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Thread: Knock Knock

  1. #21
    Community Member dameron's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MysticTheurge View Post
    Except in D&D, crafting items costs real, significant resources.

    So even choosing to do this, you're giving up something else you could be having instead.
    Crafting items can cost real, significant resources, however crafting a 2nd level spell scroll at caster level 3 doesn't for any mid to high level caster.

    Knock scrolls = 2 × 3 × 25 = 125/2 = 64 gp and 5 xp

    Cheap and easy. Every wizard with Knock in their spellbook can create them for a pittance.

    I wouldn't blink an eye if a 16th level wizard had a ready supply of knock scrolls, say 3-5 per adventure. Why wouldn't they, barring carrying even better magic (Passwall and such)?

  2. #22


    Just skip the chests. The real treasure of Stormcleave is the xp. The more chests you open, the more bad loot you have clogging up your inventory spots. Just zerge it real quick a few times, and in a few days, when you are level 14, you may loot something decent.

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  3. #23


    Quote Originally Posted by dameron View Post
    Crafting items can cost real, significant resources, however crafting a 2nd level spell scroll at caster level 3 doesn't for any mid to high level caster.

    Knock scrolls = 2 × 3 × 25 = 125/2 = 64 gp and 5 xp

    Cheap and easy. Every wizard with Knock in their spellbook can create them for a pittance.

    I wouldn't blink an eye if a 16th level wizard had a ready supply of knock scrolls, say 3-5 per adventure. Why wouldn't they, barring carrying even better magic (Passwall and such)?
    Yeah but even 180 to 320 gps is a few more cure potions you don't have. Resources matter in D&D in a way that they don't in DDO.
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  4. #24
    Community Member dameron's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MysticTheurge View Post
    Yeah but even 180 to 320 gps is a few more cure potions you don't have. Resources matter in D&D in a way that they don't in DDO.
    Yes, but I think you're greatly overstating it. Knock is a low level spell and particularly cheap.

    Besides, carrying "Knock" would likely pay for itself in PnP if you consider one of its most common uses is to access other people's loot.
    Last edited by dameron; 04-22-2008 at 02:15 PM.

  5. #25
    Community Member ahpook's Avatar
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    Knock could use some work. There are too many times where knock will never work with no way to get your DC up.

    You can up the DC of the spell (or make it so it always works) and then restrict by requiring a costly non-stacking spell component to simulate the spell slot issue of using it in PnP.

    No mage is ever going to carry more than a few of them. Heck, make the components have "skill values" and charge 100gp * skill value (with min levels for using them). Want to pick that DC 40 lock, you will have to carry a 40 skill (or better) component which cost 4000 gp. Now wiz's and sorcerers can knock any lock but it might not be worth it for them both in cost and inventory space.

  6. #26
    Founder Hvymetal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hambo View Post
    Real easy solution... Have a Rogue in your party. As to the "availablity" of Rogues for higher level quests and raids being an issue: Don't make me laugh. I have 5 rogues, levels 6,7,13,15 and 16 and very seldom have seen raids actually looking for a rogue. In fact some groups seem to think a rogue is a waste of space.

    /not signed on OP's idea.

    I play several Rogues, you would be suprised at how many parties already don't want Rogues as it is folks, menwhile you hardly ever see a party without arcane casters with no arcane casters up in the LFM such is not often the case with Rogues.....
    R.I.P. E.G.G. 3/4/08

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