This is a very kind and non flaming critique of the Shroud raid part 4. Any developer or level designer from turbine that reads, I appreciate you taking the time to look it over.
The one part I have a major problem with is the holding tank.
I understand the essence of it but let me say this. I do not believe this is a good mechanic and I will tell you why.
Knowing now what I know of game design I have an idea and knowledge that I want to use to put forth a recomendation. Far be it to me to tell hardened and experienced game and level designers how to make a raid. But this is my point of view.
Taking a page from Bob bates, a game designer, His basic theory is that good games design with the player in mind not the designer. Meaning that a well designed level is done in a way that the player is challenged but does accomplish the task of defeating the level. In the case of the shroud, and in the case of many other single fail concept raids, the player should never be put in a position to fail and not be able to re-do the mission. In the case of the shroud, if you fail you have to go back and do parts 1 -3. This breaks the game design rule of repitition. Never making a player do something over if they fail. Or if they do, they should be able to get back to the part they left off and not have to go -redo a part over again. Maybe put a timer, if they fail the last part. They have to wait a day but they can jump back to part 4 and try again. Then once they defeat it they have to go through parts 1 - 3 again. There are more inventive ways to make a player go through different parts of quest without repeating.
Thats the first issue I see. The second is the well of souls with no way to come back. Death happens in any game and in this instance, it should be made possible for the players to come back into the fight after maybe a 1 minute timeout or some such. If you want to go further give the players a set amount of limited times they can be ressed. Like say 3 - 4. It should not be one shot and done.
I know other people have defeated this raid, fine, I understand that. Thats not my point. A raid or quest should be able to be done by everyone, not just the most elite and skilled player.
Having gathered a lot of knowledge about game design and what makes games funner, I see a few flaws in this game design and I want to express them. I may be wrong, or I may be right. But the fact is, according to the design models I have been taught, this and many other quests in DDO do not follow them.
Thats not necessarily a bad thing, the game designers at Turbine can design how they please and this is not a flame. Just an observation of how I think these can be improved.
I know online games are a little different than FPS's or other genre's but the principles should remain the same. There should be some death circuit breakers in the mix to give the player at least more than one shot to kill the boss if they die.
Your trying to keep the player playing in the game for as long as possible. A 1 death fail solution is not the way to keep people playing.
I used Bob Bate's model for game design and wrote up my own. I used his concepts and although the player in my game can fail, its not a lose and go back situation. They have the option to reload and try again. I also designed with the player in mind, not to beat the player. No game designer should be setup to try and beat a player. Your playing with them, not against them. It won best in class.
This brings me to my other critique. The Abbott. It has not been defeated by anybody since the change. Thats not a problem with the players, its a design flaw. No mission in any game should be unbeatable. No matter who they face. Even if it is the supreme GOD of all the universe. There should be a winnable situation.
Unfortunatly, from my point of view the game designers are going to have to bite the bullet and simply design it so it is beatable in some way. And not by 20% of the time, but 80 - 90% of the time. I know that sounds nuts but I have spoken to several in the industry designers and they all agree with me on this. A good game design is such that the player accomplishes victory basically every time they play. You want a player to be able to tour the game. The next part tells about those that after they see the ending, they can do more and challenge themselves.
NOW I do have a solution for adding challenges. I say that there should be mechanic by which the player wins almost every time thus allowing them to experience the "ending" and letting them achieve victory. However, there should also be a mechanic for a highly skilled player to up the challenge level and give them an acceptable challenge. One that would be considered a pass or fail condition. One that only a few can really accomplish. That is what the Elite setting is for. Under an elite setting, you play under the original rules of one death, one fail, must repeat.
Will everyone want to play that way? No but I can guarantee some will. And when they do, you should give them a reward for the effort. Access to most ingredients or a special chests.
The challenge of the elite should not be the challenge of them all.
I dont want this to be thought of as that I am saying the game designers who made these quests are bad. NOT AT ALL!! Please dont take it that way. I wanted to give my opinion on how they can be improved because I believe that they can be.
If I had been the designer on these quest, I would have done them differently based on the knowledge I have about the industry standards and what has worked. And the above stated changes are what I would have made, based on that knowledge.
Take for what its worth, afterall, its just my opinion.
Thank you for reading this.