A glitch has been fixed in the Shroud. Ok multiple glitches have been fixed in the Shroud.
Dwarves have been gimped, everybody needs to reroll as halflings now.
The Developers have been watching to see who has been naughty and who has been nice. Alot of you will see coal in the mailbox as a result.
We realize we have not put some of the loot in game, as such, for the next week, all shields you will pull will either be Sacred or Ghost Touch.
A new +50% xp week has started, unfortunatly you have to end your quests at exactly the right second to get the bonus xp. Otherwise you get -25% xp. They dont call it gambling for no reason.
Dwarves will no longer look like they have 2 mangy kittens trying to escape from a pair of bike shorts when they run anymore. Now it looks like 2 puppies.
Aspenor has been turned into a Beholder.
Tasty Ham has been removed from the game due to high fat content and Transfats, Enjoy some new Tasty Alfalfa instead.
Kobolds no longer yell Yark Yark when they see you coming, now they just fall over dead.
Due to many requests from Rowanheal, all Gelatinous cubes from this point forward will be pink. They will also be invisible. But still, Invisibly Pink.