Hi all,
I am closing in on lvl 16 for my pure fighter and was wondering what the benifits of taking 1 lvl of Pally... whats the improvement to ac, etc.
Your knowledge is appreciated...
Hi all,
I am closing in on lvl 16 for my pure fighter and was wondering what the benifits of taking 1 lvl of Pally... whats the improvement to ac, etc.
Your knowledge is appreciated...
MidasMarsayasScofieldJaasperAmtrack - Officer Eternal Wrath
From what we know about DDO now, it would absolutely be a good idea for a fig15 to switch out and take levels of paladin, ranger, barbarian, or even rogue. That's because the fighter class essentially stops gaining useful new abilities at level 12. By 12 you've qualified for Greater Weapon Specialization and gotten enough bonus feat slots for all the good feats, so any additional fighter levels add only a little.
The reason to not switch out of fighter would be assuming that someday in the future Turbine will add new abilities to higher-level fighters that have been unannounced so far. It's a guessing game as to if you think they will.
So, what does a paladin level give you? The ability to use cure wands (which would've been more helpful when you were lower level), +1 to ac and saves, an enhancement for +1 longsword attack. A future level of paladin2 would be the thing to be concerned about: it will add your charisma bonus to saving throws.... but you might not have a good charisma!
+1 ac, some wand usage and a smite evil. People usually take the one level of pally at lower levels for wands or 2-3 levels if they are going for saves/ac.
about immunity to fear? that come into play at lvl 1?
MidasMarsayasScofieldJaasperAmtrack - Officer Eternal Wrath
Immune to fear-level 3 I think
+The Goddess of Tempest's Spine+Merc's Only, THELANIS: List is here: http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php...94#post2798094 LEGIONNAIRE /Salute to Rameses, He has RETURNED!
Some level 1 characteristics of full BAB classes which are not completely worthless
- wand usage
- speed boost
- energy resistance boost (stacks with everything)
- bow strength (add str bonus to bow damage, not useful if you have a nice returning thrower or rarely range)
- saves boost
- ac boost (moderately useful)
- +1 saves/AC aura (won't stack with other pally auras)
- wand usage
Barbarian (although you are probably Lawful Good)
- DR boost (not quite as much DR as stoneskin, but it's not ablative)
- speed boost
- 10% base movement speed increase
- Rage (for a small DPS boost now and then)
Note that all movement speed increases are useful for increasing your kill count.
Last edited by GeneralDiomedes; 04-27-2008 at 02:08 PM.
Server Sarlona / MST / Guild Enslaved / Characters Ionos, Cydekik, Xalavan, Rodessa, Hethrow, Ramsteen
Here are some other features in addition to what's already been said. Useful to note that the wands you get for paly/ranger aren't only cure wands. Skills, you probably don't care as much about. Check out rangers with the +2 reflex save.
Compared to fighter:
- Class skills intimidate, jump, listen, and swim.
- Gain 2 HP
Compared to fighter:
- Class skills concentration, diplomacy, heal.
- Cure Light/Moderate/Serious
- Bless
- Lesser Restoration
- Protection from Evil (Magic Circle Against Evil)
- Bull's Strength
- Eagle's Splendor
- Owl's Wisdom
- Remove Paralysis
- Resist Energy
- Dispel Magic
- Prayer (think this is on wands but not sure)
- Remove Blindness
- Remove Curse
- Neutralize Poison
Compared to fighter:
- Class skills concentration, heal, jump, hide, move silently, search, spot, swim.
- Lose 2 HP
- Gain 2 base reflex save
- Cure Light/Moderate/Serious
- Resist Energy
- Bear's Endurance
- Cat's Grace
- Owl's Wisdom
- Remove Disease
- Neutralize Poison
- Freedom Of Movement (again not sure this is on wands)
You really don't want a splash of rogue (well you might, but it's almost useless). If you want to splash rogue into a character it really helps to do it at 1st level. That way you get all of your skill points up front.
Barbarian is not a bad idea, nor is Paladin or Ranger.
Ranger - you get bow strength into your damage (+ your strength modifier) Access to all healing wands, as well as barkskin wands if you find them
Paladin - Bonus on AC, Lay on Hands, and almost same wand selection (wands are total levels, not caster levels...i.e. a 15/1 Fighter/Pali can use the same wands as a 16 Pali.
Barbarian - Well, you get rage. A short one, and only one.
Depends on what are looking for and what you want to try! As long as you have fun with it that's all that matters!
What Djinni said above !!
*Posters comments in no way reflect telling OP how to play his character, and was just trying to give helpful advice.