I've decided I'm too poor. Make a DECENT offer on anything below, and its yours.
Melee DPS
+1 Anarchic Bastard Sword of Greater Aberration Bane rr Halfling UMD 18
+3 Anarchic Dwarven Axe of Greater Dragon Bane ml 14
+5 Anarchic Bastard Sword of Pure Good rr Dwarf UMD 22
+4 Shocking Burst Battleaxe of Pure Good
+3 Flaming Burst Scimitar of Pure Good
+1 Axiomatic Burst Cold Iron Bastard Sword of Pure Good
+3 Icy Burst Heavy Pick of Pure Good
+1 Battleaxe of Greater Undead Bane
+1 Thundering Dwarven Axe of Greater Undead Bane
+2 Holy Burst Falchion of Power I
Melee Rares
+1 Paralyzing Handaxe of Maiming
+1 Wounding Handaxe of Smiting
+4 Cursespewing handaxe
+1 Vorpal Falchion of Shattermantle
+2 Vorpal Bastard Sword of Backstabbing 1 rr elf/drow UMD 22
+1 Paralyzing Longsword of Tendon Slice rr Dwarf UMD 22
+1 Paralyzing Light Mace
+1 Paralyzing Shortsword
+1 Paralyzing Morningstar rr elf/drow UMD 18
+1 Paralyzing Greataxe
+1 Crippling Longsword of Disruption
+1 Heavy Mace of Disruption
+1 Seeker +2 Light Mace of Disruption
+1 Banishing Light Hammer of Backstabbing +1
+2 Weakening Battleaxe of Enfeebling
+1 Weakening Kopesh of Enfeebling
+2 Superior Devotion 6 Scepter
+3 Acid Guard Mithral Full Plate of Wizardry I
+5 Mithral Breastplate (x2)
+5 Mithral Chain Shirt (x2)
+5 Sacred Mithral Chain Shirt of Lesser Fire Resistance
+5 Mithral Chain Shirt of Power I
+4 Mithral Chain Shirt
+5 Mithral Chain Shirt of Scare
Helm of Wizardry 7
Dex +6 Boots
Dex +6 Tumble +3 Boots rr Halfling UMD 20
Dex +6 Gloves
Cha +6 Cloak
Con +6 Belt of Feather Fall
Strength +6 Belt of Balance +3 (x2)
Armor Bonus +6 Repair +3 Bracers rr Halfing UMD 20
Protection +5 Cloak (x2)
Protection +4 ring
Protecton +4 cloak
Protection +4 Cha +1 cloak
Resist +4 cloak (x2)
Ring of Resistance +4
Feather Falling Ring of Balance +10
Striding 25% ring
Striding 30% ring
Striding 30% ring of Swimming +3
Disease Immunity Necklage of Protection +4
Disease Immunity Belt of Heavy Fortification
Black Dragon Helm
Ranged Rares
+1 True Chaos Composite Longbow of Disruption
+1 Seeker +2 Longbow of Disruption rr Warforged UMD 20
+1 Seeker +2 Composite Shortbow of Disruption
+1 Wounding Shortbow of Puncturing
+1 Ghost Touch Longbow of Smiting
+2 Shortbow of Smiting
+1 Paralyzing Shortbow rr Halfling UMD 18
+1 Paralyzing Shortbow
+1 Paralyzing Shortbow of Deception
+1 Banishing Composite Shortbow
+1 Banishing Shortbow
+1 Banishing Composite Shortbow
+3 Flaming Burst Composite Shortbow of Pure Good
+5 Flaming Burst Shortbow of Precision rr Human UMD 24
+1 Banishing Densewood Repeating Heavy Crossbow of Power I
+1 Holy Burst Darkwood Repeating Heavy Crossbow of Pure Good
+5 Axiomatic Repeating Heavy Crossbow
+1 Paralyzing Heavy Crossbow of Power I
+1 Paralyzing Heavy Crossbow of Backstabbing I
+1 Heavy Crossbow of Disruption
+1 Wounding Light Crossbow of Puncturing
+1 Wounding Heavy Crossbow of Puncturing
+1 Ghost Touch Light Crossbow of Smiting
Wounding of Puncturing Rapiers and shortswords
Electric Haze
Planar Girds
Kardin's Eye
Resistance +5 ring/cloak
+6 Con ring(s)
smiting rapiers, scimitars
adoryn's malice/ Adamantine/Transmuting Greater Construct Banes
Large ingredients
Chipmunk Funk, Pebbles, and Twigs
Tome Page 2
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