I was thinking of rerolling my paladin for the last time.
How to improve it though?
I've made a base 18 str pally, I've made a base 20 cha pally and while both worked pretty good, I could not shake the impression I have invested a ton of cash to pimp out a 1985 crysler van...
Going the AC route was embarassing too.. Nothing could hit me short of rolling a 20... but since it took me so much freaking longer to kill it, I ended up taking more damage from those lucky hits then when I tore them down in 10 secs...
So I figured... why bother with extremes?
Sword n Board with Power Attack
16 str instead of 18,
decent save, decent damage, decent AC, decent UMD, decent... wait... will this work??
here is some info: ELF Paladin 16
base stats:
Str. 16
Dex. 10
Con 14
Int. 10
Wis 08
Cha 16
Feats: 1st. toughness, 3rd. weapon focus: Slash, 6th. power attack, 9th. improved crit: slash, 12th. skill focus: umd, 15th. toughness
skills: UMD and Jump
If you get the impression I'm compensating for something with toughness.... you're right =)
So here is the breakdown of what 16 will look like... Going over Hit points, AC, saves, umd, to hit and damage.
Paladin 160 + 2x toughness 38 + Paladin toughness 50 + con (22) 96 + heroic meat shield 20 + dragon 10 + false life 30
Armor Class: 54
10 base + 16 mith FP + 9 Madstone Shield + 5 Aura + 5 protection +3 nat.armor + 2 chaos guard +4 green steel
(chattering ring is too much a pain heh)
SAVES: Fort: 33, Ref: 25, Will: 24
Fort: base 10 + 6 con +4 resist +8grace +5 aura
Ref: base 5 +3 dex + 4 resist +8 grace +5 aura
Will: base 5 +2 wis +4 resist + 8 grace +5 aura
UMD: 9base + 8 cha + 3 cartouche +3 focus = 23 UMD (I will likely use a recitation scroll and drink a heroism potion to cast greater heroism but I wanna leave all those "buffs" out of my stats shown)
Attack: +5 greensteel longsword = +30+30+35+40+45
16 base + 9 str + 2 elven attack + 1 follower of whatever enhancement + 3 divine favor + 1 weapon focus: slash +5 weapon
- 5 power attack - 2 madstone shield
Damage: +5 greensteel longsword 1d10+24
9 Str + 5 weapon + 2 elven damage + 3 divine favor +5 power attack
so... put together that is:
HP: 404
AC: 54
saves: F33, R25, W24
UMD: 23
Attack: +30
Damage +24
I intend to use greater heroism scrolls to round those numbers off but the question is... does this work?
Can I kill stuff in a reasonable amount of time with a +24 damage (+ all the extra numbers like holy, good burst, etc)
My lay on hands is only 154 but that should still get me out of critical range in a fight.
So what do you think? Did I figure stuff wrong? Does it work or not work in your experience?