Min Bid: 300K plats
Buyout: NONE <-- after all, we're trying to see what the actual value is.
Minimum bid increments: 10K plats.
Ebay-style bids available --> If you wish, PM me your MAXIMUM bid, and if the public bid posted (the only one valid) is higher than your current bid, but lower than your maximum, I will automatically increment your bid by 10K until your Max is reached. Only your public bid on the post itself will count.
The auction will run until midnight pacific time on Thursday 4/24. There will be a 30-minute anti-sniping rule (bid extends auction by 30 minutes). I will reserve all rights to do whatever I wish with the item, including eating it myself, or giving it to a newb. Upon a winner being selected, I will post and send a PM; the winner will have until midnight of the next day to acknowledge the win and arrange for delivery. No response during that time means the runner-up will be contacted.
Many thanks.
/not gren