Sorcerers with more that 2500 mana, its just not fair, to wizards and bards. I say take off the x2 for wizardry items. Sorcerers have it too easy with changing spells every 3 days too.![]()
Sorcerers with more that 2500 mana, its just not fair, to wizards and bards. I say take off the x2 for wizardry items. Sorcerers have it too easy with changing spells every 3 days too.![]()
obviously hes joking
Ever bleed out in a thornbush? Welcome to UD14.
While I agree that sorc are supposed to have 50% more spells per day that the 2x from items should be more like 1.5x. Then wizards should be chooseing exactly how many fireball, how many cone of cold ect they should be able to cast. IE pay your spell points for them at the shrine before you know what you need.
In summary if wizards get spontanious casting of anything they know, I see no reason the not raise the sorc from the 1.5x that would be normal to the 2.0x they are at now.
If you are wondering why 1.5x would be normal go look at spells per day in DnD 3.5 SRD for wizard and sorc :P You will see it was never ment to be equal SP.
If wizards want the sorc SP then they can give up all their free meta magic feats and their extra spell slots.
Changing "a spell" not "spells".
A needed fix, for wizards at least, is to up the usefulness and variety of spells in the game.
And comparing a bard's spell pool to a sorcerer's isn't particularly useful.
Every time they implement a crappy spell, especially high level spells, it only helps sorcerers.
Sorcerers should regularly experienced a brief but painful period where they can't cast the highest level spell in the game. Currently the highest level arcane spells in the game go largely unused, so it's, at most, an inconvenience and a really temporary one at that.
If there were quite a few "must have" 8th level spells then the wizard's advantage would start to show.
but then again, I'm for anything that will reign in this beast called powegaming, so I'm might not be the best to ask. EDIT: just the spell point bit.
Last edited by paintedman; 04-24-2008 at 09:45 PM.
and i ask the main question, jus thow many sorcs do actually have the number of sp's you are saying? i'd wager only a few percent of the sorc player base.
I myself with my capped sorc have just on 2000.
I'd love to get that 2500 but realise it will take much grinding for uber items that i really dont want to do.
I consider myself the average player of my class. nerf the class like you call and you'll only be lowering the uber leet loot players who spend ages grinding/farming to be down to my character's abilities which wont be much of an effect for them. BUT it'll be supper noticable and hurt us average and casual players immensly.
Stop calling for nerfs of classes based on what some uber leet players can accomplish. If you wanna be leet uber then be so, you earned that right by the immense ammount of game time you spend. But i just wanna play for fun with a class that i consider fun.
just like i call clerics, rogues, pallies, fighters, bards, wizzies, rangers fun![]()
Somedays your the Bug
Somedays your the Windscreen.
I play both wizards and sorcs and the only thing that makes the sorc seem more powerful is that the wizard has very few spells that he can utilize to great benefit, making much of his utility go down the drain.
Add more spells, I say.
I still say that bards should get faster casting like sorcerers do.
If sorcerers were given it to give them something to make up for every group having spontaneous casting in DDO, then it would be nice for bards to get it as well.
Bards and sorcs cast the same way in PnP. So, it would be nice if they both got the faster casting.![]()
just as issiana said, not all sorcs hit that 2500 sp. and the only reason sorcs do get more spell points than other classes is because 1) they get their spells 1 lvl later and 2) cant change their spells at every shrine like wizard can. stop asking for unneeded nerfs just because others can accomplish something that you cant
Bu there in lies the problem! There are these super uber players and they are causing the quest to become harder for the average Joe. Till the normal setting on quest is set so that the majority of players can finish without huge amounts of resources spent in terms of time and plat then this will continue to be a problem. uber players are not the majority, but the quest being made I feel are catering to them and thier style of play. I say also that I may be stretching it a bit, maybe more than a bit, but I just really really want to keep the player base with a nice mix, here we are at 16 cap and already having this problem, what more for 17-20 and epic levels right?
All that is why I say nerf, and nerf again, lets not go down the power spiral, lets pull back and really enjoy the game. Maybe that is just my way of enjoying the game, with some online buds fighting evil casually. Intense fights here and there, and not having to worry that I don't have some raid loot that would make "x" quest so much easier. Let alone greensteel. Ugh.
Sorcerers tend to have 50% more spells per day (in DDO that would be SP) than a wizard. In DDO this is fairly well mirrored and tends to stay near 50% if the wizard and sorcerer have similar feats/enhancements/equipment.
Server - Thelanis
So all the time I put into making My sorc what he is should be thrown down the drain because You feel "gimped"? I don't think so. If players cannot or will not put the time in to make their characters better, It's not My fault, and "nerfing" is certainly not the answer to all our problems....................
Mmmmmmmmm.......Doughnuts! - Homer Simpson
An issue you seem to be ignoring is after all these "nerfs" you're requesting are put in, will there be a game left to enjoy?
I have 1 of each class. If they all start getting the nerf bat, or some of them, by your wishes, and all of the work I put into them is just tossed aside, why am I going to stay? Why am I going to continue playing, trying to make my characters better, if they can be fundamentally tossed aside by your whim? The game's enjoyable for me b/c I continue to improve my characters, and I stick around to continue to make new ones and build them up.
And I don't know where you're coming from. You think a majority of quests on normal cannot be finished by the majority of the players without wasting huge amounts of resources? I'm sorry, I don't buy that. If you don't want to run quests on hard and elite setting, you don't have to. Those settings are there to challenge players, and like it or not, you need gear and good builds to do it. But on normal? I see all quests being completed by everyone on normal, w/o this huge resource waste that you're professing.
I love this game, and play it a lot, and can't imagine leaving. But if they implement changes that you want, I'm gone. And I'm as hardcore a DDO'er as it gets. And if I'm willing to leave b/c of it, how do you think others will feel? How do you think all of those players, uber gear or not, will feel, if they're characters are all of a sudden nerfed to the point where they just get sick of it?
So when you casually say "nerf and nerf again," it just shows a blatant disregard for the amount of time people have put into their characters.
First off it is impossible to balance a game without ever nerfing anything. Or more properly termed, fixing anything.
That being said Wizards should also have the option of choosing a specialty, which narrows the spells per day gap between them and sorcs at the cost of losing access to a few spells.
Also with crafting coming up wizards have a huge advantage over sorcs. They can take crafting feats as their free feats, and they have access to more spells allowing them the ability to make a wider variety of magic items.
... assuming DDO requires crafting feats and particular spells to do crafting in DDO.Originally Posted by The Raging Rodian!
Server - Thelanis