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  1. #1
    Community Member techguru's Avatar
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    Default WTB +2 Wisdom Item usable by a lv 4

    Went to train my Dwarf 1 rogue/2 ranger with another level of ranger (base 10 wisdom) and the trainer tell me I will not be able to cast spells without a 12 wisdom.. soo................. I go get a wisdom potion drink it and wisdom is at 14.. run to trainer.. and he says nothing about needing more wisdom.. when I am finished training I have no spell points.. no spells.. ****
    so I scourer the AH for +2 wisdom item usable at lv 4 - Does such a thing exist.. thanks
    PrepOn Pinciotti Lv 20 Human Bard Alahona Lv 20 Drow Sorcerer Sliceomatic Lv 20 Warforged Exploiter Vestri Vigoratus Lv 16 Human Cleric

  2. #2
    Community Member Syrbryce's Avatar
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    Think you'll need to be lvl 5 there tech, unless a rr one drops somewhere.
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  3. #3
    Founder Stanley_Nicholas's Avatar
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    Yep, a plain +2 wisdom item would be min level 5. The two ways you could get one with a lower level is with a race restriction (making it min level 3), or if you find a bound one on the end reward for a quest like waterworks or stk.

    I don't have one I can trade you, but it's really not that big of a deal. You can just get some more xp and gain another level, then you'll be able to use a plain level 5 item. You would probably only have enough spellpoints to cast one or two weak spells right now anyway, even if you did find such an item.
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  4. #4
    Community Member Heffty_Smurf's Avatar
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    Default also.....

    if it is for your toon drunken there who is ranger 3 and rogue 1 you wont have any spell points until you hit lev 4 with the ranger. rangers and pally dont get spells til they hit lev 4 in that class.
    Heffty, Handee, Brainy, Grouchy, Vanitty, Paapa, Lazie, Smurffette, Jokie
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  5. #5
    Community Member techguru's Avatar
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    Mar 2006


    OK thanks - so I would need a rr Dwarf +2 wisdom item then
    or just power to level 5.. and yes it is for Drunkun with is 3 ranger 1 rogue..
    or eat a +1 wisdom tome (which I don't have and can't afford) and +1 wisdom item.. would get me to 12 wisdom..
    or run tangleroot and get them +2 wisdom helm usable at level 5..

    I think I understand - thanks..
    PrepOn Pinciotti Lv 20 Human Bard Alahona Lv 20 Drow Sorcerer Sliceomatic Lv 20 Warforged Exploiter Vestri Vigoratus Lv 16 Human Cleric

  6. #6
    Community Member
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    May 2006


    if u get a +1 wis item ur wis would be high enuf to cast lvl (- required wisdom is 10 plus spell lvl) spells but u wonthave any mana -- if u take the ranger mana enhancmetn u wil hav enuf to cast spell twice -- or u could also find a power or wizardry item for ur lvl pop 1s are prety common and cheap on ah i believe wil give u 10 sp with i think 20 from first ranger mana enhancement for 3 cast of ur rams might-- i belive rangers dont get any mana except from wisdom modifier until they are lvl 6 which is why u started with no mana at lvl 4 palis are the same way-- also since u multi classed u wont get any ranger spells til lvl 4 ranger which would be at least lvl 5 for u so then u could use a lvl 5 wis 2 item-- the warning the trainer gives u is just that awarning so there arent nay gimped out dwarven sorcs with 6 starting charisma
    Last edited by joeuhuh; 04-27-2008 at 09:44 AM.

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