Chests should have a "Done" button that closes the window and unassigns your loot.
That way, others in the group can pick through the unassigned loot and grab what they want.
Chests should have a "Done" button that closes the window and unassigns your loot.
That way, others in the group can pick through the unassigned loot and grab what they want.
Seems more efficient to just ask, "Does anyone want this?"
If they do, you've got the ability to pass it over to them.
If they don't, just leave it in the chest.
Having a "done" option just makes for people standing around at the chests, hounding and waiting for items to be unassigned, and getting questions like, "You gonna use that?" popping up more often.
In my opinion, waste of time. :x Just re-assign it to a friend, or a group member who needs it, or just leave it in the chest as it doesn't have any value to you (So it makes sense you just wouldn't take it.).
My two copper.
Thelanis - Warforged Shield of the <Fellowship of the Golden Night>
Please Dev´s. Pay no attention to this programming request.
If you check other threads you´ll definitely find better and more useful things to repair / improve like the Ladder Bug, Lag Issues, etc....
"Multi-Classing: If you don't know what you are doing...please don't do it."
Arkkanoz / Barbarrus / BoarAxe / Bruttus / Dahlamaar / Dexxaan / Dominattrix / Gregorius / Inquisittor / Mechanikkus / Predattor / Suntzzu / Valkeerya
That is completely backwards.
Clicking one button to get rid of everything you don't want is incomprably more efficient than being called back to a chest you've already left behind.
Absolutely wrong. The option of "done" or "unassign all" would mean there is LESS need to stand around looking at other people's stuff in a chest, because a player who decides he doesn't want to take something can press one icon to release it to the group, rather than having to stop and ask around who would be interested in it.
For example, gems. Most players don't bother picking them up, but some do. The players who don't like gems could use that feature to rapidly give them away to whoever cares about them. Currently, the sale price of gems is so low that it isn't worth the time to stop and ask if anyone wants some.
The degree of difficulty to "add one button to a window" versus "solve client-server network animation discrepancy (without introducing opportunities to exploit)" is not even remotely close.
One of those tasks is hard, and one isn't. The guy who adds a button to the window might not even know how to begin fixing lag issues.
Last edited by Angelus_dead; 04-21-2008 at 05:56 PM.
Not to mention...
Drop down list - PERSON A
Drop down list - PERSON A
Drop Down list -PERSON A
Drop Down List PERSON B
Whoops man, sorry but I just assigned that to the wrong person. Oh and he's already three rooms ahead while I was fooling with drop down lists.
See, maybe it's just me, but taking the initiative to. . . If the person has run ahead, of course. . . Take the stuff out of the chest and say, "Hey, I got something for you" is much easier than, "Dang, he's 8.3 seconds ahead. Well, oh well. *Done.*" only to hear, "Well, hell, man, I wanted that!" because you didn't want to take the time to click their name and call them back, or be a generous person, loot it for them, and deliver it to them.
As for the "absolutely wrong", we've got different viewpoints here, I think. What you've got is the viewpoint of, "Ok, I don't want it, so I'll un-assign it all", if I'm reading it right. I'm seeing it from the point of view of, "Can my group use it?" I'll gladly stand around a chest and distribute stuff, if at least one person wants it.
Most of the time, though, your scenario seems to be the accurate one--people are in way too much of a rush. Which is exactly what this requests rings of, to me, which is one reason I said no.
Still, though. . .
This sounds like a waste of time, to me. So now we've got a button that will drop all names from the item, and it's up for grabs. . . What's the point of the dropdown system, then? And then we've got another window of, "Hey, do you wanna do this? You sure?", which are annoying after the fourth or fifth time, when you know you're absolutely sure. . .
Like Dexxaan said, though not in his words, there are more important things, I think, that the developers could get around to. An "un-assign all this junk" button just feels dead last in the list of wants, to me.
More two copper. . . I'm gonna be broke soon.
Thelanis - Warforged Shield of the <Fellowship of the Golden Night>
Agree completely with the OP. 'Nuff said.
In the immortal words of Socrates: "I drank what?"
Agree! This is in addition to, not replacement of - the current system.
Sometimes, it'd be nice to reassign something specifically to a person. In which case, I would do that, then click the "Done" button.
This also cleans up one more aspect of the game. If I am late getting to a chest (and that happens quite a bit if I have to be run to a resurrection shrine) there are many times that the group is way ahead or already zoned out / group dropped.
And there have been times that I would also like to have picked up something they felt was useless. (+4 healer's kits for example)
I could ask them back in and sometimes have for certain stuff, but if the player base got used to clicking "done" (which is part of the reason it should also close the window - so it's not annoying to do) then I'd get there and just pick it up.
Hell, add a "unassigned from PLAYER C" message if you'd like and I can even thank them for leaving it behind.
That doesn't make sense. If you click DONE, then some other player can take it. Naturally, the person who takes it will be someone who wants it. What do you care if player 4 takes it instead of player 2? Maybe you mean one player wants to take it to use, and the other is just going to sell it to a vendor. In that situation, they can simply talk about it and trade it between each other at some later point in time.
So instead of going forward and helping the other 4 or 11 members of the quest/raid, you think it's better to hang back and help the one player who wants that item.
The dropdown system is for the rare situation when you want to assign an item to one specific character, and you are unable to simply loot it yourself and pass it in trade. The "Done" button would be for the common, everyday situation where you get something in a chest and don't want to take it.
No. There is nothing about the suggestion which would add more annoying windows.
Ok, yeah. In addition to? I suppose I could deal with that. I'd never use it, of course. . . I just guess I don't like the thought of the unassign all. To me, it feels like you're just leaving the crumbs for the slow people (Which isn't to say they still aren't getting their own loot).
If the button wasn't in the way (So the interface doesn't change much). . . I guess it'd be nice. But I'm still gonna stick it at the bottom of my little list. :x
My two copper. *Has no money for food now.* *Sniff.*
Thelanis - Warforged Shield of the <Fellowship of the Golden Night>
Except for the previously mentioned--
--so if it didn't have a confirmation, how do you know you might not try to assign it to person B, accidentally unassign it all, and now person C gobbles it all up?
Also, thank you for assuming that I don't like to help out the party. I appreciate that. I love to help the group. But I also love to be able to personally hand someone an item, because I don't want to look like I'm rushing off and forgetting about them if they've already taken off, or are having problems finding the chest. I like to help out everyone in the team, even the stragglers. . . But again, thank you for assuming that "of going forward and helping the other 4 or 11 members of the quest/raid, I think it's better to hang back and help the one player who wants that item."
I've said my pieces, really. So, I'll leave it at that. Plus, I'm out of two coppers.I had originally thought this was meant as a replacement to the dropdown, but if it means in addition to, I have no problem with it. Still not fond of it, but no problem with it.
Thelanis - Warforged Shield of the <Fellowship of the Golden Night>
The problem described is that you're trying to give it to that person and now have forced someone else to give it to them who may not even be around.
Unassigning it guarantees they can take it, unless someone else does, but if someone insists on taking thief's tools over the rogue and not giving them over, you have larger issues at hand anyway.
Most players wouldn't be a jerk about things. Nor do I think those who would be should dictate that a feature is no good. =)
But I'm glad you at least came to terms with it, even if you didn't embrace it.
Yeah. :3 I was thinking, like I said, the whole idea that I thought you mean replace the dropdown. And to be honest. . . After thinking about it over dinner. . . There are other ideas I've seen that are worse than this. So it isn't as low as I'd guess it is. :P
*Stops posting here before the Cube or Tolero think he's loitering--Seriously, this time. XD* There's no sign, but let's just be safe.
Thelanis - Warforged Shield of the <Fellowship of the Golden Night>
I kind of like this idea. I can't count how many times my fighter has gotten a chest full of scrolls. I like to give out what I don't want and a button to release would be nice.
The other night I was in a group with two clerics. Got a Mnemonic pot in a chest a transfered it to the cleric with the lowest mana points. Told him three times he had a pot in the chest. He never went back to get it, all the while the other cleric was looking at it in the chest. It would not of gone to waste if it were released.
Being one of the "slow" guys, I would love to have some crumbs left in the chest for me (like the +4 arrows that are always left behind). Since my repair bills are so high, I take all that I can carry. I just hate to ask someone "hey, don't want all those gems?", especially if they already left the room.
I just feel better after a quest when I leave with all my slots and bags full.
Flame on!
Stackhouse ~ Fighter/Ranger 14/2, Dhyanisis ~ Cleric 16, Belok De Spoc ~ Rogue 16, Lucern ~ Barbarian/Ranger 9/2, Amedeus ~ Sorcerer 12/Bard 1, Blastard ~ Ranger 16
then they would have to take even more time to add in a confirmation "ok" pop up after clicking done.. I agree with the first couple replies
fix what's important..
I'm not sure what you're suggesting here. Are you suggesting that if a player clicks 'done', their items become available to everyone, and the fastest clicker wins? That really seems like a bad idea. I wouldn't mind seeing a 'send all' button so you could send all your items to one player in one easy click, but I think it'd be pretty low on the priority list.
Dear Posters;
Reality sucks. Fantasy games are a great way to escape reality. So please stop forcing reality into our fantasy discussions. We certainly don't need the reminder.
Thanks for your understanding
Why exactly would this be a bad thing? Because griefers could come in and steal the jacinths and nightshield scrolls that someone else wanted. The same jacinths and nightshield scrolls that didn't even fall for either player?
When I have a bunch of crud in my treasure chest, and it's not even worth me pulling it out of the chest, I'm not sure why other people think it's worth twice as much of my time to swap it over to them when I wouldnt even get the measely amount of loot for it. Jacinth, drop down, send to player A. Bloodstone drop down, send to player A, etc.
A change like this might actually make it so someone gets my gems and they don't rot there.