I know the guild section in the social panel has not been given an update like the rest of the area's have, and it's possible this feature may have already been considered for a time in which that update may occur, but in case it has not, I'd like to make the following suggestion:
As you all know, when you setup a guild, as the leader you can assign a person to be the second in command. This person right now has only one ability: To obtain leadership of the guild should the previous leader not log in for 30 days.
With that said, that ability does serve a purpose and I wouldn't want to see that change. However, is there any reason why the second in command cannot also have the ability to promote/demote officers within the guild without having to take control of it should the leader be away due to real life issues, breaks etc ? I think that as a second in command, that player should be given this ability with the exception of demoting/removing the leader (of course, after the 30 day mark, this can still happen).
Thoughts ?