So the other night the guildies and myself decided to run the shroud (in its Lagloriousness and all). I ended up with the star and did the rest of the recruitment for the group with your run of the mill LFM. Nothing special, was open to whomever really, and of course we fill up and enter the quest. In the process of buffing it seems that one of my guildmates is reading the PUGs's bios, when low and behold he comes across one (name withheld of course) which basically in it has a list of 2 people that really p.i.s.s. him off in game. Wouldn't you just know it, my Cleric's name is on there. Hilarious for the fact that he joined through the LFM which of course my Cleric was hosting and was the one who accpeted him into party.
Don't get me wrong, I join groups with people I don't necessarily like whom are in the group and I'm sure people do the same likewise with me, but advertising it on your bio and coming along-now that is PRICELESS.