I am looking for Scourge Choker, Banishing Rapier, Smiting Scimitar, Greater Contsruct Bane (prefer Khopesh or rapier). If you are interested iin some of the not so great stuff, I also like rings of remove curse, haste, lesser restoration.
WTT the following:
+1 WoP Heavy Pick (likely saving this for a Scourge Choker trade)
+2 Vorpal Cold Iron Dwarven Axe
+1 Paralyzing Morningstar
+1 Crippling Greataxe of Smiting
+1 Bodyfeeder Kama of Greater Human Bane <---- Get your Monk Kit now!
Bow of the Elemets (shocking)
Superior Devotion V Sickle
Underwater Action Necklace of Protection +5 (WF Only, UMD 20)
+6 Wisdom Necklace (WF only, UMD 20)
Superior Devotion IV Ring (RR Halfling, UMD 16)
Sacred, Protection +4 Ring
25% Striding Ring of Swimming (RR Halfling, UMD 20)
Disease Immunity Belt of Improved False Life
Disease Immunity Ring of Improved False Life
Bloodstone (likely a Scourge Choker candidate as well)
+1 Dex Tomes
+1 Str Tome
26 White Dragon Scales
1 Blue Dragon Scale
1 Black Dragon Scale
Gianthold Relics (all types)
7 Adamantine Ore
Candy Canes
Portable Holes