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  1. #1
    Founder Luthen's Avatar
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    Default Some questions about announced changes

    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero
    Some spells which had been able to affect foes through doors and force fields now do a better job of checking line of sight.
    Will a gate or fence be considered "blocked line of sight" even though there is a clear line of sight?

    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero
    Bursting weapons now continue to increase their damage if they "burst" on an attack that has greater than a x4 damage multiplier.
    Umm... what weapons have a crit range multiplier higher then x4? Or are you reffering to abilities which increase an individuals ability to increase their Crit range?

    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero
    A new item honoring Gary Gygax, has been added to the Delera's end reward list. "Voice of the Master" grants +5% XP to dungeon completion, and "Good Luck +1" to skill checks and saves.
    Does the items XP effect require wearing it from start (entering the quest) to finish of a quest? Or does it simply need to be put on before the quest is completed in order for it's bonus to work? Just trying to make sure it's not gonna be misused.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero
    New items have been added to the Catacombs and Waterworks end reward lists! These Eternal Wands are geared towards aiding low level clerics, sorcerers, and wizards.
    Curious. Why not STK, Threnal, Tangleroot, and Co6? At least STK and Tangleroot are still lower level if not Threnal or Co6.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero
    NEW Basic Quivers are now available from most ranged weapon vendors. Upgraded quivers are available from the House Deneith faction merchant.
    NEW All collectible and ingredient bags will now hold a maximum stack size of 1000 of each ingredient.
    Just curious. Will arrows also be stackable to 1000 or did you guys decide a Quiver was enough of a benefit? Just curious... honest.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero
    Tasty Ham no longer makes potion sounds when it hits the ground.
    Will it make a squishy meat slapping onto the floor sound now?
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  2. #2
    Community Member DasLurch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Luthen View Post
    Will a gate or fence be considered "blocked line of sight" even though there is a clear line of sight?

    Probably, but I think this is more fixes to the old Firewall/ CK tactic that we employed for so long. Just pure speculation here though.

    Umm... what weapons have a crit range multiplier higher then x4? Or are you reffering to abilities which increase an individuals ability to increase their Crit range?

    I think this is in reference to the new paladin enhancements that are coming into the game. Those could turn into x5 or better weapons with some of those enhancements.

    Does the items XP effect require wearing it from start (entering the quest) to finish of a quest? Or does it simply need to be put on before the quest is completed in order for it's bonus to work? Just trying to make sure it's not gonna be misused.

    My guess is that this is a very good question that most would fuigure a way around if they can. Hopefully it will be a whole time sorta thing.

    Curious. Why not STK, Threnal, Tangleroot, and Co6? At least STK and Tangleroot are still lower level if not Threnal or Co6.

    I think because they are the 2 lowwest level quest chains out there.

    Just curious. Will arrows also be stackable to 1000 or did you guys decide a Quiver was enough of a benefit? Just curious... honest.

    I'm thinking that they will probably not allolw/require unique status to put items inside. Or atleast that is my hope.

    Will it make a squishy meat slapping onto the floor sound now?
    Knowing our strange sound effects, probably the breaking jar sound.
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  3. #3
    Founder Dariuss's Avatar
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    I'm hoping the reason for adding thsoe wands to the Catacombs was to encourage more people to play through it.

    Because of it's location and level range I don't see it being run much these days, but it's a pretty good quest chain
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  4. #4


    If they really wanted people to run catacombs, they would increase the xp and reduce the amount of slimes mixed in with spiders and skellies. As is, the only real reason to run it is for favor.

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  5. #5
    Uber Completionist Lithic's Avatar
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    Another reason its in WW and catacombs is likely that those are the lowest level quest chains with static rewards, and the eternal wands are probably on the order of 5/day curelight wounds. If that is the case, then I can see STK being a valid area to get wands of that power, but the higher level quest chains would need higher power wands, and I can see why they wouldnt want everyone running around with ten or eleven 20/day cure serious wands.

    I think the note also said they were specifically geared to helping low level healers.
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  6. #6
    Uber Completionist Lithic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DelScorcho View Post
    If they really wanted people to run catacombs, they would increase the xp and reduce the amount of slimes mixed in with spiders and skellies. As is, the only real reason to run it is for favor.
    Wish granted: WDA states no more slimes in catacombs. Instead we are getting some sort of vermin, so probably bats or rats. Now if only they could get rid of the ones in threnal.
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  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dariuss View Post
    I'm hoping the reason for adding thsoe wands to the Catacombs was to encourage more people to play through it.

    Because of it's location and level range I don't see it being run much these days, but it's a pretty good quest chain
    To fix catacombs they should bump the level up +2 or +3 (quests, monsters, loot, everything). The reason it isn't played is because its the same level as WW/STK, and those are shorter, more XP, and better loot. By the time a character is "done" WW/STK (as in gotten all the named items he might want), he has levelled to beyond the Catacombs difficulty and will be eyeing Splinterskull (if not Deleras)

  8. #8
    Community Member jkm's Avatar
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    personally, the biggest issue with the catacombs is dryden's tomb. the first 3 are fairly straight forward (and the last 4 as well) but that level 3 sucker in the middle is insanely hard for its level - as many mobs as kobold assault with 99% being immune to crits. since there are so many mobs, like kobold assault, it has issues with scaling properly on hard and elite.

    yes the skellies are CR1s and pretty easy to dispatch but the dryden's ancestors have an unusually high AC and can take a while for a low character to dispatch. when you combine that with just how many spawn at any one time (especially since the room traps seem to all go off at once now) and you can get overwhelmed fairly easy. i was on my rogue trying to get the devious bonus and finally just got stuck in a room there were so many mobs trying to kill me and i couldnt' get out. had to kill 52 mobs just to be able to clear the door enough to get out and that included no archers.

  9. #9
    Founder Solmage's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Angelus_dead View Post
    To fix catacombs they should bump the level up +2 or +3 (quests, monsters, loot, everything). The reason it isn't played is because its the same level as WW/STK, and those are shorter, more XP, and better loot. By the time a character is "done" WW/STK (as in gotten all the named items he might want), he has levelled to beyond the Catacombs difficulty and will be eyeing Splinterskull (if not Deleras)
    This would really fix catacombs. Bump the level up, bump up the exp, bump up the rewards. There is no NEED for such a long low level quest chain. By the time you're out of the harbor and WW you can do STK. By then you can solo this, but because it's a bit tedious and the rewards are quite useless few would WANT to run it.

    If the rewards were a bit more a la tangleroot, then this quest would get run a lot more instead of running TG for the 7th time.

    As for the many skeletons room, if you fight them a few at a time (you walk and smash the sarcophagi as you advance, always killing everything that pops) you can have a fairly easy time with this quest.
    Devs: Thanks for making Druids available to VIPs without the pack. This more than anything, has made me want to buy the pack.

  10. #10
    Community Member Mhykke's Avatar
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    Wanna fix catacombs?

    Add in a goggle puzzle.

  11. #11
    Community Member moorewr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mhykke View Post
    Wanna fix catacombs?

    Add in a goggle puzzle.
    Ooo! And anti-gravity!
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  12. #12
    Community Member Auran82's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by moorewr View Post
    Ooo! And anti-gravity!
    And some portals

  13. #13
    Uber Completionist Lithic's Avatar
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    Also needs every 3rd skeleton turned into a rust monster. Preferably enraged (as in Tempest spine)
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  14. #14
    Community Member Venar's Avatar
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    A few Air Elementals wouldnt hurt either.

  15. #15
    Community Member moorewr's Avatar
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    And magical darkness! Nothing makes lowbie groups fun like a single-drop key or item!
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  16. #16
    Founder & Hero Steiner-Davion's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DelScorcho View Post
    If they really wanted people to run catacombs, they would increase the xp and reduce the amount of slimes mixed in with spiders and skellies. As is, the only real reason to run it is for favor.
    Didn't they just annouce that they were removing the oozes and slimes from the Catacombs series?

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