LMAO ... why is it such a big deal? Those of you that fell for it did you not read closely and just saw the title and got up in arms? Sorry but I prefer playin with people that can read and have a clue of what is going on (well I do make an exception for Yaga but that is because I find his ranting funny). And anyone that actually takes the time to read that will realize it was just a joke. It will get pushed down just like everything else when they have something else to put up. Till then ... chill out maannnn, it's all goooodd.
Well, it was funny for all of the minute it took me to read it. I can see how people might be annoyed at seeing it up there since it should have been archived 04/02/08. Again:
1. Wasn't that funny to begin with
2. Shows a lack of updates to the home page
3. Presents the wrong impression of not only DDO but also Warforged and people who play Warforged.
"Good judgment comes from experience, and experience comes from bad judgment."
-Barry LePatner
Nothin ... just bored at work atm.
1. I agree it was not all that funny but did get a couple chuckles out of it. However I actually got A LOT of laughs at some of the reactions though.
2. DDO site has never had a lot of updates to it and if your just finding that out now because of this then ... /shrug.
3. Presents the wrong impression only to those that can't read (in my opinion because if you can't tell the "fly" feat and "super fly" feat are jokes then just, ummm, WOW dude seriously?) ... and if you are going to judge something just by its title then good go somewhere else ... I hear WoW is a great game hehe.
Well for those that can't take the humor..I'll post it again just for more flames LOL
What if it is real?
What if it is really gonna be in MOD7...
Like um...the joke's on us...
<yay...EsPrEsSo gets spinners!!!!>
Turbine? Is it for real?
Please pull it...as some of the posters still think it is detracting from our mission here...
Which is...
I have no clue!
...no...thats not right!
Last edited by Yvonne Blacksword; 04-28-2008 at 02:10 PM.
2. I know, but an April Fools joke announcement still up as May approaches is rather glaring to new people checking out DDO.
3. The whole thing was inane humor that poked fun of a subset of people and a character race for the game. The impression I speak of is that Warforged are for a subset of people who might enjoy playing WoW. A subset that calls random strangers "dude" and use words like "playah" not one that typically sounds very intelligent. This implied indirectly that certain types of people like to play Warforged. Since a vast majority of the DDO population seems to already have the impression that Warforged are played by 12-year-olds and/or idiots we really didn't need to make a joke about it, did we? View the recent thread where someone exclaims that they were surprised to play with some WF who were good players.
Last edited by Mercules; 04-28-2008 at 03:16 PM.
"Good judgment comes from experience, and experience comes from bad judgment."
-Barry LePatner
3. No all it was was a play on the show "pimp your ride". Warforged and cars are both machines which is why they picked warforged (note how they are often refered to as toasters and such). Then they used words like "playah" because that is the type of lingo associated with the show. People just read WAY to much into it and took it ALOT farther than it was ment to go. But with these types of games you do get a LOT of people that are just WAY to sensative and take things WAY to personally. And as far as stereotypes go try looking at rangers specially before the shroud came out (and yes I know there are others as well).
Yes... I am aware of the Pimp my Truck, Pimp my Ride, Pimp my (insert random inanimate object here). I -got- the joke. That doesn't mean it was really funny at all. WF are NOT machines. Construct does not = machines. They are not robots, machines, or anything of the sort and quite frankly the type of people who believe they are tend to be the type of people others complain like to play them poorly.
It was a dumb joke, but it was the day for dumb jokes. It is now well past the day of dumb jokes, can we please move on?
"Good judgment comes from experience, and experience comes from bad judgment."
-Barry LePatner
To me it's just another example of Tubine missing the mark.
Yeah, your right. It's not a big deal. It's just a little thing but...
Little things like marketing, website maintenance, updating, advertising, etc all seem to fall off the map with DDO. (not to mention Q&A, patch testing, etc)
Check out any other MMORPG's website and you will be greeted with recent news, updates, and the latest content.
We get: Module 7 update- "Warforged Pimps" for a cute immature April Fools joke that remains the only update for a month and gives the wrong impression to potential and current consumers.
Defend it all you want. It should be wayyyyy gone by now.
CAN WE AT LEAST?........................