Have mercy on those of us that like to mail items between characters. You already have the technology for unconfirmed mail. Please give us the ability to delete all mail in Confirmed.
Have mercy on those of us that like to mail items between characters. You already have the technology for unconfirmed mail. Please give us the ability to delete all mail in Confirmed.
please NO!
I dont want to ever get into the situation where I hit delete all on my bard (to whom i send everything worth 50kgp or more), and lose over 150kpp. Or that +6 con ring I sent. Or the W/p SS.
Already lost 6 items (thankfully vendor trash) cause i hit delete all on unconfirmed by mistake. For some reason, 6 items sent from one of my other characters went to unconfirmed mail on the first day we had the new mail system.
Star Firefall
20 Rogue Assasin
Currently on life 42 of 42 (Final Life!)
Normally you can't delete a mail with an item attached. I would expect the behavior to be the same for a delete all. If nothing else shorten the expire time on open mail with no attachments. But I would also like a delete all.
currently I believe the delete all button on the unconfirmed WILL delete mail with items attatched. I think this is to keep plat spamers from attaching some useless item (such as a club or healing kit, or a mushroom, anything really) to prevent you from deleting their ad without looking at it. Never understood the thought process behind that though. If someone's against buying plat enough to delete all the ads without reading, then how exactly is seeing the ad going to change their mind...I suppose they expect to dazzle you with their amazing english skills and professional sales pitch... hehe or not.
Anyway back on topic. (sorry it's late, mind wanders a bit)
I think it'd be nice to have a confirmation for deleting any mail with items attached, With this in place it would make a delete all button for confirmed mail much less prone to "OMG I lost my Uber Rapier of Slay Anything on a Roll of 2 or More...Hey GM make me another one" mistakes
For confirmed email what we need is "delete all without attachments"
having recently been mailing items to my lowbie i totally agree with this request
Xanther Falshun - 16Rogue - Baz Axeman - 8Fighter - Xanone 5Wizard - Argonnessen
proud member of Prophets of Velah
I've always thought that Delete All had the warning/confirm box telling you that you'll lose the attached items. If not, then yes, of course that has to be added.
But I'll honestly take it without that button -- if I screw up, that's on me. But deleting all those mail items over and over and over again gives me nothing but carpal tunnel. And that's on the devs for not giving me the option to screw up.
I've been wanting a delete all with the conditions of "read" and "no attachments" are the only ones deleted for a LONG time.
I agree with Gren. This is absolutely necessary.
Ideally: Delete all button, which only deletes mail without items or money attached.
Alternatively: The ability to hold shift and select multiple messages at a time.
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Yeah Im constantly mailing between characters also and would love this delete all(w/confirm), would save a whole lotta clicking.
I have developed a pretty good set up for speed deleting though, with the boxes in certain spots so I can just click-click-click.![]()
i would love to see this as well
their is a confermation on the deleat all button and you can deleat emails with attachments i think i just promts you that theirs a attachment
Just make sure it won't delete attachments... had enough grief in the Delete all on the non-confirmed.
I want "Collect all" which will take every attatchment and put it in my invintory. (or at least everything that fits).
Then a "delete all" that only deletes mail without attatchments.
That would be my dream mailbox combo.