I was wondering if it would ever be possible to lower the hp save for power word stun i, its a spell that people abuse considering it has no save. Ruins the fact of brawling in the pit.
I was wondering if it would ever be possible to lower the hp save for power word stun i, its a spell that people abuse considering it has no save. Ruins the fact of brawling in the pit.
Last edited by shabam; 04-23-2008 at 04:50 PM.
Good thing you dotn pvp than cause you havnt ran into those people who will abuse it by powerword stunning you instance you jump down, than run up and do irrestable dance "has no save either" than they do literly every hold spell and de leveling and just leaving you therespamming stuff over and over
Last edited by shabam; 04-23-2008 at 12:17 PM.
Don't PvP then. Or accept the fact that there's tools in this game that do that kind of thing.
Officer of SABBATMheet Jylian Callisto Rakio Kristoff
There is no crying in PvP.
Temuchin ~ Sindar ~ Majhik ~ Dragoslav ~Hanck ~ Cazador ~ Decipio ~ Drachenstein
Proud Member of D.W.A.T.
Yeah, so they got off their spell before you could trip or stun them with a dc far higher than anything they could muster - i'm getting tired of the same posts every day about how something is unfair because party A can't do everything party B can. It's diversity, enjoy it and stop asking for teet for tat balancing on every aspect of the game.
Aeneas - Boosterseat - Eulogy - Diminutive - Moths
you ovisouly dont know my caster cause i dont even have pw stun loaded cause i consider it a cheap spell~ as well with being a pure nuking caster i dont bother with spell pen 2nd pw stun is a complete pvp spell what mob in higher level quests is going to have less than 450hp?
arent you the same shabam I saw in the lobster chain casting fireball/DBF at the entrance area so that anyone who even tried to jump in was incinerated? And you complain about PW: Stun?
Star Firefall
20 Rogue Assasin
Currently on life 42 of 42 (Final Life!)
This game has PvP? Who knew...
Vilified -Depraven - Frontloader - Primacy
aka Villainous - Pre-June'08.
Power WOrd: Stun + Disintegrate/Scorching ray to the Face = Clean Kill.
Power Word:Stun + Irresistable Dance + Enervate + Enervate + Enervate + Flesh to Stone + Walk away = Harrasment
Way back when, prior to mod6 coming out, there was a discussion concerning PWS in pvp. I seem to remember a Dev saying that inside the pvp areas, the spell would be dropped down to the actual PNP rules. Someone help me here cause I'm at work but I think it's around 150 hp. In other words, if you have 150 hp or more, you'd be immune to it. That is not the case. I don't know what kind of pain that would be to code...
In reality, I'd settle for a cooldown timer on the spell that was longer than the duration. This way people couldn't just stand back at enlarge distances and spam it on you.
There's always one solution: Go loot or buy a Scarab of Spell Protection. Imagine the caster's surprise when it's casted and it doesn't go off???
Oh **** sorry bud yea just dawned on me what you were saying hehe yea i think that would make it more fair by just dropping the hp req on it. You wont be seeing any class besides maby a hp build fighter or barbarian with greater than 450hp that makes them immune,let me know what it is in pnp
How bout we take away trip, stunning blow, FOD, Destruction, Command/Greater Command, Blindness, Poison, PK, Vorpals, Max, Emp?
PVP is not fair. It cannot be fair. A caster that is tripped is done. A tank that is danced then enervated is done. If yah don't want to deal with casters using all of their resources in PVP, or tanks doing the same, find an obscure pit to fight in. Nuff said.
Archangels - Thelanis
Kyrian - Dellek - Devestia - Harleaiquin - Nakano - Narizue - Xandek