Actually, Players just call them backpacks, when in reality, in-game it's called inventory. It's all just semantics, anyway...........
Actually, Players just call them backpacks, when in reality, in-game it's called inventory. It's all just semantics, anyway...........
Mmmmmmmmm.......Doughnuts! - Homer Simpson
Where things are stored, and how, should make a huge difference in the game!
Nobody should be carrying as much stuff as we are with our characters unless extradimensional space is involved- like the Portable Holes you get access to. But those Holes take a long time (relatively speaking) to get anything out of, to the point that nothing inside should be able to be put onto a hotbar. The upside is unless the Hole itself gets damaged items inside should be immune to damage.
Oh yeah, and don't put extradimensional spaces into extradimensional spaces!
I really do not care if my quiver is shown or not. In fact I would rather the video cards near me not be taxed with another graphic to render and keep track of, so blar. Don't show quivers.
I'm indifferent as to whether or not quivers are shown...but I'm absolutely thrilled to have them coming into the game.
My level 5 cleric has become an ammo mule for me. She has 4 tabs of inventory...and it's all slaying and greater slaying arrows and bolts with a few greater banes (Undead, Aberration, and Construct mainly) thrown in for good measure...arranged in an order that is logical to me.
I love me my slaying will be nice to be able to keep it back with the character that uses it again.
But I gotta say, Greater Gnoll slaying arrows and bolts are great in Shroud 4...and save the casters some manna.