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  1. #1
    Community Member Ransacked's Avatar
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    Default Air Ele Knockdown & Saves

    I probably despise encounters that have Air Elementals over any other in this entire game. Awhile ago a change was made to web where if you were to save against the entangelment you would be immune to its effects for several seconds.
    Can we please have a change made to air elementals to mimick this type of behavior? There really is nothing more frustrating than hoping the ele knocks you far enough away to have a slight chance of getting up and fighting back.

  2. #2
    Community Member Talon_Moonshadow's Avatar
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    Ranging is an option for every class.
    High balance means you get back on your feat fast.
    And there is a save. It's just a high one.
    And the only real damage they do is electrical I think.

    Prepare, change tactics, or just wait and let someone else get the kill.
    I gave up a life of farming to become an Adventurer.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jandric View Post
    ..., but I honestly think the solution is to group with less whiny people.

  3. #3
    Community Member Ransacked's Avatar
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    I tend to solo often and the character doing the soloing ranged combat isn't a totally viable option. All it takes is for the air ele to get close enough to knock you down and unless you are lucky that's pretty much the end. A long drawn out death animation of getting knocked over, shocked, pushed away, shocked, pushed away, ad naseum.

    On a successful save against knockdown I would like to see a brief timer implemented to allow a moment to regain your ground. As it is now the only chance you have against them is either being knocked so far away you get up before they reach you or you are facing the right direction to retailiate before being knocked over again.

    It really is frustrating.

    Ranging also is not an option for every class. If you mean throwing something, missing, and drawing attention to yourself then sure I can agree with that. Otherwise I disagree.

  4. #4
    Community Member Nott's Avatar
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    On my sorcerer, I've despised them much less since gaining Finger of Death, and learning that it works well against them.

  5. #5
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    On my ranger with a reflex save in the 26+ range and a balance in the 20+ range I stand up on the first balance check most of the time and dodge the lightning even with the knocked down penalty. I put resist lightning on put out the wounding a desperately hope that I can do enough dmg with manyshot to kill its con before it reaches me. As soon as it reaches me I'm knocked down with no save and it continues to knock me about, not doing any real dmg, for a minute or so until I get lucky and can jump away while firing and hope it does not tether and return to spawn erasing all the con dmg I did.

    True my wizard can FoD, banish, or PK them but almost any range class has to pray to their god that they can kill it before it reaches you or you get to spend awhile laying around with no real chance to do much of anything. And if there is more then one then forget about it. I've been on my back for a couple minutes just being knocked back and forth by a group of them. As soon as I got a balance check I was standing again but they just tossed me across the room again right away.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nott View Post
    On my sorcerer, I've despised them much less since gaining Finger of Death, and learning that it works well against them.
    Lower level sorcerers use Curse + PK.

  7. #7
    Community Member Talon_Moonshadow's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ransacked View Post
    I tend to solo often and the character doing the soloing ranged combat isn't a totally viable option. All it takes is for the air ele to get close enough to knock you down and unless you are lucky that's pretty much the end. A long drawn out death animation of getting knocked over, shocked, pushed away, shocked, pushed away, ad naseum.

    On a successful save against knockdown I would like to see a brief timer implemented to allow a moment to regain your ground. As it is now the only chance you have against them is either being knocked so far away you get up before they reach you or you are facing the right direction to retailiate before being knocked over again.

    It really is frustrating.

    Ranging also is not an option for every class. If you mean throwing something, missing, and drawing attention to yourself then sure I can agree with that. Otherwise I disagree.
    Well, soloing is prob a lot different.
    No one else for them to target every round.

    But if you can protect yourself from the electricity it should not do much damage to you. (I think)
    Throwing vorpals and banishers do exist.
    I've always thought a high Str brb could still do a lot of damage with a throwing wep.
    So can a rogue......bluff and sneak attack.

    But my highest lvl toons are rangers/Casters/ and an archer Ftr I admit my opinion is biased.
    I gave up a life of farming to become an Adventurer.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jandric View Post
    ..., but I honestly think the solution is to group with less whiny people.

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