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  1. #1
    Community Member Largo_Kyber's Avatar
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    Thumbs down Warforged Pimps are getting old

    Dear Devs,

    Ok. The joke was funny on April 1st. Unfortunately, it has remained the main and first headline that someone reads when they log on to the DDO website. I referred a friend of mine to try out the game last week. He read that article and immediately got very afraid of playing something that is so anti-D&D. He decided not to download the trial. LOL! I have since explained that fact that it was a joke but i'm sure it has confused others who have read it. Since it does not have "April Fools" written anywhere in the post and is now well beyond anyone thinking of April Fools, isn't it time to remove it or at least add "April Fools" to the post?


  2. #2
    Founder Xalted_Vol's Avatar
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    Thumbs down Signed

    Change it already

  3. #3
    Founder & Hero Big_Russ's Avatar
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    Thumbs down

    Yeah, it was almost funny for a day. Then it stopped.

  4. #4
    Community Member Venar's Avatar
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    Oh no, the game has one less player with no sense of humor.
    Seriously, the devs here are merry campers that pull silly jokes all the time, and the game/forum is filled with hidden jokes, funnies, and puns.
    Looking for Ham?
    Wish Cakes?
    Candy Canes?
    Eebil Stenck the Troll?
    The Necropolis Tombstones?
    Otto's discoball of dancing?

    and the mightiest of all...


    Now, if you expect a game with Mentau the Fleshmaker to be almighty serious... you need a reality check.
    Chill man, it's just a game.
    Or did you find a Disco Ball to be immersive with a fantasy world?

  5. #5
    Community Member Milolyen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Venar View Post
    Oh no, the game has one less player with no sense of humor.
    Seriously, the devs here are merry campers that pull silly jokes all the time, and the game/forum is filled with hidden jokes, funnies, and puns.
    Looking for Ham?
    Wish Cakes?
    Candy Canes?
    Eebil Stenck the Troll?
    The Necropolis Tombstones?
    Otto's discoball of dancing?

    and the mightiest of all...


    Now, if you expect a game with Mentau the Fleshmaker to be almighty serious... you need a reality check.
    Chill man, it's just a game.
    Or did you find a Disco Ball to be immersive with a fantasy world?
    you forgot to mention the tip

    "Good, Bad, I'm the guy with the +5 shocking heavy repeater" (can't remember the exact wording but you know the one)

    But ya the game is full of stuff like that and alot of them crack me up every time I see them.

    Then I can also see the other side of it. I mean HOW DARE THEY take something so SERIOUS as this game in such a JOKEING MANNER. I mean come on we can't have any FUN while we are putting in ALL THIS WORK into a video game. /sarcasm off

    I actually thought the devs where putting together something like a WF fashion show or something when I first saw the "pimp my warforge" thing on the login/server select screen and it didn't even dawn on me it was an early (for my time) april fools joke till I saw that thread of alot of people takeing it seriously ... now that REALLY cracked me up.


  6. #6
    Community Member Yvonne_Blacksword's Avatar
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    I was just hoping to get some new docent skins out of it...

    Maybe something with little angel wings...

    a spiked docent where the spikes are long and floppy like fur.

    a spiked docent that has spikes that get longer and shorter...undulate sort of.

    fairy/insect wings?

    little propellers...wait! no...bad can of worms...sorry!

  7. #7
    Community Member Citymorg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yvonne Blacksword View Post
    I was just hoping to get some new docent skins out of it...

    Maybe something with little angel wings...

    a spiked docent where the spikes are long and floppy like fur.

    a spiked docent that has spikes that get longer and shorter...undulate sort of.

    fairy/insect wings?

    little propellers...wait! no...bad can of worms...sorry!
    I would love to see a fur docent! A Greater Docent of Wookie?

  8. #8
    Community Member Largo_Kyber's Avatar
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    Oh no, the game has one less player with no sense of humor.
    Seriously, the devs here are merry campers that pull silly jokes all the time, and the game/forum is filled with hidden jokes, funnies, and puns.
    Looking for Ham?
    Wish Cakes?
    Candy Canes?
    Eebil Stenck the Troll?
    The Necropolis Tombstones?
    Otto's discoball of dancing?

    and the mightiest of all...


    Now, if you expect a game with Mentau the Fleshmaker to be almighty serious... you need a reality check.
    Chill man, it's just a game.
    Or did you find a Disco Ball to be immersive with a fantasy world?
    You miss the point. I think its funny and I enjoy all the merry pranks the devs play. Did I ever say anything about expecting the game to be more serious? I just think it could do with a "April Fools" at the end of the post if it going to remain the headline article on DDO's website.

    Incidently, my friend told me he read the post too quickly and actually thought they had given the power of flight to the warforged. He neglected to read the spell description of "Fly" and "Super Fly".

  9. #9
    Community Member Yshkabibble's Avatar
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    I for one would like to see the removal of all humor from the game, including, but not limited to Menthos the Fleshmaker. I cannot do the quest without the need for a mint.
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  10. 04-22-2008, 01:42 PM


  11. #10
    Community Member Rameses's Avatar
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    I am just amazed that it would seam that people don't like the Roleplaying garbage.
    Argonnessen's only Halfling Paragon.

  12. #11
    Founder Hvymetal's Avatar
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    No. Warforged pimps do not get old, you will always be my ........
    R.I.P. E.G.G. 3/4/08

  13. #12
    The Hatchery sirgog's Avatar
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    This was vaguely funny on April 1st, but that's sooo 3 weeks ago.
    I don't have a zerging problem.

    I'm zerging. That's YOUR problem.

  14. #13
    Community Member parvo's Avatar
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    I never found it funny. Maybe it appeals to the < 18 crowd. Another example of DDO missing it's natural demographic.
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  15. #14
    Community Member Yvonne_Blacksword's Avatar
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    definately in the >18 group...and I got it...
    I finally got WF a year ago...

    I get the pimp my animated inanimate object...

    Besides...the whole idea of tricking out your AUTO with videogames and fur...(something I think they did regularly in the series pimp my ride)

    Is an adolescent dream no adult would actually get caught dead with.

    The fact that stereotypically the warforged choice for race is <11 crowd...It has taken many of us more mature players with
    a WF fettish more time than is reasonable to burn off that stigma of playing a "kids's choice character" and prove that no matter what we will work.

    I mean...just watch them WF run...something about the way they flop their feet when they run and the fact they all look kinda like they are wearing jumpsuits...

    Makes me think bunny ears are the last thing they need to make them look like the big kids running around in footed PJ's...

    smacking things with big sticks...

    So..since it makes me feel like a kid to play my many WF...(mostly

    I think the Pimp my Warforged...was not only appropriate, but a way for us grown ups playing a game..(and games...truly are designed for kids...sorry...we should have better things to do as adults than play games...but I do not...)

    to laugh at ourselves...once again...for taking a game too seriously, for taking anything posted on the internet to seriously,

    for taking ourselves too seriously...

    Last edited by Yvonne Blacksword; 04-23-2008 at 10:42 AM.

  16. #15
    Community Member Madhatternynja2007's Avatar
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    Yvonne I have to agree with you, but only on the last part. Life is too serious, don't take everything so seriously. But I do have to ask how "games" are for kids. People are only as old as they let themselves be. Where is the kid inside of you all?

  17. #16
    Community Member GlassCannon's Avatar
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    Default It wasn't funny

    But I accepted it as being a joke geared toward the younger crowd.

    It should not have remained on the front page(which I bypass every day with a direct forum link) for more than 1 day, however.

  18. #17
    Relic of the Last War
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    Post I laugh and roll to see if I'm feeling happy

    Quote Originally Posted by parvo View Post
    I never found it funny. Maybe it appeals to the < 18 crowd. Another example of DDO missing it's natural demographic.
    I think the demographics are older, but the adults are big kids and we all enjoyed our DM Magic. I think it's greaty and funny about Pimp My Warforged. bit April Fools was 23 days ago. They could change it to be current. It's only 1 day -- it's not like it's Fall, Spring or Yuletide.

  19. #18
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    Well they fooled me. They did add PvP so why not pimping warforged? There are a lot of kids that play this game. That and there are reasons why WOW is so successful. I'm glad to hear it was a joke but this game is still better than WOW even with the obvious wowing of the game. If it keeps the game going I can over look it. As long as they don't make it too wowish.

  20. #19
    Community Member Slap_Happy's Avatar
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    Default hooked on phonic

    Quote Originally Posted by Largo Kyber View Post
    You miss the point. I think its funny and I enjoy all the merry pranks the devs play. Did I ever say anything about expecting the game to be more serious? I just think it could do with a "April Fools" at the end of the post if it going to remain the headline article on DDO's website.

    Incidently, my friend told me he read the post too quickly and actually thought they had given the power of flight to the warforged. He neglected to read the spell description of "Fly" and "Super Fly".
    maybe he should read before he makes a decision that something is way un D&D

  21. #20
    Community Member Largo_Kyber's Avatar
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    It's now been a month with no updates to the main page of DDO's website.

    The Warforged Pimps joke is not funny anymore especially since it is under the heading "Module 7 Feature Preview".

    How about actually putting up a "Module 7 Feature Preview" with monks or something that will actually exist in game?

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