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  1. #1
    Community Member Gennerik's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Default Reporting Harassment

    The in-game mail system works great, and the right-click reporting has the potential to work great, but I have one final addition to really help keep tells down. When a player reports another for harassment, perhaps the reported player should no longer be able to send tells while the report is being investigated. That way, when I report a character for spamming tells, they don't have a couple more minutes of sending tells while a GM gets to the ticket (by which time the offending player has normally logged off and deleted the character).

    Additionally, when reported, that account should get an Unresolved Harassment Ticket if they log out before the issue is resolved. Maybe if an account gets 3 of these, that install of the game (most likely a 10-day trial) is disabled, meaning that the player would have to uninstall the game and then reinstall it (including repatching) before they could actually make any new characters to harass us some more. If a gold seller only gets to send about 6-10 tells for every hour or so of messing with the game, that would seriously impact the number of tells we get.

    How says everyone else? It doesn't impact players in the game, it doesn't impact new players just trying the game, it just impacts people that are constantly annoying players trying to have fun.
    Last edited by Gennerik; 04-25-2008 at 11:14 AM. Reason: Clarification of UHT condition.

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