Havent really rolled many meelee classes, but my paladin has me down in the dumps. I was thinking about rolling a new fighter, one with ac as high as I could get it. But I dont know much about fighters, guess I have a few questions.
1. With rapiers being so good end game now, is a weapon finess build for a fighter viable, or will they really always be str dependent?
2. Would a halfling go good with this combo. I was thinking higher max dex, halfling ac bonus, and having a high wis wearing +8 ac bracers or the white dragon scale robe. Is this plan impractical.
3. Never could bring myself to get 1750 favor. Is a build that pumps dex and wis with mabye 14 int for combat expertise and the rest into str/con workable at 28? Please dont tell me "well it would work if you went dwarf!" I would really like to stick to halfling if I could for the dragonmarks, but I supose I could switch to drow if it wouldnt have a chance to be useful.
Any thoughts on a build like this?