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  1. #1
    Founder Steejan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Exclamation Logging in issues here too.

    I'm having issues getting hooked back up to DDO.

    When I get to the update game files, I get an "update error, a problem was encountered while attempting to update the game.
    The server may be down, please try again later." The actual error reads as --> System.Exception: There was an error generating the hash code for a patch file. (0x8004F003)

    What can I do to get past this problem?

    There were no new changes done to my operating system but during the last down time that occured for the 2nd update patch, I deleted DDO off my hard drive and did a new install. I'm running WinXP and my firewall should not be the problem. DDO seems to have the permission it needs to get through and start down loading some of the files. The laucher actually starts to down load some of the update files and once it gets to the dndlauncher file (7/14) it just stops and posts the error message.

    Here's a copy of my Launcher log.

    Launcher execution begins: 4/23/2008 10:13:56 PM                                                     4/23/2008 10:13:56 PM
    Command line: "D:\Program Files\Turbine\Dungeons & Dragons Online - Stormreach\dndlauncher.exe"      4/23/2008 10:13:56 PM
    Mutex Created: "D:_Program Files_Turbine_Dungeons & Dragons Online - Stormreach_dndlauncher.exe"     4/23/2008 10:13:56 PM
    Loading UserSettings from "C:\Documents and Settings\Gamer\My Documents\Dungeons and Dragons Online\Launcher\LauncherUserSettings.xml"... 4/23/2008 10:13:56 PM
    Finished reading C:\Documents and Settings\Gamer\My Documents\Dungeons and Dragons Online\Launcher\LauncherUserSettings.xml 4/23/2008 10:13:56 PM
    Key/Value pairs:                                                                                     4/23/2008 10:13:56 PM
        enableSystemTray=True                                                                            4/23/2008 10:13:56 PM
        remainLoggedIn=False                                                                             4/23/2008 10:13:56 PM
        allowSystemInfoStats=False                                                                       4/23/2008 10:13:56 PM
        showNews=True                                                                                    4/23/2008 10:13:56 PM
        splashForm=True                                                                                  4/23/2008 10:13:56 PM
        immediateDownload=False                                                                          4/23/2008 10:13:56 PM
        stopUpdateTime=5:45:00 AM                                                                        4/23/2008 10:13:56 PM
        MainForm.RunInTrayPrompted=False                                                                 4/23/2008 10:13:56 PM
        minimizeToSystemTray=False                                                                       4/23/2008 10:13:56 PM
        timedUpdate=True                                                                                 4/23/2008 10:13:56 PM
        showTooltips=True                                                                                4/23/2008 10:13:56 PM
        loadAtStartup=False                                                                              4/23/2008 10:13:56 PM
        MainForm.MinimizedPrompted=False                                                                 4/23/2008 10:13:56 PM
        MainForm.LookHereShown=False                                                                     4/23/2008 10:13:56 PM
        MainForm.Location.Full={X=-32768,Y=-32768}                                                       4/23/2008 10:13:56 PM
        MainForm.Location.Compact={X=-32768,Y=-32768}                                                    4/23/2008 10:13:56 PM
        limitBandwidth=False                                                                             4/23/2008 10:13:56 PM
        askBeforeDownload=False                                                                          4/23/2008 10:13:56 PM
        MainForm.Mode.Compact=False                                                                      4/23/2008 10:13:56 PM
        doubleClickTrayIconAction=0                                                                      4/23/2008 10:13:56 PM
        startUpdateTime=9:05:00 AM                                                                       4/23/2008 10:13:56 PM
        NewsForm.Location={X=-32768,Y=-32768}                                                            4/23/2008 10:13:56 PM
        cultureName=                                                                                     4/23/2008 10:13:56 PM
        autoUpdate=True                                                                                  4/23/2008 10:13:56 PM
        autoUpdateFrequency=14400000                                                                     4/23/2008 10:13:56 PM
        downloadLimit=65536                                                                              4/23/2008 10:13:56 PM
    Target culture: "en-US"                                                                              4/23/2008 10:13:56 PM
    Looking for resources in "en-US"                                                                     4/23/2008 10:13:56 PM
    Looking for resources in "en-GB"                                                                     4/23/2008 10:13:56 PM
    Looking for resources in "en"                                                                        4/23/2008 10:13:56 PM
    Final resource culture: "en"                                                                         4/23/2008 10:13:56 PM
                                                                                                         4/23/2008 10:13:56 PM
    Resources library:                                                                                   4/23/2008 10:13:56 PM
        FileName:        D:\Program Files\Turbine\Dungeons & Dragons Online - Stormreach\en\Launcher.resources.dll 4/23/2008 10:13:56 PM
        FileVersion:     1.3.2205.33047                                                                  4/23/2008 10:13:56 PM
        AssemblyVersion: 1.3.2205.33047                                                                  4/23/2008 10:13:56 PM
        BuildTime:       1/14/2006 6:21:34 PM Alaskan Standard Time                                      4/23/2008 10:13:56 PM
                                                                                                         4/23/2008 10:13:56 PM
    Enter LoadPrivateFonts                                                                               4/23/2008 10:13:56 PM
        FontFamily "Masoch Dirach" loaded.                                                               4/23/2008 10:13:56 PM
    Exit LoadPrivateFonts                                                                                4/23/2008 10:13:56 PM
                                                                                                         4/23/2008 10:13:56 PM
    Assemblies:                                                                                          4/23/2008 10:13:56 PM
        ModuleName:      dndlauncher.exe                                                                 4/23/2008 10:13:56 PM
        FileName:        D:\Program Files\Turbine\Dungeons & Dragons Online - Stormreach\dndlauncher.exe 4/23/2008 10:13:56 PM
        Comments:        (RELEASE) Launches Turbine MMORPGs.                                             4/23/2008 10:13:56 PM
        FileVersion:                                                                         4/23/2008 10:13:56 PM
        AssemblyVersion: 1.3.2204.28779                                                                  4/23/2008 10:13:56 PM
        BuildTime:       1/13/2006 3:59:18 PM Alaskan Standard Time                                      4/23/2008 10:13:56 PM
                                                                                                         4/23/2008 10:13:56 PM
        FileName:        D:\Program Files\Turbine\Dungeons & Dragons Online - Stormreach\ControlLibrary.dll 4/23/2008 10:13:56 PM
        Comments:        (RELEASE) New versions of controls which properly support background images and colors. 4/23/2008 10:13:56 PM
        FileVersion:                                                                         4/23/2008 10:13:56 PM
        AssemblyVersion: 1.3.2204.28738                                                                  4/23/2008 10:13:56 PM
        BuildTime:       1/13/2006 3:57:56 PM Alaskan Standard Time                                      4/23/2008 10:13:56 PM
                                                                                                         4/23/2008 10:13:56 PM
    Libraries:                                                                                           4/23/2008 10:13:56 PM
        FileName:    D:\Program Files\Turbine\Dungeons & Dragons Online - Stormreach\AxInterop.SHDocVw.dll 4/23/2008 10:13:56 PM
        FileVersion:                                                                             4/23/2008 10:13:56 PM
                                                                                                         4/23/2008 10:13:56 PM
        FileName:    D:\Program Files\Turbine\Dungeons & Dragons Online - Stormreach\Interop.PatchWrapper.dll 4/23/2008 10:13:56 PM
        FileVersion:                                                                             4/23/2008 10:13:56 PM
                                                                                                         4/23/2008 10:13:56 PM
        FileName:    D:\Program Files\Turbine\Dungeons & Dragons Online - Stormreach\Interop.SHDocVw.dll 4/23/2008 10:13:56 PM
        FileVersion:                                                                             4/23/2008 10:13:56 PM
                                                                                                         4/23/2008 10:13:56 PM
        FileName:    D:\Program Files\Turbine\Dungeons & Dragons Online - Stormreach\PatchClient.dll     4/23/2008 10:13:56 PM
        FileVersion: 01,03,03,00058                                                                      4/23/2008 10:13:56 PM
                                                                                                         4/23/2008 10:13:56 PM
        FileName:    D:\Program Files\Turbine\Dungeons & Dragons Online - Stormreach\PatchWrapper.dll    4/23/2008 10:13:56 PM
        FileVersion:                                                                             4/23/2008 10:13:56 PM
                                                                                                         4/23/2008 10:13:56 PM
        FileName:    D:\Program Files\Turbine\Dungeons & Dragons Online - Stormreach\PatchWrapperPS.dll  4/23/2008 10:13:56 PM
        FileVersion:                                                                                     4/23/2008 10:13:56 PM
                                                                                                         4/23/2008 10:13:56 PM
        FileName:    D:\Program Files\Turbine\Dungeons & Dragons Online - Stormreach\SelfPatch.dll       4/23/2008 10:13:56 PM
        FileVersion: 01,03,03,00058                                                                      4/23/2008 10:13:56 PM
                                                                                                         4/23/2008 10:13:56 PM
        FileName:    D:\Program Files\Turbine\Dungeons & Dragons Online - Stormreach\TTEPatchClient.dll  4/23/2008 10:13:56 PM
        FileVersion:                                                                            4/23/2008 10:13:56 PM
                                                                                                         4/23/2008 10:13:56 PM
        FileName:    D:\Program Files\Turbine\Dungeons & Dragons Online - Stormreach\zlib.dll            4/23/2008 10:13:56 PM
        FileVersion:                                                                             4/23/2008 10:13:56 PM
                                                                                                         4/23/2008 10:13:56 PM
        FileName:    D:\Program Files\Turbine\Dungeons & Dragons Online - Stormreach\zlib1.dll           4/23/2008 10:13:56 PM
        FileVersion: 1.2.3                                                                               4/23/2008 10:13:56 PM
                                                                                                         4/23/2008 10:13:56 PM
    regsvr32 /s /c PatchWrapper.dll exit code: 0                                                         4/23/2008 10:13:56 PM
    regsvr32 /s /c PatchWrapperPS.dll exit code: 0                                                       4/23/2008 10:13:56 PM
                                                                                                         4/23/2008 10:13:56 PM
    Available resources:                                                                                 4/23/2008 10:13:56 PM
        en      en English "Select a Language"                                                           4/23/2008 10:13:56 PM
                                                                                                         4/23/2008 10:13:56 PM
    autoPatchTimer interval: 14400000                                                                    4/23/2008 10:13:57 PM
    Current Data Center: DDO                                                                             4/23/2008 10:13:57 PM
    GetLauncherConfig from: ""              4/23/2008 10:13:57 PM
    ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings:                                                                   4/23/2008 10:13:58 PM
        Launcher.DataCenterService.GLS=              4/23/2008 10:13:58 PM
        DataCenter.GameName=DDO                                                                          4/23/2008 10:13:58 PM
        DataCenter.DefaultCenter=DDO                                                                     4/23/2008 10:13:58 PM
        Product.DocumentFolder=Dungeons and Dragons Online                                               4/23/2008 10:13:58 PM
        Launcher.DocumentFolder=Launcher                                                                 4/23/2008 10:13:58 PM
                                                                                                         4/23/2008 10:13:58 PM
    Configuration.AppSettings:                                                                           4/23/2008 10:13:58 PM
        LauncherConfig.DateTime=04/19/07 12:00 PM                                                        4/23/2008 10:13:58 PM
        LauncherConfig.RefreshFrequency=15                                                               4/23/2008 10:13:58 PM
        GameName=DDO                                                                                     4/23/2008 10:13:58 PM
        Patching.ProductCode=DDO                                                                         4/23/2008 10:13:58 PM
        GameClient.Filename=dndclient.exe                                                                4/23/2008 10:13:58 PM
        GameClient.ArgTemplate=-a {0} -h {1} --glsticketdirect {2} --chatserver {3} --language {4} --supporturl --gametype DDO --supportserviceurl --authserverurl --glsticketlifetime 80000 4/23/2008 10:13:58 PM
        GameClient.ResetGraphicsArg= --safe                                                              4/23/2008 10:13:58 PM
        GameClient.AlwaysPatchHighRes=true                                                               4/23/2008 10:13:58 PM
        GameClient.HighResPatchArg= --HighResOutOfDate                                                   4/23/2008 10:13:58 PM
        GameClient.RequiredVersion=0                                                                     4/23/2008 10:13:58 PM
        GameClient.ForwardVersion=0                                                                      4/23/2008 10:13:58 PM
        URL.UpdateDownload=                                                  4/23/2008 10:13:58 PM
        Patch.UpdaterNameFormat={0}updater_{1}_{2}.exe                                                   4/23/2008 10:13:58 PM
        URL.Support=                                                          4/23/2008 10:13:58 PM
        URL.Home=                                                                      4/23/2008 10:13:58 PM
        URL.Community=                                                                 4/23/2008 10:13:58 PM
        URL.Account=                                                        4/23/2008 10:13:58 PM
        URL.NewAccount=[process]=2&billing[action]=5 4/23/2008 10:13:58 PM
        URL.ForgotPassword=[process]=13                 4/23/2008 10:13:58 PM
        URL.Account.Post=                                       4/23/2008 10:13:58 PM
        Format.Account.Login=form_user_name={0}&form_user_pass={1}&siteuser[action]=login&user[action]=login&billing[process]=1&billing[action]=1 4/23/2008 10:13:58 PM
        Format.Account.BuyNow=form_user_name={0}&form_user_pass={1}&siteuser[action]=login&billing[process]=17&billing[forms][subscriptionName]={2}&billing[scenario]=DDO_BUY_NOW_POPUP&billing[forms][productCode]=DDO&billing[forms][purchaseProductCode]=DDOBuy&billing[forms][purchasePlanCode]=DDO-Purch 4/23/2008 10:13:58 PM
        Activate.Account.BuyNow=false                                                                    4/23/2008 10:13:58 PM
        Threshold.Account.DaysLeft=35                                                                    4/23/2008 10:13:58 PM
        Activate.Account.DaysLeft=true                                                                   4/23/2008 10:13:58 PM
        LauncherConfig.SubscriptionRefreshFrequency=60                                                   4/23/2008 10:13:58 PM
        URL.PrivacyPolicy=                                             4/23/2008 10:13:58 PM
        URL.NewsFeed= 4/23/2008 10:13:58 PM
        URL.NewsStyleSheet=                         4/23/2008 10:13:58 PM
        URL.AlertsStyleSheet=                       4/23/2008 10:13:58 PM
        URL.LogoButton1=                                                             4/23/2008 10:13:58 PM
        URL.LogoButton2=                                                            4/23/2008 10:13:58 PM
        URL.LogoButton3=                                                           4/23/2008 10:13:58 PM
        URL.LogoButton4=                                                           4/23/2008 10:13:58 PM
        WorldUpdateRate=1                                                                                4/23/2008 10:13:58 PM
        PatchWindow=30                                                                                   4/23/2008 10:13:58 PM
        PatchConnectRetryInterval=1                                                                      4/23/2008 10:13:58 PM
        DisablePatch=false                                                                               4/23/2008 10:13:58 PM                                                   4/23/2008 10:13:58 PM
        TrialTokenList=StormreachGuest                                                                   4/23/2008 10:13:58 PM
        URL.ExpiredTrial.Template={0}                               4/23/2008 10:13:58 PM
        Eula.en.FilePath=en\DDO Eula - Turbine.rtf                                                       4/23/2008 10:13:58 PM
        URL.BannerSource=                  4/23/2008 10:13:58 PM
        URL.BannerTarget= 4/23/2008 10:13:58 PM
                                                                                                         4/23/2008 10:13:58 PM
    autoPatchTimer.Enabled = True                                                                        4/23/2008 10:13:58 PM
    Service Alert RSS feed loaded.                                                                       4/23/2008 10:13:58 PM
    Transition to phase: AlertControl                                                                    4/23/2008 10:14:01 PM
    Transition to phase: PatchStatusControl                                                              4/23/2008 10:14:03 PM
    Beginning patch process...                                                                           4/23/2008 10:14:03 PM
    Initializing PatchWrapper...                                                                         4/23/2008 10:14:03 PM
        productCode: DDO                                                                                 4/23/2008 10:14:03 PM
        language: English                                                                                4/23/2008 10:14:03 PM
        patchServer:                                                                       4/23/2008 10:14:03 PM
        port: 80                                                                                         4/23/2008 10:14:03 PM
    PatchWrapper initialized...                                                                          4/23/2008 10:14:03 PM
    Starting patch process...                                                                            4/23/2008 10:14:03 PM
    autoPatchTimer.Enabled = True                                                                        4/23/2008 10:14:03 PM
    Updating: dndlauncher.exe                                                                            4/23/2008 10:14:05 PM
    Patch error encountered.                                                                             4/23/2008 10:14:05 PM
                                                                                                         4/23/2008 10:14:05 PM
    *** Exception                                                                                        4/23/2008 10:14:05 PM
                                                                                                         4/23/2008 10:14:05 PM
    Update Error
    A problem was encountered while attempting to update the game. 
    The service may be down for maintenance. Please try again later.
    If you continue to experience problems, please check the support web site.
    System.Exception: There was an error generating the hash code for a patch file. (0x8004F003)
     4/23/2008 10:14:05 PM
                                                                                                         4/23/2008 10:14:05 PM
    Launcher execution ends: 4/23/2008 10:14:08 PM

    Thanks for any help.

    Last edited by Steejan; 04-24-2008 at 06:56 AM.
    Ghallanda- Steejan L-14 Paladin / Cureaid L-14 Cleric / Lowendrau L-7 Wizard
    Khyber- Deadaim L-16 Ranger / Claymoore L-16 Ranger

  2. #2
    Founder _ukf's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Default Same

    Same error here

  3. #3
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2008


    Same here same exact error at the same exact spot during the update and no its not a firewall issue since I rebooted into safe mode and still same issue, also did a game reinstall same issue, something messed up on the update server? by the way im using windows vista funny thing is I just tried putting in a message into turbine tech support and this is what I get Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server error '80040e14'

    ORDER BY items must appear in the select list if SELECT DISTINCT is specified.

    /asheronscall/shared/questiondata.asp, line 959 rofl no idea what a form for ddo has to do with asherons call not a good sign since im a first time customer and I cant reach tech support lol, guess ill try chat when i comeback from work
    Last edited by Baihuigau; 04-24-2008 at 08:53 AM.

  4. #4
    Founder Zor_Prime's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Baihuigau View Post
    Same here same exact error at the same exact spot during the update and no its not a firewall issue since I rebooted into safe mode and still same issue, also did a game reinstall same issue, something messed up on the update server? by the way im using windows vista funny thing is I just tried putting in a message into turbine tech support and this is what I get Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server error '80040e14'

    ORDER BY items must appear in the select list if SELECT DISTINCT is specified.

    /asheronscall/shared/questiondata.asp, line 959 rofl no idea what a form for ddo has to do with asherons call not a good sign since im a first time customer and I cant reach tech support lol, guess ill try chat when i comeback from work

    It's a submission to tech support so they probably are using the same code that they have been using for a while. All it is doing is storing your data and it probably hasn't changed much since Asherons Call. Of course, something is hosed up because that error should have been caught long ago. Something funky is happening on their side.

    Just FYI, the following query would cause such an error:

    SELECT distinct field1, field2
    FROM some_table
    WHERE field1 = 'some value'
    ORDER BY field3, field4

    That's pretty easy to catch so something else is probably messed up.

    My guess is that there are some weird server issues going on. When I updated, it was just a little before Steejan's message. I noticed that every patch application had a little pause that was never there in previous patches. I didn't pay it much attention but now I wish I would have traced it or something as it may be related to the problems described here.
    Last edited by Zor Prime; 04-24-2008 at 03:27 PM.

  5. #5
    Developer Yeti's Avatar
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    Feb 2006


    The issues are unrelated. The issue submitting a question is being looked at.

    The hash code error is a timeout error. You can actually resolve this issue by trying again.

  6. #6
    Community Member Andelith's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Default No it doesn't fix it by trying again

    I tried again and it didn't fix the problem. I also tried to email the error and it wouldn't let me do that either. I have had to reinstall DDO and it won't complete updating.
    A friendly reminder, People don't kill people! Swords kill people.. and barrels! Lot's and Lot's of barrels!

  7. #7
    Community Member Theboz's Avatar
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    Mar 2006


    those anybody have Comcast? If you do then comcst had a major outage, you could access some parts of the interent but not others, i fro one could not log into DDO or the forums, all morning.
    Member of Mythical

  8. #8
    Founder Steejan's Avatar
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    Feb 2006

    Thumbs down Still going no where...

    Quote Originally Posted by Theboz View Post
    those anybody have Comcast? If you do then comcst had a major outage, you could access some parts of the interent but not others, i fro one could not log into DDO or the forums, all morning.

    Nope, don't use Com cast here and I have been everywhere on the net looking for a solution to this problem. So I don't think its my internet connection.

    Last edited by Steejan; 04-24-2008 at 02:59 PM.
    Ghallanda- Steejan L-14 Paladin / Cureaid L-14 Cleric / Lowendrau L-7 Wizard
    Khyber- Deadaim L-16 Ranger / Claymoore L-16 Ranger

  9. #9
    Founder Steejan's Avatar
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    Feb 2006

    Default 7 hours, says that don't work!

    Quote Originally Posted by Yeti View Post
    The issues are unrelated. The issue submitting a question is being looked at.

    The hash code error is a timeout error. You can actually resolve this issue by trying again.

    Well I don't think trying again will fix it either!!

    I actually spent well over 7 hours reinstalling and deleting DDO over and over again, trying to hook up to the update server. Each time I seemed to get a little bit more of the starting down load but in the end it just gave me the same error message.

    By the way, I am now not using any fire wall program since I deleted Norton and have had Windows fire wall turned off for a long time now.

    The strange thing is, just an hour before the last patch was started I had been playing DDO most the day with no problems. I guess I should of left the orginal game files alone.

    Still wondering what to do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Last edited by Steejan; 04-24-2008 at 03:02 PM.
    Ghallanda- Steejan L-14 Paladin / Cureaid L-14 Cleric / Lowendrau L-7 Wizard
    Khyber- Deadaim L-16 Ranger / Claymoore L-16 Ranger

  10. #10
    Founder Steejan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Exclamation By the way...

    Its still not working, I get the same error message....

    Ghallanda- Steejan L-14 Paladin / Cureaid L-14 Cleric / Lowendrau L-7 Wizard
    Khyber- Deadaim L-16 Ranger / Claymoore L-16 Ranger

  11. #11
    Community Member
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    Mar 2008


    Same issue here. Uninstalled and reinstalled DDO today trying to resolve client crashes and now it gives the same error message during updates.

    It seems to occur at step 8/14 of the "Update programs" step, if that helps. Repeated launching of DDO is not a solution nor does it work. Please fix this.

    BTW DDO is launching fine on a second PC on the same network. The problem started after a clean DDO reinstall and after the latest DDO patch.

  12. #12
    Founder Zor_Prime's Avatar
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    Feb 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Yeti View Post
    The issues are unrelated. The issue submitting a question is being looked at.

    The hash code error is a timeout error. You can actually resolve this issue by trying again.

    Yeti, don't get me wrong when I say that the error should have been caught long ago. I meant that the ASP code is more than likely tried and true and that an "ORDER BY" error in a query would have been caught early on...therefore, there's a good chance that the submission problem is something other than the code and possibly something temporarily out of whack (my guess of course).

    When my patches were being applied, I noticed a little pause that normally isn't there. I thought it may have something to do with the decryption but I didn't pay close enough attention to see if it was happening during decryption or after (I was working on my 3rd Canadian Mist sour so I probably missed something ).

    Anyway, thanks for filling us in.

  13. #13
    Community Member
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    Apr 2008

    Thumbs down

    Quote Originally Posted by Sinome View Post
    Same issue here. Uninstalled and reinstalled DDO today trying to resolve client crashes and now it gives the same error message during updates.

    It seems to occur at step 8/14 of the "Update programs" step, if that helps. Repeated launching of DDO is not a solution nor does it work. Please fix this.

    BTW DDO is launching fine on a second PC on the same network. The problem started after a clean DDO reinstall and after the latest DDO patch.
    I noticed the same thing. I got on the live tech support and my agent (who was helpful in solving a different problem so I do not fault him for poor training) informed me my internet is unstable after a tracert back to DDO. I searched archives of the forums by "Patch Manual" and found that in February a member was complaining about the way the live tech support folks treated him, and he had the exact same experience that I was having. Yeti advised folks that this was a time out error and that the tech support folks would be told to pass that on to folks - funny my tech support person didn't provide that gem of wisdom. Two months later we are experiencing the same issue.

    Funny thing about a timeout is, it isn't always your ISP that is the problem. Sometimes it is whomever you are trying to get a download from. Seeing as how I have no connectivity issues with anything other than DDO, my other programs run perfectly fine and I'm operating at 97% of my bandwidth, I would say I'm not actually experiencing instability.

    Just wanted to let you know that you are not alone, it is exactly 8/14 patches and the whole patch downloads up till the very end.

    I don't even think it is a current patch, I think it is an old patch that just won't upload for some reason. I have tried everything, firewall up, down, refreshed, restarted, shutdown, updated, restarting. It has been 4 hours now, still down. I don't think it is going to improve and I would not stake my life that it will be available in the next 4 either. Waste of time. I guess if you have to reinstall your computer or want to put this program on something else, you should just cancel your account and go play a different game like LOTRO or ??

    One More Thing:

    Why is it that when I asked if patches are available for download, I was told "Yes but you have to look at the forums".

    Maybe I would find them if the forums had a different organization, but I cannot. This will be the one of the last things I try before I uninstall the game and cancel my account.
    Last edited by qwyvyr; 04-24-2008 at 04:54 PM. Reason: Forgot something

  14. #14
    Community Member
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    Feb 2008

    Default Same Problem

    I am having the same issues as above, and I too have tried every version of using and not using my firewalls and security measures; have reloaded DDO three times and still its ineffective. This is all occuring as I have had to rebuild my hard-drive today so everythign on my comp is new. I am sure it is an issue with an old file as I am trying to update DDO from the beginning as to try and be able to play once again. Re attempting and relogging is totally useless, and I am becoming more and more frustrated as I have been fighting this issue for almost eight hours now. Any help would be most welcome, before I to am simply forced to delete it all and change to a different game, one that I can actually log into and play.

  15. #15
    Founder Steejan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Angry I think we had the same tech guy!

    Quote Originally Posted by qwyvyr View Post
    I noticed the same thing. I got on the live tech support and my agent (who was helpful in solving a different problem so I do not fault him for poor training) informed me my internet is unstable after a tracert back to DDO. I searched archives of the forums by "Patch Manual" and found that in February a member was complaining about the way the live tech support folks treated him, and he had the exact same experience that I was having. Yeti advised folks that this was a time out error and that the tech support folks would be told to pass that on to folks - funny my tech support person didn't provide that gem of wisdom. Two months later we are experiencing the same issue.

    Funny thing about a timeout is, it isn't always your ISP that is the problem. Sometimes it is whomever you are trying to get a download from. Seeing as how I have no connectivity issues with anything other than DDO, my other programs run perfectly fine and I'm operating at 97% of my bandwidth, I would say I'm not actually experiencing instability.

    Just wanted to let you know that you are not alone, it is exactly 8/14 patches and the whole patch downloads up till the very end.

    I don't even think it is a current patch, I think it is an old patch that just won't upload for some reason. I have tried everything, firewall up, down, refreshed, restarted, shutdown, updated, restarting. It has been 4 hours now, still down. I don't think it is going to improve and I would not stake my life that it will be available in the next 4 either. Waste of time. I guess if you have to reinstall your computer or want to put this program on something else, you should just cancel your account and go play a different game like LOTRO or ??

    One More Thing:

    Why is it that when I asked if patches are available for download, I was told "Yes but you have to look at the forums".

    Maybe I would find them if the forums had a different organization, but I cannot. This will be the one of the last things I try before I uninstall the game and cancel my account.

    LOL, sounds pretty much like we had the same tech support guy!

    My guy had me delete NetFramework 1.1 and Net Framework 1.1 Service Pack 1 and then reinstall them. When that did not fix the connection problem, it was time to mess with the fire wall settings and when that failed we did a trace on my connectivity from the log the only problem that I saw was that the DDO site timed out. None of the other sites I pinged did.

    In the end, the guy said my connection was unstable and that I needed to contact my ISP.

    To me, it felt like I was being told to BUZZ OFF!!!

    Below is my connectivety log.

    For the last 2 years that I have been playing DDO my typical ping on their servers have been around 116 to 125 mattering on net congestion.

    To me the problem is not my connection, its no different now then it was yesterday when I was still slaying things in the harbor, the problem is with the update server...

    As more time goes by, more and more people seem to be joining our ranks with the exact same problem.


    Tracing route to [] over a maximum of 30 hops:

    1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms ***.***.*.*
    2 * * * Request timed out.
    3 7 ms 5 ms 6 ms []
    4 35 ms 39 ms 37 ms []
    5 38 ms 38 ms 38 ms []
    6 38 ms 38 ms 38 ms []
    7 38 ms 36 ms 35 ms []
    8 86 ms 39 ms 38 ms [ 3]
    9 38 ms 38 ms 36 ms
    10 114 ms 114 ms 115 ms
    11 113 ms 111 ms 111 ms []
    12 113 ms 111 ms 111 ms []
    13 113 ms 112 ms 111 ms []
    14 115 ms 115 ms 115 ms []
    15 115 ms 115 ms 115 ms []
    16 115 ms 115 ms 115 ms []
    17 114 ms 111 ms 111 ms []
    18 113 ms 112 ms 112 ms []
    19 114 ms 113 ms 111 ms []
    20 114 ms 115 ms 115 ms []
    21 115 ms 114 ms 115 ms
    22 116 ms 115 ms 114 ms []
    23 112 ms 115 ms 111 ms [12.13 0.0.170]
    24 116 ms 114 ms 115 ms
    25 122 ms 113 ms 115 ms
    Last edited by Steejan; 04-24-2008 at 07:42 PM.
    Ghallanda- Steejan L-14 Paladin / Cureaid L-14 Cleric / Lowendrau L-7 Wizard
    Khyber- Deadaim L-16 Ranger / Claymoore L-16 Ranger

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steejan View Post
    Below is my connectivety log.
    You need to edit your log to remove your IP address, don't want someone to hack your system man Might want to see if you can change it now, I think if you "repair" your network it will change your IP.


  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by qwyvyr View Post
    You need to edit your log to remove your IP address, don't want someone to hack your system man Might want to see if you can change it now, I think if you "repair" your network it will change your IP.Q
    Thanks for that info bro!!
    Last edited by Steejan; 04-24-2008 at 07:48 PM.
    Ghallanda- Steejan L-14 Paladin / Cureaid L-14 Cleric / Lowendrau L-7 Wizard
    Khyber- Deadaim L-16 Ranger / Claymoore L-16 Ranger

  18. #18
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    Its not the ISP, its the patcher and the files being applied after a new install.

    I copied my DDO directory from my other PC to the PC that is getting the error and it solved the problem. It would be best to avoid reinstalling DDO till they fix this problem. It would also be nice to at least get some acknowledgment when there are problems happening. Way too many bugs and lack of satisfactory customer service. Its too bad because this is a wonderfully designed game, it just needs better support.

  19. #19
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    I posted a separate thread warning folks not to reinstall. I just had the runaround of a lifetime on the technical chat. Oh, if I could just share without it looking like flaming - the poor guy helping me, I could tell he was just copying answers out of his handbook.

  20. #20
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    I have exactly the same problem. Posted details here. I'm going to get the latest files from a friend who patched without reinstalling - will see if that works for me too.

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