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I started a WF Sorcerer a few weeks ago and am loving it. Yes you take a hit to Charisma, but the ability to self heal is well worth the trade off. A lot depends on your playstyle. If you are going to solo a lot WF is a great choice so you can keep yourself alive. I started with the following stats:
(32 point)Str:8, Dex:8, Con:20, Int:8, Wis:6, Cha:16
(28 piont)Str:8, Dex:8, Con:18, Int;10, Wis:6, Cha:16
I put my one skll point into Concentration. UMD would be nice, but I really don't miss it and the main reason to have it on other races is for using Heal scrolls at higher levels (though with the 28 point build I would put the extra point into UMD).
For feats I went with the following:
9-Force of Personality
12-Quicken (Planned, great for casting uninteruptable Reconstructs)
15-Spell Penetration (Planned)
If you don't want to go WF, you may want to consider Human over Drow. Again you take a Charisma hit (but not as bad as the WF) and don't take a Con hit. You also get the extra feat, skill point and the versatility/adaptability enhancement lines which will definitely help with UMD and can boot your Cha and Con.
I would suggest the following starting Stats for a Human:
(32 point)Str:8, Dex:8, Con:18, Int:8, Wis:8, Cha:18
(28 point)Str:8, Dex:8, Con:16, Int:10, Wis:8, Cha:18
You notice in all builds the only place I put points in is Con and Cha (and Int if 28 point). This is due to the fact that you want as many hit points as possible to keep you alive. Blur/Displacement/Stoneskin will be you AC as you are able to choose them along with Fearsome Docents/Robes. Invulnerability Docents/Robes are great also for the 5/Magic DR. Str and Dex don't matter and you can just equp +2/+4/+6 items when you are capable to. The low Wis will hurt until you can take Force of Personality to add your Charisma modifier to your will saves, but you can always equip Wis/Resist items to help at lower levels (definitely get a Remove Fear clickie).
The best bet in the end is to just roll one up and give it a try. That's what I did with my WF figuring I would just try it for a few levels and reroll as Human if I wasn't happy. I've enjoyed it from the very start and have no regrets whatsoever.
Also, I do not claim any of these builds as I my own. I got lots of information from these forums and guildmates before I made my decisioin. You'll probalby get lots of other suggestions too. Just go with what you feel is best for you. Good luck and enjoy!