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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Apr 2008

    Unhappy Newber Tank help

    Hello everyone. I am interested in building a tanking character. Specifically i'd like a character with AC/Saves/intim. I have parused the boards for quite a while looking but most topics have been confusing me and or the OP says one thing and everyone posting says "this and that" to make me not wanna try said build. I'm not the kinda player who has alot of free time due to work to try out tons of different options often.

    I was thinking dwarf 13f/3p with str/dex/con the finer points i havn't figured out. My real question is what is truely... in your oppinions the best sword and shield tanker? Are there any oppinions or maybe better builds you can directly link me to? is dwarf the best choice? i'd really like to maximize my beholder ready defense as much as possible without delving into levels of rogue or ranger or anything (not a big fan of a dash of this that and the other thing due to pnp).

    thank you all in advance for all your help and advice and i appologize in advance for spelling and grammer as it's rediculously late

  2. #2


    What are the comments made as to why you shouldn't try said build?, #1 source for DDO information.

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    Apr 2008


    Mostly if someone post a build i see people commenting like "you'd be better with this or that" or one said don't take the 3rd level of paly or one said take levels of rogue... then there are the ones where people argue over differences in numbers on saves with feats and stuff... i'm just trying to get a straight this isn't bad answer. i don't need the most powerfull thing in all the universe but i wanna have a good tank that people will go... wow it's good to have you in the party on the front line. my main is a cleric and i know how usefull a high ac tank in front can be.

  4. #4


    Well, if you want a good tank I suggest you one of these:

    Pure class fighter:
    Riott - Original AC Intimitank, by Riot

    'lil Dwarven AC tank, by Bilger
    Borror Z'rro - Dwarven Defender, by Borror0
    Kilgan - Another Dwarven Intimitank, by Impaqt

    The Evasion Tank II, by Illuminati
    Selgar - Evasin Hybrid, by Talson

    Cashery Glanhak - 11 Fighter/5fighter, by Cashiry
    Column - Another build to look at.., by Galaphile

    They're all good builds. They're different, but they're good. Just find the one who suits you best., #1 source for DDO information.

  5. #5
    Community Member cardmj1's Avatar
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    Feb 2007


    I concur on the builds. They are all good builds.

    On a side note: Everyone has an opinion as to the best build and why no one else works... DDO is very customizable. You can build anything and everything, it's one of the things we love about the game. Always remember, it's not the build but the player behind the build. If you know what you can and can not do with your toon, you have won 80% of the battle. strategy and quest knowledge is 19%, and gear and toon build is 1%. Find the one you like and learn it well. You will do fine.

  6. #6
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2008


    Ty so much. all that information is so helpfull i'm getting a good idea what i'll be doing once i hit 1750 and can't start working on it. thank you again.

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