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  1. #1
    Community Member Twerpp's Avatar
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    Apr 2006

    Default Stunning Blow DC (a minor gripe)

    I have bug reported this in the past.

    The hotbar does not display the correct DC for stunning blow/trip attacks. It appears to take STR into account but not enhancements like WF or Dwarf Tactics and Fighter enhancements.

    BTW an eldritch recipe to add a lil stunning blow love to weapons would be much appreciated (slashers too )

  2. #2
    Stormreach Advisor

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    Jan 2006


    Just in case there would be some doubt, it's a display issue only.

  3. #3
    Community Member Twerpp's Avatar
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    Apr 2006


    Yeah. Minor. Its there with spells too when changing metamagics and stat gear that would effect dc. Ive noticed.

  4. #4
    Community Member Aeneas's Avatar
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    Mar 2006


    I believe stunning blow is currently the highest possible dc of anything in the game (that has a dc check). it needs no help. If anything, please make stunning blow only useable while sneaking (jerks).

    10 fighter/6 barb dwarf

    10 base
    +18 str mod (all those rage reasons and what have you 46 isn't out of reach or all that hard to hit)
    +10 weighted 5% weapon
    +3 dwarven tactics
    +4 fighter strategy stunning blow enh
    DC 45 no spell resist (Even Jehovah is only making that save on a 20)
    Last edited by Aeneas; 04-23-2008 at 08:59 AM.
    Aeneas - Boosterseat - Eulogy - Diminutive - Moths

  5. #5
    Developer DeadlyGazebo's Avatar
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    Post DCs for combat feats

    Quote Originally Posted by Twerpp View Post
    I have bug reported this in the past.

    The hotbar does not display the correct DC for stunning blow/trip attacks. It appears to take STR into account but not enhancements like WF or Dwarf Tactics and Fighter enhancements.

    BTW an eldritch recipe to add a lil stunning blow love to weapons would be much appreciated (slashers too )
    Is is a visual bug only (the bonuses are working when you actually make the attack); it's fixed in mod 7. The spell DCs being wrong (also a visual-only bug) that someone else mentioned is also fixed for mod 7.

    Recipies, those you should poke Eladrin about

  6. #6
    Stormreach Advisor

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aeneas View Post
    I believe stunning blow is currently the highest possible dc of anything in the game
    Improved trip will be higher since it is 14 base.

  7. #7
    Community Member Aeneas's Avatar
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    Whoa, 14 really?

    Did not know that imp trip got a higher dc than regular old trip - i thought it just allowed THE MAN to keep us down longer (by THE MAN i mean every animal in eberron.)
    Last edited by Aeneas; 04-23-2008 at 12:30 PM.
    Aeneas - Boosterseat - Eulogy - Diminutive - Moths

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by Aeneas View Post
    Whoa, 14 really?

    Did not know that imp trip got a higher dc than regular old trip - i thought it just allowed to THE MAN to keep us down longer (by THE MAN i mean every animal in eberron.)
    Nope, the DC is higher by... I want to say 3, and their timer for staying on their rear is longer also.

  9. #9
    Founder binnsr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aeneas View Post
    Whoa, 14 really?

    Did not know that imp trip got a higher dc than regular old trip - i thought it just allowed to THE MAN to keep us down longer (by THE MAN i mean every animal in eberron.)
    kind of fun to 'Suggest' wargs in TR with my l6 sorc and watch them trip spiders

  10. #10
    Community Member Darth_Sizzle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aeneas View Post
    Whoa, 14 really?

    Did not know that imp trip got a higher dc than regular old trip - i thought it just allowed to THE MAN to keep us down longer (by THE MAN i mean every animal in eberron.)
    I also thought this, good to know otherwise

  11. #11
    Community Member Twerpp's Avatar
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    Apr 2006


    Thanks DG! I will attempt to summon the favor of the recipe gods as well!

  12. #12
    Community Member Twerpp's Avatar
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    Apr 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Aeneas View Post
    I believe stunning blow is currently the highest possible dc of anything in the game (that has a dc check). it needs no help. If anything, please make stunning blow only useable while sneaking (jerks).

    10 fighter/6 barb dwarf

    10 base
    +18 str mod (all those rage reasons and what have you 46 isn't out of reach or all that hard to hit)
    +10 weighted 5% weapon
    +3 dwarven tactics
    +4 fighter strategy stunning blow enh
    DC 45 no spell resist (Even Jehovah is only making that save on a 20)
    Ok are you serious? A melee tactical feat you want only used by sneaking which is a cross-class skill? That makes no sense.
    Stunning blow is perfectly balanced in PvE, the save rate would surprise you, mobs (esp endgame) save A LOT (and yes with a 40ish DC even)! Probably has something to do with their constitution being in the 100's how else could mobs with d8's for hit dice have 800 hit points? Must be due to a very exceptional CON bonus! Or maybe a 500 false life item ? Oh yeah and very few people use +10 stunners throughout a PvE quest, the DPS is too low. Though I give props to the people who do spec bludgeon and roll like that consistently. I whip it out mainly for orange names simply because its way more stylish and impressive than a vorpal and everyone gets to see their 12 dice shroud weapons blow up FUN!

    You could make an argument for it being high in PvP but... a +10 stunner has lower DPS and usually +1 to hit. Bludgeon Weapons do less damage. And it works exceptionally well vs mages due to your low AC and fort saves....but guess what?? Casters have at least one spell per level that capitalizes on melee's weak will saves not to mention spell crits that damage for 800 which if your reflex saves are more than mediocre (another common melee weakness especially pure STR builds that would be likely to use stunning blow) you can save for half damage woot! only 400! So its more than balanced in PvP. Thats my side of the argument. Oh yeah theres no spell resist because its not a spell.

    Anyway I'm pretty certain fascinate has a much higher DC...if I could put 19 skill ranks and equip a +15 item to stun....that sir, would be overpowered.

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