    Question 2
    Players often describe themselves as "powergamer" or "casual". If you feel either of these terms applies to you, describe why you believe that to be the case? If neither, what do you think of when you hear teh terms "powergamer" and "casual"?

    I'm a casual gamer for the most part, as I don't have a whole lot of spare time to devote to DDO (IMHO)

    Question 3
    What is your least favorite class (or class combination for you multi-classers), and why?

    A wizzi, because I panic easily at times (when being mobbed for an AOE spell i.e) and fumble too much looking for hotkeys...

    This week's question(s) are:

    Question 1
    How much, if any, effort do you invest in your character's appearance?

    I spend too much time trying to find teh "right" look for my character, but it's worth it IMHO!

    Question 2
    A mysterious box appears before you. The writing on the side of it reads "Soap". When you stand near it, you feel teh urge to climb on top of it and speak. What do you say? (Remember the forum/thread guidelines)

    I say nothing.... I made my save!

    Question 3
    Recently we asked what your favorite (and least favorite) character class was. This week we ask... what is your favorite character race, and why?

    I'm gonna have to say teh human is my favorite race (right now) ingame.... The extra feat coupled with teh versatility (well, they used to be versatile *rolls eyes*)

    Finally.... @ Ministry... Sorcerer is NOT a race, plz try again

    @ Ministry... lol, that was put there on purpose! Not trying to offend you, just trying to help...
    Last edited by Warmane; 05-02-2008 at 05:16 PM.
    I tried to put my signature here, but only succeeded in getting ink all over my screen!

  15. #75
    Community Member Rambin's Avatar
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    Last Weeks Questions

    Question 1
    What is something you look forward to when you log into DDO?

    Answer 1
    Running quests and raids with my guild

    Question 2
    Players often describe themselves as "powergamer" or "casual". If you feel either of these terms applies to you, describe why you believe that to be the case? If neither, what do you think of when you hear the terms "powergamer" and "casual"?

    Answer 2
    Casual - I play to have fun, not to spec out the absolute perfect character that zergs through every quest as fast as they can and hordes vast amounts of platinum and sells every item on the AH at ridiculous prices. I do like having nice equipment, but like to go out and have fun with my guild mates even more.

    Question 3
    What is your least favorite class (or class combination for you multi-classers), and why?

    Answer 3
    Least favorite single class would be Bard (I like them in my groups, just don't like playing them)
    Least favorite multi-class would be Wizard/Sorceror/Bard (Yes, I have seen one of these being played that was level 6 and they could not do anything except for die)

    This Weeks Questions

    Question 1
    How much, if any, effort do you invest in your character's appearance?

    Answer 1
    When I get a new piece of armor I immediately try it on to see what it looks like. If it is ugly I sell it (even if it gives me better protection.) There definately needs to be more ways to customize character appearance. I am anxiously awaiting for the day we will see cloth armor that is not a robe. I'm tired of my ranger having to be a cross dresser.

    Question 2
    A mysterious box appears before you. The writing on the side of it reads "Soap". When you stand near it, you feel the urge to climb on top of it and speak. What do you say? (Remember the forum/thread guidelines)

    I would preach about the benifit of new lower level content, or at least randomizing some of the old lower level content to make them more interesting to replay. It gets a little boring leveling up a new character when you have all of the dungeons memorized from running the same thing hundreds of times. Also, would like to see torches and lanterns added into the game and many dungeons darkend so there will be a need for them (similar to Rainbow in the Dark.)

    Question 3
    Recently we asked what your favorite (and least favorite) character class was. This week we ask... what is your favorite character race, and why?

    Answer 3
    My favorite race would have to be Elf. The Elf race just has all the right benifits for several of my favorite classes to play.
    Last edited by Rambin; 05-01-2008 at 12:08 AM.

  16. #76
    Community Member Murgatroyd's Avatar
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    Last Week:

    What is something you look forward to when you log into DDO?
    Grouping with guildies then going into a quest. While in the quest, kickin' butt and takin' names.

    Players often describe themselves as "powergamer" or "casual". If you feel either of these terms applies to you, describe why you believe that to be the case? If neither, what do you think of when you hear the terms "powergamer" and "casual"?
    Powergamer because I like the loots, I like the zerg and if I can get that extra +1 to something it makes me feel uber
    I guess with the amount of hours I spend online, I could be considered a powergamer. I don't like the Shroud grind, but that's because I always seem to be running my cleric.

    What is your least favorite class (or class combination for you multi-classers), and why?
    1. I think that they are an awesome class, but it would have to be Sorcs. Why? They have so many spell points that they feel the need to kill anything and everything. When I'm on a melee and I'm about to kill a monster, nothing frustrates me more than having my kill ninja'ed by a twitch happy Sorc.

    2. A ranged fighter. When mobs are moving it's near impossible to get an attack roll off. If you're a ranged type at some point stop, shield block and let everyone catch up.

    I guess it all comes down to play style. If you play your build well, then I will have no problems.

    This Week:

    How much, if any, effort do you invest in your character's appearance?
    About 5-10 minutes at character creation. I'll usually hit random until I find something I like, then tweak it a little. As for armors, functionality is more important. If I do pull a similar item and it looks nicer, then I will swap.

    A mysterious box appears before you. The writing on the side of it reads "Soap". When you stand near it, you feel the urge to climb on top of it and speak. What do you say? (Remember the forum/thread guidelines)
    1. More content! I have several capped toons and though I like running raids and low level quests (harbor/market), the 7-10 grind is dreadfully boring.
    2. More raids like TS! It would be nice to be able to have more guildies/friends go into a quest at the same time.
    3. Palli love...You keep using those words. I do not think they mean what you think they mean.
    4. Focus less on PvP, this is a group oriented game.
    5. Give mobs scaling attack bonuses (similar to what we have) so that AC actually means something.
    6. Don't typecast the classes. Cleric != babysitter, Bard != buffbot, Paladin != useless
    7. We've got /showhelmet on/off, it would be nice to be able to do that with belts, cloaks, etc.
    8. Being able to customize the color/look of non-named wearables (for a cost of course).

    Recently we asked what your favorite (and least favorite) character class was. This week we ask... what is your favorite character race, and why?
    In PnP that would be Humans. The extra skills and feat come in handy.
    In DDO that would be dwarves...when it comes to enhancements I find that they are the most versatile.
    Officer of The Band of the Shifting Sands
    Bluntzen Herk Kalashtar Jamira Kaminagi Linwei Minimurg Murgatroyd Sesshomaru
    He who controls the present, controls the past. He who controls the past, controls the future. --George Orwell

  17. #77
    Community Member Invalid_86's Avatar
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    Jun 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post
    If you missed last week's questions, you're welcome to answer them now in addition to this week's:[/COLOR][/b][/center]

    Question 1
    What is something you look forward to when you log into DDO?

    Question 2
    Players often describe themselves as "powergamer" or "casual". If you feel either of these terms applies to you, describe why you believe that to be the case? If neither, what do you think of when you hear the terms "powergamer" and "casual"?

    Question 3
    What is your least favorite class (or class combination for you multi-classers), and why?
    1. Finding a group to adventure with.

    2. Probably casual. I just play to have fun.

    3. Bards. I know they are useful, it's no dig on the class. It's just not my thing. Second place is clerics, because it gets old being a babysitter to bad players, and paladins, because they are just......boring.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post
    This week's question(s) are:[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER]

    Question 1
    How much, if any, effort do you invest in your character's appearance?

    Question 2
    A mysterious box appears before you. The writing on the side of it reads "Soap". When you stand near it, you feel the urge to climb on top of it and speak. What do you say? (Remember the forum/thread guidelines)

    Question 3
    Recently we asked what your favorite (and least favorite) character class was. This week we ask... what is your favorite character race, and why?
    1. Well our options are limited there, aren't they? That being said I would do alot more given the tools.

    2. Dungeons and Dragons Online should follow to rules for Dungeons and Dragons as much as is possible. Stop deviating just for the sake of messing with the game. People the world over love DnD for what it is. We don't need enhancements, Monty Haulism, insane crafting, magic item trading that no sane DM would approve of, excessively inflated mobs, a complete disregard for how BaB works, or a dumbed down spellpoint magic system to have fun.

    3. I dig halflings. No particular game reason, I just like them.

  18. #78


    Question 1
    How much, if any, effort do you invest in your character's appearance?

    Not that much. I have a 12th level drow cleric who wears a set of +4 fullplate that is just amazingly synchronized to his skin and hair tone. I'll experiment with different docents on my WF to see which one looks "right". But other than that, I'm somewhat ambivalent.

    Question 2
    A mysterious box appears before you. The writing on the side of it reads "Soap". When you stand near it, you feel the urge to climb on top of it and speak. What do you say? (Remember the forum/thread guidelines)

    The rate of generation of new quests, at all levels, needs to go up. A lot. Find ways to engage your player base with tools to help you build new dungeons faster.

    Most of the shields and armor (and a fair number of weapons) are basically trash, because they aren't optimized. In a game where you pull loot as quickly as you do in DDO, people can afford to discard the Brigandine or Half Plate that they find. Create some new effects that, say, magically increase AC bonuses, or reduce dex penalties, or increase skills or add permanent dusk/blur to armor and shields, etc, but don't put them on the fullplate or breastplates. If you do it right, I think we'll find a lot more interesting pulls out there.

    Challenge yourselves by trying to find ways to make Orange monsters instead of Red monsters. Take advantage of DW, SR and other properties to make an Orange that's very hard to kill (and hits harder than their Red equivalent), but doesn't require blanket immunities.

    Question 3
    Recently we asked what your favorite (and least favorite) character class was. This week we ask... what is your favorite character race, and why?

    Human. I like the versatility. Classwise, my favorite is probably Cleric, since I have two of them. Wizards are also fun, but since I'm resistant to creating a second one, they must not be as much fun

    -=[ Archangels ]=-

  19. #79
    Community Member I_Bob's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2006


    Question 1
    What is something you look forward to when you log into DDO?
    Finding friends, and making new ones; hoping I will find a group that uses strategy and fun, not just zerging.

    Question 2
    Players often describe themselves as "powergamer" or "casual". If you feel either of these terms applies to you, describe why you believe that to be the case? If neither, what do you think of when you hear the terms "powergamer" and "casual"?

    I game anywhere from 5-25 hours a week, depending on my work schedule so ....
    Powergamer - plays a ton and is very goal oriented
    Casual - plays infrequently with emphasis on the process.
    DDO can handle both, which is cool, and has room for the rest of us as well

    Question 3
    What is your least favorite class (or class combination for you multi-classers), and why?

    Rogue - underpowered and under-utilized - both by groups and by the design of the game (and because it is so often misspelled by everyone); A close second would be Paladin - and I'm not seeing too much real improvement being implemented in this next mod, but maybe....

    This week's question(s) are:

    Question 1
    How much, if any, effort do you invest in your character's appearance?

    Not that much as there aren't that many options. A way to alter the physical, such as a corpulent cleric, buffed female warrior, taller or shorter, etc. A barbershop would be a welcome addition. A master armorer moves into House K and will sell trim, color changes, etc, to your armor. House D welcomes a master weapon smith and an elite seamstress sets up shop in House P, both of whom will customize, for a price, your look.

    Question 2
    A mysterious box appears before you. The writing on the side of it reads "Soap". When you stand near it, you feel the urge to climb on top of it and speak. What do you say? (Remember the forum/thread guidelines)

    Need more content with more challenging dungeons - not just more monsters with more HP and more of the same old traps. How about a couple of hit and run archers, baiting into an ambush that happens in different places each time it's run? How about an actual, hard to spot, trip wire, pressure plate, something besides a box on a wall.

    Also, while we're at it, how about a way to earn another bank slot or two? And a way to set the inventory...

    Instead of, or in addition to, another raid, how about 10 or so single run dungeons of varying levels, put in the unused wilderness areas? GH was/is great, and the Sands are good, but Searing Heights - went into once and haven't again, nothing there. Raids are fun and all, but most are not casual player friendly and often I don't have time to run them, except for TS. Grinding is not fun. Still haven't run Reaver the requisite 20 times to get any good loot, and the Shroud doesn't give any....

    Question 3
    Recently we asked what your favorite (and least favorite) character class was. This week we ask... what is your favorite character race, and why?

    Human - for its adaptability, and I am one so I have some practical experience...

  20. #80
    Founder Crarites's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2006


    Question 1
    What is something you look forward to when you log into DDO?

    Advancing my characters. Currently that is done through shroud runs and crafting.

    Question 2
    Players often describe themselves as "powergamer" or "casual". If you feel either of these terms applies to you, describe why you believe that to be the case? If neither, what do you think of when you hear the terms "powergamer" and "casual"?

    Casual. no formalized playtimes. no rigid guild hierarchy and looting system. no oncall rotations. no tithing system or guild requirements. no formalized mentoring. no requirement to play with specific players. Free to decide nightly activities/loot/advancement without pressure from other players.

    Question 3
    What is your least favorite class (or class combination for you multi-classers), and why?

    Barbarian - limited playing options. One directional builds/enhancement schemes.

    Question 1
    How much, if any, effort do you invest in your character's appearance?


    Question 2
    A mysterious box appears before you. The writing on the side of it reads "Soap". When you stand near it, you feel the urge to climb on top of it and speak. What do you say? (Remember the forum/thread guidelines)

    I like crafting but hate grinding. DDO is becoming more and more equipment based which in turn has meant grinding quests for specific loot and crafting ingredients. A better balance needs to be struck to eliminate some of the grinding.

    Question 3
    Recently we asked what your favorite (and least favorite) character class was. This week we ask... what is your favorite character race, and why?

    Warforge. They are the master race after all.
    "As if killing the Bard impresses us."
    -Sir Osric, Paladin

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