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  1. #41
    Community Member gfunk's Avatar
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    Default buffage

    I generallly play my ranger so i am mostly a secondary buffer (except bark which you get whether you want it or not) Some buffs are pretty obvious... eg blur, gh... you can just click on the character to see what they need for the quest. The problem is the items which don't advertise themselves (eg. resist cloaks et al). Sometimes my ranger or sorc will cast fire resist on the party only to see that the graphic doesn't activate on half of them (those who already have a resist item.. and it sucks to waste the mana this way). You would think the simple solution would be to ask "hey, who needs resists". When i ask, i typically get ignored by half or more of the party. I imagine that the people who ignore fall into four catagories:

    1) those who can't hear me
    2) those who are too proud/shy to accept buffs
    3) those who think i should buff them as standard course without asking.
    4) those who already have an item for the buff, and aren't motivated to say they dont need me to cast it.

    I sympathize with all the primary buffers, as i would imagine that people also frequently ignore their queries, so i see why some people would give up buffing people. It is frustrating to waste mana, and can jeopordize the succesful completion of the quest.

    Regardless, whatever my game style, i prefer to defer to the party leader. If he says something like: "hey ranger, could you cast some jump", i will do it. After all, i did consent to join the party under their leadership (they can't force you to join).
    <Sarlona>Leafy - ranger , Ingvild - fighter, Backk - rogue, Dahgnabbit - warlock , Reinheits - cleric, <Lost Legion>

  2. #42
    Community Member CoolHand_Luke's Avatar
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    When I buff others, I usually hit then with the basics and stuff I know for sure they will need. There are too many items out there that we have that will provide equal or better protection. You can get get cloaks for a perma blur. Greater resist items, etc. etc etc.

    So I throw out the basics, and ask for requests. I know sometimes that with a cast buff, one can switch around equiptment, to be more effective.

    Mostly, I don't read minds, nor do I have access to you equiptment lists. I do not know if you play 24/7, or a casual player. So if it aggrivates you to ask for something that will make you more effective in quest, I do beleive that there is something wrong with you. Also, if you give someone &^!* about asking you for a buff that may just save someone something, I again feel that there is something wrong with you.

    It aggrivates me when people degrade others for not have item XXX. Guess what, that person might have only 1 character, 1 account, and plays for 2 hours on friday, 4 on sat, if lucky due to R/L, and is not interested in running a quest for 3 months straight (see time limitations) to get that stuiped item that will save 1 person a push of a button.

    Also, if you feel that a person should have a wand of "sillyness". Maybe you should go out, buy em one, hand it to them and let them know when it could be handy to use. If they use it , great, if not, who cares.

    Also, I am tired of reading these forums, and see people try to tell each other of how to play their character. Or how they should be played.

    Amiee lvl 16 cleric___________Heathur lvl 16 fighter
    Coolhand lvl16 rogue ________Freek lvl 16 wizzard
    Saba lvl 16 cleric ________Hayoka lvl 16 Bard

  3. #43
    Community Member Zenako's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lebrac View Post
    Matson brings up HUGE points... Why are cleric's/tanks the only ppl "required" to spend money on themselfs? yes casters can do alot for themselfs but as soon as "some" of them run out of mana they are worthless and basicaly a drain because they do not do the little things like use Force missle wand in part 5 and 6 of the shroud or use Protection wands on the fighters while they fight when they are out of mana. there is still things taht can be done that help the party out. and FWI WEB is the new(and old) disco ball....

    ONe other thing matty... U have always played a VERY different game then most casters... considering u have more 2H weapons then most barbarians on the server
    Leave it to NSR to find a Part 6 in the shroud??? Cool Beans!
    Sarlona - The Ko Brotherhood :Jareko-Elf Ranger12Rogue8+4E; Hennako-Human Cleric22; Rukio-Human Paladin18; Taellya-Halfling Rogue16; Zenako-Dwarf Fighter10Cleric1; Daniko-Drow Bard20; Kerriganko-Human Cleric18; Buket-WF Fighter6; Xenophilia-Human Wiz20; Zenakotwo-Dwarf Cleric16; Yadnomko-Halfling Ftr12; Gabiko-Human Bard15; lots more

  4. #44
    Community Member soupertc's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CoolHand Luke View Post
    When I buff others, I usually hit then with the basics and stuff I know for sure they will need. There are too many items out there that we have that will provide equal or better protection. You can get get cloaks for a perma blur. Greater resist items, etc. etc etc.

    So I throw out the basics, and ask for requests. I know sometimes that with a cast buff, one can switch around equiptment, to be more effective.

    Mostly, I don't read minds, nor do I have access to you equiptment lists. I do not know if you play 24/7, or a casual player. So if it aggrivates you to ask for something that will make you more effective in quest, I do beleive that there is something wrong with you. Also, if you give someone &^!* about asking you for a buff that may just save someone something, I again feel that there is something wrong with you.

    It aggrivates me when people degrade others for not have item XXX. Guess what, that person might have only 1 character, 1 account, and plays for 2 hours on friday, 4 on sat, if lucky due to R/L, and is not interested in running a quest for 3 months straight (see time limitations) to get that stuiped item that will save 1 person a push of a button.

    Also, if you feel that a person should have a wand of "sillyness". Maybe you should go out, buy em one, hand it to them and let them know when it could be handy to use. If they use it , great, if not, who cares.

    Also, I am tired of reading these forums, and see people try to tell each other of how to play their character. Or how they should be played.

    I agree
    No I don't wear a Concordant Opp item on my Barb...but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night. Zixx of the FlatBlade(Barb)

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