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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Looking for a little help and advice

    Hey everyone. I am about to unlock the 32 point build and have had my heart set on a dwarf dual wielding heavy pick pure barbarian for awhile now. I'm still pretty new to the game and kinda screwed up my first character and don't want to do the same thing here. I downloaded one of those toon generating programs from here, but the barbarian wasn't one of the classes(?). Obviously I want max hit points and max DPS and going to use feats to max out TWF and Improved crit puncturing. I was messing around with my 28 point build abilities and just doing the math adding 4 points. I thought that I would be able to put 20 in con and in str and not to worry too much about anything else except dex and maybe a little intel. I already have mith full plate +5 for my guy. So I want to take enough dex to get the best A/C possible, but understand that barbarians are not tanks. I do have a +2 con tome a +2 str tome and if I need it a +1 intel tome. This is going to be my main toon so don't have a problem investing resources into him ie getting more tomes or items etc... MY main question is how I should put my starting statistics, as they are set and you can't go back once you hit that button. So, if anyone would like to help out a newbie who has an addiction to this game I would appriciate it and thank you to everyone for taking the time to read my post. Peace

  2. #2
    Community Member Hanam's Avatar
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    If I were you, I'd save the +2 tomes till 13-16th level when you can get a good idea how much you like him.

  3. #3
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    You will need a 17 dex without any items or enhancements (can be from levels or tomes) to get Improved and greater two weapon.

    give me a moment and I'll play around with some numbers for you. One thing to note though. Min maxing a barbarian is not necessary. My 28 point Main started with 14, 16, 14, 8, 14, 8 and no one would know if I did not tell them.
    I drink harder than you, ride harder than you and if I have spare time I might just play this game too.
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  4. #4
    Community Member
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    Ah, thank you very much for pointing out the dex comment. That is something I would have totally screwed up. I'm glad that I asked, please keep the advice comming. I now have 1749 total favor. Yes, 1 point away, but gives me something to look forward to in the morning. Thanks for the advice and comments folks.

  5. #5
    Community Member wolfy42's Avatar
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    Actually I think you need 17 dex to get GTWF which is the most important (gives you 2 extra attacks, including the initial attack).

    Now a +2 dex tome can be used later on to get there, but your still going to need a 15 base dex eventually to reach it (although you can get around that by using a level stat increase late game).

    You can also go with axes btw early on and then just switch out your weapon focus late game to piercing. 2 dwarven axes are probably superior to 2 heavy pick axes for most of the game till get get crit rage 1&2.

    I'd plan your stats around using tomes both to start and long term. Maybe something like this:

    Str 18 (16)
    Dex 15 (08)
    Con 16 (06)
    Int 10 (02)
    Wis/cha base

    Eventually you need +2 dex tome and it would be nice to add a +2 strength tome as well (but a +1 is fine to start..and your +2 tome to use only late game when you need it for ITWF or possibly hold off for GTWF as till then 2 handed weapons and weapon/shield may be better).

    Int 10 is only if you want multiple skills maxed (for instance my barbarian is a ranger hybrid and keeps hide/ms maxed). You could use the 2 points to snag a 16 dex and then only need a +1 dex tome as well, saving the +2 for your strength.

    Anyway good luck and have fun, barbarians are a blast!!!

  6. #6
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    Ok, would this work.
    18 strength use +2 tome +4 level
    15 dex use +2 tome
    17 con use +2 tome +5 dwarf and barb enhancements
    8 int
    8 wis
    6 cha

    I already have the tomes except for the dex, but sure I can trade for or buy one on the A/H, gonna be awhile before I need it anyways.
    I'm pretty sure that this is the way to go. Thank you all for taking the time to help me out, it is appriciated. Peace

  7. #7
    Community Member Hanam's Avatar
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    there is no need to get all those con enhancements. Trust me 1 rank in both will do but anymore is a waste of action points. They can be better spent on more useful enhancements like the axe damage/attack or dwarven spell resistance(for saves)
    Last edited by Hanam; 04-26-2008 at 01:49 PM.

  8. #8
    Community Member
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    well the enhancements do really matter much to me at this point seeing you can re-set them. The only thing that I want to make sure that I get right is the starting stats, which I cannot re-do especially after investing +2 tomes into them. I am pretty sure what I have come up with for race and stats is correct with how I want to make him. Thank you for everyones thoughts and opinions. peace

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