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There are a few things that have been bothering me regarding summons:
Every creature AI in the game that has spell casting seems to have Quicken, they NEVER get interupted, is that "Balanced" in any shape or form?
Oh, yes. This is a biggie for me. I should be able to interrupt - make them fail a concentration test - any caster, just like every mob or spell that hits me requires me to make a concentration check.
AI creatures (let's name the Healers in the Shroud for a specific one) that are on a set path, get tripped, stunned, held, whatever, and they continue their path, even though they are immobilized. Is this "Balanced"?
Another annoyance here. the AI, mobs, creatures, etc. Will 'skate' around when paralyzed, stoned, held, etc. Shouldn't they stand still and NOT move if paralyzed??
Summon spells on scrolls, well, a 5 minute timer seems rediculous. If they were nearly as powerful, "NEARLY", then a timer would not be as much of a pain, but honestly, they are not. Sure, I can buff my summoned creatures, if they either don't break or die within the first few seconds they are in. I understand the saves and all that they get, but their saves, the creatures that I summon, should have to make a save against "MY" abilities, not against a set #.
As a Ranger, me summoning a Lioness or Young Razor cat in the Shroud is useless. As a Sorcerer, summoning a Fiendblood Troll in the Vale is equally as useless. Even with stoneskin, resists, etc., They go down quick. A fiendblood troll should stand up to and take down a couple ogres at least... I agree that the existing summons should be improved greatly. There should also be some Enhancements or Feats to improve summoned creatures. There is a feat or spell in 3.5 that gives summoned creatures +2 to stats and saves, etc.